Posted on Apr 16, 2019
Why Media Caution on Cause of Notre Dame Fire? Two Words: Charlie Hebdo – Black & Blonde Media
Posted 6 y ago
Responses: 3;_ylu=X3oDMTBybGY3bmpvBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMyBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzcg--/RV=2/RE= [login to see] /RO=10/
CW3 Harvey K.
Cpl Mark A. Morris - The link you provided is "not authorized by Yahoo". No reason stated, nor any way to find an explanation either.
Are we supposed to accept this arbitrary restriction, or speculate on WHY Yahoo has suppressed the report of a dozen French churches being attacked in one week ?
Are we supposed to accept this arbitrary restriction, or speculate on WHY Yahoo has suppressed the report of a dozen French churches being attacked in one week ?
Cpl Mark A. Morris
CW3 Harvey K. - This happens a lot with Yahoo. IMO, it is a way to limit information. To try and control the narritive.
I suspect, not all the attacks on churches are performed by Muslim perps. But there is a track record to make me think Islamic terror should not be ruled out so fast. The 2016 attempt is a great example.
For me, all individuals should be judged by action. So, I am not writing about all Muslims. Just those willing to follow Muhammad's orders in causing the world to submit to Islam.
I suspect, not all the attacks on churches are performed by Muslim perps. But there is a track record to make me think Islamic terror should not be ruled out so fast. The 2016 attempt is a great example.
For me, all individuals should be judged by action. So, I am not writing about all Muslims. Just those willing to follow Muhammad's orders in causing the world to submit to Islam.
CW3 Harvey K.
Cpl Mark A. Morris - The failed attempt in 2016 on Notre Dame resonates with the failed 1993 truck bombing attack on the World Trade Center.
Cpl Mark A. Morris
CW3 Harvey K. - Good point Sir.
As long as the Islamic enemy controls the narritive and the western MSM lies to the masses, there is going to be a lot more fighting.
As long as the Islamic enemy controls the narritive and the western MSM lies to the masses, there is going to be a lot more fighting.
Point Made… Still think It was not accidental regardless of what any one says … Paris is already in termoil ... they don't need any more...Most interesting... Great Information...Thanks For The Share
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