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Responses: 2
CPT Battalion S 1 Oic
A presidential term is 1,461 days, Sir. I don't see what the big deal about the first 100 of those is. I think the nation should hold on a little bit and see what happens.
MAJ Bryan Zeski
MAJ Bryan Zeski
8 y
I didn't set the 100-day benchmark - it just seems to be how people start the measuring stick.

On that note about benchmarks, however, at what point would it be reasonable to begin to assess the progress towards new American Greatness? Do we really need to wait until the term is over to look at it? If not at the beginning, and not the end... then when?
MCPO Roger Collins
MCPO Roger Collins
8 y
I suppose that depends on how you see greatness. It sure wasn't seen by a sufficient number of us to elect his chosen successor. As I recall he said this past election was a referendum on his policies, one thing I agree with him on 100%.
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MCPO Roger Collins
That wouldn't fit the resistance narrative. Far better to spew venom.
SSgt Gary Andrews
SSgt Gary Andrews
8 y
Just wondering.....because I just got involved with RP this year.....I see a lot of comments about hating Trump and spewing venom.....is this something RP is just seeing for the first time? Was there no hate speech and venom spewed in the direction of Obama over the past several years on RP? I really am curious......can someone that has been on the site for a few years tell me if it was all kisses and flowers for our last POTUS on here? The implication seems to be that this is only something that those nasty snowflake liberals engage in.......hard for me to believe that.
MAJ Bryan Zeski
MAJ Bryan Zeski
8 y
I was looking for serious answers... but apparently there are none to be found.
MCPO Roger Collins
MCPO Roger Collins
8 y
There was never such an open season on Obama to this level because anything of the nature of the attacks on his personal appearance would have been considered racist, anyone that said anything against Michelle or his girls was hands off or racist, most of the right attacked his policies, not him personally. When he first started campaigning, I told my wife, finally, the Democrats have a good candidate, then he spent eight years proving me wrong. Absolutely no where near type and tenor we see today, particularly by SMs and vets.
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