Cavalry Scout

Cavalry Scout

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BG David Fleming III

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Probably the most versatile of all branches "The Combat Arm of Decision" (Armor) has evolved from the heady days of Horse Cavalry to the breathtaking M-1 Tankers of Operation Desert Storm. Depending on the unit you will find everything from dismounted reconaissance teams decked out in camouflage so artfully applied as to be imperceptible to the human eye even at ranges of only mere inches, to High tech Stryker Platoons deployable anywhere on earth in 96 hours or less and capable of transmitting realtime battlefield intelligence back home through state of the art sattelite communications systems. When in doubt call a scout!
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History of this career field

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Qualifications for this career field

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Best parts of having this specialty

That I can say that I was the closest thing the Army has to a Ninja. My job has two parts first is to sneak into enemy territory without being noticed, collect information on all of their personnel, weapons, and equipment and second is sneak back out and brief the Commander so he could send in his Samurai to crush them. While I sit back and sip Sakke.
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Worst parts of having this specialty

Having a life expectancy of like 4 minutes on the battlefield.
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Advice on how to transfer to this specialty

What advice can you share on transfering to this specialty?

Most recent contributors: SFC Michael Farnum

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