Posted on Oct 31, 2017
What It Costs to Treat Gunshot Wounds in Hospitals
Posted 7 y ago
Responses: 10
Interesting information. But kind of limited. But I would like to see the cost of knife wounds too and the cost of traffic accidents. Actually, what would really be useful is the total cost of ER treatment and break it down by disease or injury. I read an article about 20 years ago that illegal immigrants were costing Los Angeles County ER’s approx 400 million a year in medical expenses.
SPC Brett Curry
I wld just be happy to see the cost they charge anyone who comes in. And I mean everything...from the 10$ ibprohen to the 500$ catheter. I Know that I am exaggerating a little....but they over charge for everything!! And they wonder why people call Uber instead of a ambulance...
MSgt Stephen Council
SMSgt Thor Merich I is an obviously slanted article intended to fuel the anti gun agenda. Don't try to confuse the libtards with actual common sense!
Just goes to show that one can make an argument for their agenda, whatever that happens to be. This case seems to be clearly antigun and while some will wring their hands and demand something change, gun violence isn't even in the top ten of causes of death in the USA according to the CDC, yet the elite that "know better" than the rest of us push their agenda to disarm America.
Horror story is right. These people are supposed to be some of the best and brightest that we have and they state the following; “There is a minimal amount of evidence that exists when it comes to firearm injury, from a research perspective,” said Joseph Sakran, an assistant professor in the Johns Hopkins Department of Surgery and one of the study’s co-authors. The study, he said, was an effort to “contribute and add to the literature, both from a human suffering perspective and also from an economic perspective.”
I am going to have to state that these individuals are blind, because they can not be ignorant or stupid to be in the profession that they are in.
Where does this individual think that all of the development for the majority of prosthetic devices and plastic surgery has come from, especially since World War I?
This is just another worthless story from the anti-gun left - "Help us tell the story of America’s gun violence crisis." It is not a crisis.
What is a crisis is the gouging done by the medical, legal, and insurance industries and the attendant government interference as shown recently by such things as the ACA (Affordable Care Act).
Another telling factor that shows that the 'study' is spin-doctoring the information is the following statement; "A significant proportion of the patients analyzed in the Hopkins study had either had no healthcare coverage or were categorized as self-pay." This statement on the surface is ludicrous, but it shows how some people can not or choose not to see or understand reality.
I am going to have to state that these individuals are blind, because they can not be ignorant or stupid to be in the profession that they are in.
Where does this individual think that all of the development for the majority of prosthetic devices and plastic surgery has come from, especially since World War I?
This is just another worthless story from the anti-gun left - "Help us tell the story of America’s gun violence crisis." It is not a crisis.
What is a crisis is the gouging done by the medical, legal, and insurance industries and the attendant government interference as shown recently by such things as the ACA (Affordable Care Act).
Another telling factor that shows that the 'study' is spin-doctoring the information is the following statement; "A significant proportion of the patients analyzed in the Hopkins study had either had no healthcare coverage or were categorized as self-pay." This statement on the surface is ludicrous, but it shows how some people can not or choose not to see or understand reality.
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