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Responses: 4
Cpl George Crab
Alexandra, the DIs have that 'frog' voice, because, nothing they seem to do is just for the personal hearing of just one recruit, but for the many. Even if they are communicating with one recruit. Also, their voices pick up that sort of raw edge, because that IS the command voice which they use.

As to your your 'foul temper', if they still do have it, they would have sent you off to the motivation platoon. Well, that was for male recruits, only, back in the day, at least.

If you had cursed or talked back, more than once, you may have gone on the brig. The recruits in there, make small rocks out of boulders, then make the smaller rocks into sand. Again, that's the boys only club, though.

After you would have spent an extended period of time, or 2, or 15, in the Rose Garden (the requisite sand pit t the end of the barracks) you would've learned that attitude is everything. The USMC Way Attitude, that is.
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Cpl Bryan Whittaker
SPC Bassett, pretty funny video I've been out since 1995, but there's no exaggeration in that video, that's the way it was, pure chaos and fear with intermittent times of humor of course not displayed! Good times I'll never forget and no regrats! Just jokes regrets:)
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SSgt GG-15 RET Jim Lint
You have a good husband!
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