Posted on Nov 25, 2016
While media obsess over 'alt-right,' Russia just made ALARMING move... - Allen B. West -...
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 1
I read the article SGT. Good day to you.
Reading about the missiles on the Japan northern island is troubling. It maybe to help China and it maybe to tell the US it is not giving up those islands, or both. I remember the Russians complaining about a small American troop deployment in western Alaska not to long ago. Tit, for tat?
I know from first hand information at least half of Ukrainians see and think themselves Russians. They wanted Russia to invade when the political fires started in Kiev. Who is fanning the flames there and why? To keep Russian troops from moving to Syria?
Is it Chess, or a Go board that is in play at the global agenda level?
I read American Navy power is being built up in the pacific. With assistance from our regional partners. China maybe claiming to much of the south China sea. But, why?
This above limited information shows how complicated global and regional interest are for three global players. I am not an expert. It is just from reading different sources that help me see a bigger picture not obscured by propaganda.
I have respect for Mr. West and his service to our country. I do not think his article is correct on two points. Russia's regional interests and the Chess game parallel. To believe Mr. West's article 100% would mean the current American administration has a legal right to destabilize the Middle East (Arab spring of blood), which caused thousands to die in migrations, helping migrations for a 7th century religion/political system into Europe and is justified in causing a problem in the Ukraine. Regardless, if this corrupt administration had a UN mandate, or not.
I can not prove the Ukraine situation. But, someone did not want all those Russian troops to be deployed south of Turkey. Plus, the UN. You would not believe what I think about the UN. Well, maybe you would SGT.
M. Morris RVT
Reading about the missiles on the Japan northern island is troubling. It maybe to help China and it maybe to tell the US it is not giving up those islands, or both. I remember the Russians complaining about a small American troop deployment in western Alaska not to long ago. Tit, for tat?
I know from first hand information at least half of Ukrainians see and think themselves Russians. They wanted Russia to invade when the political fires started in Kiev. Who is fanning the flames there and why? To keep Russian troops from moving to Syria?
Is it Chess, or a Go board that is in play at the global agenda level?
I read American Navy power is being built up in the pacific. With assistance from our regional partners. China maybe claiming to much of the south China sea. But, why?
This above limited information shows how complicated global and regional interest are for three global players. I am not an expert. It is just from reading different sources that help me see a bigger picture not obscured by propaganda.
I have respect for Mr. West and his service to our country. I do not think his article is correct on two points. Russia's regional interests and the Chess game parallel. To believe Mr. West's article 100% would mean the current American administration has a legal right to destabilize the Middle East (Arab spring of blood), which caused thousands to die in migrations, helping migrations for a 7th century religion/political system into Europe and is justified in causing a problem in the Ukraine. Regardless, if this corrupt administration had a UN mandate, or not.
I can not prove the Ukraine situation. But, someone did not want all those Russian troops to be deployed south of Turkey. Plus, the UN. You would not believe what I think about the UN. Well, maybe you would SGT.
M. Morris RVT
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