It's been a week since I have posted because I have found the fountain of youth. The past week has been busy as a new employee at Arista Networks. It's been two years since I stepped out of my career to help Veterans and now I'M BACK.
Diving in head first into this amazing company and some of the coolest technology I have seen in 20+ years makes me feel young again. I thought I had a good idea of what they were doing but I was wrong. This is the smartest approach to data center and cloud networking and the most complete SDN answer out there. No I haven't been there long enough to drink the Kool-Aid yet, this is seriously what I am seeing.
As far as what I will be doing...let's just say I remember when certs like the hashtag#ccie could change the direction of your career and it took more than being a test jockey to get them. When training courses stretched your knowledge instead of indoctrinating you. And passing exams was a way to show the world what you knew about technology rather than marketing.
The vision I began with ETAC Inc is moving forward. To read more about the announcement on the merger between ETAC Inc & Victory For Veterans and the new website and services read the article.
COL Mikel J. Burroughs Steve Durgin
SPC Shawn Jones