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Responses: 18
CPO Greg Frazho
Is it now? As opposed to the Obama family's frequent trips to Hawaii, shopping trips to Europe and China? Costs of $100 million dollars, including a vacation just before Obama left office, followed by another one to the Caribbean after he left office?
CPO Greg Frazho
PO1 Sara Grey
PO1 Sara Grey
8 y
Japanese tech giant SoftBank pour $50 billion into the U.S creating 50000 due to President Trump he has a lot to do with a lot of companies staying as well maybe not all but a good bit and not only that bringing new companies here. He did save carrier jobs .Union workers got a letter at the plant saying Trump's deal with Carrier will save only 730 factory jobs in Indianapolis, plus 70 salaried positions.

Dont know where you are getting your information must be those news media outlets that well tend to not report the truth.

So one you posted first about his trips. Well as the ranch in crawford TX, Camp David was considered the western white house. Mar-A-Lago is Trumps second white house I think he is calling it the winter white house . I guess Martha vineyard would be Obama's lol but the difference is Bush owned his and Trump owns his so no money is spent on renting a place out and they are not on vacation they are working.

he’ll be the fourth to make a South Florida residence a second White House and out of those four I want to say it was JFk but could of been Nixon that dubbed his on FL tge winter white house
PO1 Sara Grey
PO1 Sara Grey
8 y
Dubbed there property in FL the Winter White House
PO1 Sara Grey
PO1 Sara Grey
8 y
People need to get over there issues with our President he is our President our Commander in Chief. Give him a chance he is doing great. Yes maybe he needs to stay off the tweeter feed but hey its kind of like Reagan he did a weekly radio cast to talk directly to the PUBLIC so the media couldnt twist what was going on. The man deserves better than what the left is doing to him. He is doing exactly what he promised to do on the campaign trail. I know its hard to believe an elected official doing what he promised. As I have said before he told us what he was going to do so why is tye snowflakes acting so suprised and like he didnt say anything and just did it. They had time to prepare, I mean after all the time they got off and puppies to pet and crayons to color you would think alright its time to put my big boy/girl pants on and be a productive American.

I am glad we have a PRESIDENT who cares about America and its citizens. One that takes pride in America and is putting America first. We deserve to be first our veterans deserve to be taken care of before the refugees and other countries.
This man will work for the people and he will work everyday for us. He has only been in office 40days. What I am going to say is find your information from other sources besides primetime media look at foreign outlets there are some that report on the US more truthful than ours do. That goes also if you are looking to see what is really going on in other countries. Look everyone has at there finger tips to find the real truth, you can also look up the exuctive orders and read what they actually say and interpret yourself. Educate yourself on truth and facts not what is fed to you
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CSM Michael Chavaree
What does this article have to do with bettering myself or my unit? I can find these articles on facebook, I thought this site was unique... guess not
TSgt Cyber Systems Operations
TSgt (Join to see)
8 y
Unfortunately RP has devolved to a place Political bickering, but from my observations is the same people every time, so maybe there is a way to not see posts started by these trolls.
SGT Matthew Sesar
SGT Matthew Sesar
8 y
That's what I've been thinking this entire time. If I wanted to go in Facebook, I would have a face book account.
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SGT Ben Keen
Okay PO2 Robert M., I think we get it, you are not a Trump supporter. I'm waiting for the day that the media writes a report about how Trump has gone to the bathroom in such a way that cost Americans something. It is no secret that a lot of money is spent on the President's travels, all at the taxpayer expense.
LTC Multifunctional Logistician
LTC (Join to see)
8 y
PO2 Robert M. - I agree with that.
PO2 Robert M.
PO2 Robert M.
8 y
SGT Ben Keen - ROGER THAT!!!!
They should take the "company" plane - The Trump one I mean!, and use their OWN security when doing BUSINESS!!!! Now they are on their way to Dubai to open another Hotel!
PO2 Robert M.
PO2 Robert M.
8 y
SFC Jim Ruether -
"Obama-related travel expenses totaled nearly $97 million over eight years.
But based on the first four weeks, Trump’s presidency appears on track to cost hundreds of millions of dollars more, $500,000 a day for NEW YORK alone, an amount that could reach $183 million a year" to secure Mrs Trump (FLOTUS) & Baron. ! ! !
SGT Ben Keen
SGT Ben Keen
8 y
PO2 Robert M. - It is an interesting grey area for sure. One on hand the Service Service is charged to protect the first family but then agian we have never anything like this. I will say that maybe a good workaround is them flying in the company plane when doing official business for the Trump Company and allowing their Service Detail to fly on it with them. Seems to be the best for all parties.
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