Michael Moore, you either like him or hate him. I hate the SOB. If he doesn't like it here in America, why doesn't he leave? I'll tell you why! He couldn't get away with all his crap in any other country except here. This story really upset me. His stupid sign that has "We are all Muslims" on it is what PO me. I read the letter and it doesn't make anymore sense than he does.
Dear Donald Trump:
You may remember (you do, after all, have a "perfect memory!"), that we met back in November of 1998 in the green room of a talk show where we were both scheduled to appear one afternoon. But just before going on, I was pulled aside by a producer from the show who said that you were "nervous" about being on the set with me. She said you didn't want to be "ripped apart" and you wanted to be reassured I wouldn't "go after you."