Posted on Apr 4, 2017
Unmasker-in-Chief: Susan Rice's Latest Hit and Miss - Black & Blonde Media
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 4
Interesting... But she still is working for BHO and HRC and doing all she Can to cover their FUBARs and AFU's ... and inflict as Much damage Real or Faked, as Possible to the new administration …
She's clearly an idiot... that was established during her UN & dir of national sec & benghazi days...
...but I wonder how much smoke and mirrors this is to distract us from truth seeking.
6 months ago: we looked at content over the source. Content was released/leaked showing HRC's dirt with DNC collusion and their bribery-based Clinton foundation.
We said: "look at the CONTENT of the corruption/dirt, crimes and collusion to disrupt the elections. Disregard the SOURCE." (ie Wikileaks & hacking emails)
Fast forward 6 months. Now we say: "look at the SOURCE of the leaks; disregard the CONTENT of corruption/dirt, crimes, and collusion to disrupt the elections."
As Americans, is it OK to say perhaps BOTH HRC & DJT were criminals? Perhaps we say our elections process is more important than both...
Can we take off partisan blinders and look at these corruptions into our elections process to have a legit unbiased investigation? We can clear POTUS or condemn him with facts... but we should be searching for facts.
...but I wonder how much smoke and mirrors this is to distract us from truth seeking.
6 months ago: we looked at content over the source. Content was released/leaked showing HRC's dirt with DNC collusion and their bribery-based Clinton foundation.
We said: "look at the CONTENT of the corruption/dirt, crimes and collusion to disrupt the elections. Disregard the SOURCE." (ie Wikileaks & hacking emails)
Fast forward 6 months. Now we say: "look at the SOURCE of the leaks; disregard the CONTENT of corruption/dirt, crimes, and collusion to disrupt the elections."
As Americans, is it OK to say perhaps BOTH HRC & DJT were criminals? Perhaps we say our elections process is more important than both...
Can we take off partisan blinders and look at these corruptions into our elections process to have a legit unbiased investigation? We can clear POTUS or condemn him with facts... but we should be searching for facts.
SN Bob Parks: Her word?......not likely.......did a wikipedia check on her after Benghazi......bleeds Democrat Blue........I can see her taking the hit for the others......a shame........
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