Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 12
Welfare is a good cause, but it has become fodder for the corrupt and many are affected due to it's abuse. Oversight is elementary, yet it is absent or inactive. Best is to 're-establish with stringent rules that are enforced with close oversight and independent audits.
I spent 23 years working in the field of social services prior to my retirement. I can tell you that there are a great many misconceptions out there about welfare. People say recipients should have to work....there are work requirements, and sanctions if you are not meeting them. People say life on welfare is easy street.....it's not......grants levels have been cut again and again over the past several years. The typical grant does not even cover the cost of rent and utilities......let alone the other necessities of life. People say that recipients stay on welfare because they are lazy. The fact is that most people use it as it was intended......as a temporary assistance to help them get by until they can get back on their feet. Many people that apply have had an event beyond their control happen to them, such as the loss of a job due to a business closure, or a failed marriage that left a woman alone with no resources and her children to raise, or an illness or injury that made it impossible for them to work. People say there is rampant fraud, and nothing is done about it. It's not rampant, but fraud does occur......and there are cases referred for fraud investigation to D.A. investigators......and people are convicted. It doesn't make front page news, so most people never hear of it......but it happens. People say the churches should handle this, not the government......but the need is too great, especially in tough economic times, for the churches to provide for families to sustain themselves. The government is the only entity with the resources and expertise to get the job done properly. Is the system perfect? No....there is still room to improve it.....but when it is needed, it can literally save a family from total disaster. We should all be glad there is a safety net.......because there, but for the grace of God, go we. A lot of people that have needed welfare, never expected to need it. Everyone can point to someone who is abusing the system, or have heard of someone who is abusing the system, but for each of those folks, I can point to hundreds who have been helped through tough times and then got back on track and left the program successfully.
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