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Responses: 6
LTC Stephen F.
Edited 8 y ago
That is strange news SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL that the "U.S. Marines look to train with Vietnamese as partnerships in the Pacific expand."
Certainly the Vietnamese have a very long coastline which would be useful in littoral operations. Howver, the sheer number of marines who were killed or wounded in Vietnam should give the USMC pause in enveloping this relationship. I would expect that many Marines are sons and daughters of USMC Vietnam War veterans.
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SFC William Farrell
I'm really excited to hear that SFC Joe S. Davis Jr., MSM, DSL. At a cost of 58,000 American lives and we'll sell our souls to the highest bidder. I'm all for kiss and make up but I'm not sure I want to be training them.
Capt Tom Brown
Capt Tom Brown
8 y
It must give the NVA great delight that not only are they selling their stuff back to US at WalMart & Target, but that now we come to them, hat in hand, asking them to help US in our situation with China. Karma is certainly a bitch and hard to swallow. I would hope the US could have waited until I am dead and gone before sucking up to Vietnam, but no such luck.
SSgt Terry P.
SSgt Terry P.
8 y
Capt Tom Brown - A bitter pill---hard to swallow,i am not dead yet,either.
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SFC Mark Merino
Marines are always side by side with their allies. We know quite a few Japanese troops who train alongside our Leathernecks. Very different mentalities.
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