Posted 1 m ago
Let's see if I have this correct...
1. The Democrats created the law that separated families
2. Nobody gave a damn for nearly a quarter century
3. Desperate for a scandal to impugn President Trump and his Administration, the Democrats released their shills in the media to drum up righteous indignation
4. The Republicans in Congress attempted to fix the law but the Democrats refused to cooperate
5. President Trump signs an Executive Order to end the practice (although it is not legal or Constitutional for a President to alter the law)
So, what will happen next? The Democrats will realize that President Trump is going to get the credit for fixing the problem they created. What choice do they have? They'll have to bring a lawsuit and have one of their judges issue an injunction preventing President Trump's EO from taking effect.
I do believe that leaves the Democrats in what is known as "between a rock and a hard place"