Posted on Jun 12, 2020
Transgender Health Protections Reversed By Trump Administration
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 2
Lovely, guess I need to make sure I don't get into a car accident, or else I'll end up like Tyra Hunter in 95 in DC.
A1C Amber Planting
Yeah, like it's a choice to be a transphobe. Unlike being transgender, which is not a choice. And we deserve to have equal and proper access to medical care without being discriminated against. Trans people have DIED because emergency staff refused to treat and save their lives after car accidents and such. In making that choice, they should face the consequences of losing their licenses and going to jail for murder.
MSG Andrew Whitish
Everyone has a story. Tyra Hunter is a good example of prejudice in action. One case did a lot to change the DC EMS and hospital staff. But, one incident does not a systemic cause make. I only wish you had been given the opportunity to study civics and history in school instead of social justice. You might have learned that at one time or another in our (US) history, Some group of people have been treated in violation of basic human rights. Did you realize that the last slaves in American were not the African Americans? It was the Irish who were sold into indentured servitude until the 1900's. I am totally for equal access, but this article is not about that, it is about more access to federal monies.
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