Keller is just south of me about 15 miles.
The article shows a first pic that looks bright. Then, the following pics are BS made up crap. I supect, to trend towards making the issue invalid.
Late one night, I saw a large craft with wide small/sharp wings. It was all black. It hovered over the tree line. Under it's position the trees moved back and forth like in a storm. But, not in front of it, behind it, or to the side of it.
I looked up Tesla's antigravity theory. In it, I read how the craft would be a metal tube. But, inside the metal tube would be engines wrapped in ceramic. Becasue ceramic does not conduct electricity. The electricity is sent across the metal structure causing positive and negitive ions to move across the craft. The submarine like wings move forward and backward causing the craft to move on a wave. The ions cancel out gravity. point is, I bet it is ours and I bet those in Keller did see a real UFO. It is not known, therefore UFO.
If movement of water could generate electricity and the energy could be moved wirelessly, we could move around without polution.