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Responses: 5
Lt Col Charlie Brown
I truly hope this does not come to pass. What has already been done to former President Trump is outside the bounds of proper lawful behavior.
Maj John Bell
Maj John Bell
>1 y
I think, better now than some October surprise in 2024. But, if they fail now, expect the October surprise.
Cpl Benjamin Long
Cpl Benjamin Long
>1 y
From what I have seen from the evidence, the quality of evidence to thier accusation would likely exude an acquittal because thier claims are ridiculous, and the fight over voit dire will be legendary,
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MSgt Steve Sweeney
Edited >1 y ago
Are implying Donald Trump is above the law, or should be? If he has committed crimes, should he not be held accountable? I know you will reflexively say that he didn't, but you can bet that the people putting together the criminal case have dotted their i's and crossed their t's. ... Not that it will matter one iota to those enthralled to Donald Trump. But ask yourself, "What if he did commit crimes"?

I understand the mindset is sort of like rooting for a favorite sports team, and people have made their camps and insist their side has done nothing wrong and all of the problems are caused by other people. It is always someone else's fault. What I don't understand is the fawning loyalty for someone so obviously self-absorbed and self-serving. You would think his followers at some point would get upset about all the lies and misinformation they have spread, and then propagated in his name, but no. No amount of grift, no amount of verifiable lying or disingenuous behavior seem to penetrate the hold Donald Trump has on otherwise intelligent people. And the less intelligent don't stand a chance.... SAD!
Cpl Benjamin Long
Cpl Benjamin Long
>1 y
your implications are a passive-agressive means based on an assumption guilt, despite you means to cloak it in neutrality. You analogy on sports teams can be assigned to yourself, since you support for a particular team is well documented, hence the passive-agressive snipe in your thesis statement,
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Capt Gregory Prickett
What is even worse is when a political party condones and defends someone who has committed crimes, in an effort to keep him from being accountable for his own crimes. I never thought that I would see integrity and honor become meaningless to that party and its members, to the point that they would do anything to gain power.
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