Posted on Jun 28, 2017
Trump, Republicans look for Plan B after health care collapse - Reuters TV
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 7
I wish someone would get the message to them: Just rescind the ACA. Don't do anything else. Idiots.
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
They could not even get as far as they did this time if they tried that, Losing more from the moderates than they gain from the loons. They also could not get a Presidential Signature
The Current bill has 17% support do you want to try for single digits.
The Current bill has 17% support do you want to try for single digits.
SSgt Gary Andrews
They have been promising for too long to repeal and replace.......and Trump promised a plan that would be so much better, and so much cheaper, and would cover everyone. It was going to be so why don't they just go with Trump's plan?
1stSgt Nelson Kerr
We democrats appreciate the thought But most of us would be unwilling to let people die just st the republicans can self destruct. the curent reoublican plan is thought of as too harsh by a vast majority of the public and even the Current President thinks it is mean,
SGT David A. 'Cowboy' Groth
(Join to see) - that would work if they can get their heads out of the rears, and get on the same page.
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