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Responses: 11
MAJ Ken Landgren
Some fools will say 500,000 deaths were expected so the country and Trump are doing a great job. Perverted logic at its best.
Sgt Print Journalist
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4 y
SSgt Joseph Baptist - You are correct that the numbers have been inflated. I’ve repeatedly heard that there’s up to 50% false COVID positives and “COVID deaths” have been falsified. My spouse is heavily involved with medical organizations (due to ongoing surgeries/ issues) so Ive chatted w various staff (From different places)who’ve told me they personally knew a case, friend or relative who died in a definitely nonCovid state and were labeled a COVID death. If this is happening in Michigan, it must be occurring in other states. Money is a factor.
A lot of Michiganders aren’t falling for the frightful “pandemic” label anymore, and 60,000 petitioners (Unlock Michigan) have gathered almost the threshold of signatures desired to remove from Governor Whitmer her unfettered emergency EO power from a 1945 law.
MAJ Ken Landgren
MAJ Ken Landgren
4 y
Do you folks really believe Trump would permit inflation of the numbers considering his propensity to under play the pandemic, and he wants to look good for his chances of reelection? That makes absolutely no sense. He has said testing makes him or the country look bad, and the testing numbers started to go down which means there is a good potential that we are not capturing all the cases.

Social Media Posts Make Baseless Claim on COVID-19 Death Toll

New MIT study says actual number of coronavirus cases is 12 times higher than reported — with 50 percent more deaths
MAJ Ken Landgren
MAJ Ken Landgren
4 y
SSgt Joseph Baptist - Mugua your heart is dark. Take the daughter of Munro so your heart can heal. Go in peace, and let this business be done.
MAJ Ken Landgren
MAJ Ken Landgren
4 y
SSgt Joseph Baptist - Magua you heart is so bitter you should do something about it.
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SGM Erik Marquez
SGM Erik Marquez
SGM Erik Marquez
4 y
MAJ Ken Landgren - You just made my point.

With so few % wise COVID cases ending in a severe outcome ...those that are in a serious auto accident with life ending trauma but tested positive for COvID 19 are being counted as COVID deaths.
Those testing positive but shot in a bad drug deal are being counted as COVID deaths.
Those testing positive but killed by heart failure are being counted as COVID deaths.
MAJ Ken Landgren
MAJ Ken Landgren
4 y
SGM Erik Marquez - It can go both ways, but do you really think Trump will allow inflation considering he has power over the CDC and HHS.
PO2 Bill Reardon
PO2 Bill Reardon
4 y
What about a trained doctor (REDFIELD) a military vet not understanding a question from congress
Sgt Print Journalist
Sgt (Join to see)
4 y
SGM Erik Marquez SSgt Joseph Baptist This whole COVID drama is more than fishy and the numbers have definitely been hyper-inflated. I couldn’t say that without personal testimony from medical personnel in Michigan who’ve witnessed cases where “COVID deaths” have been falsified. (My spouse is heavily involved with several medical organizations in two major MI cities, due to his ongoing surgeries/ issues, and I’ve gotten to talk with various MED staff.) Ive heard false reporting is occurring in other states.

Pres Trump has no power to control the hyper-COVID drama, resulting state actions, or false reporting in the US, MAJ Ken Landgren. Many of the horrifying narratives in our country over Trump’s presidency have been powered by antiTrump forces. This virus was clearly Communist China-originated, hyper- driven by the Trump Opposition ( foreign and domestic in partnership ) to assist in derailing his presidency.
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SSgt Richard Kensinger
This is an extremely tragic loss w/ sadly more to come. it is clear that we all can take mediating steps to reduce incidence of morbidity and mortality.
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