Posted on May 6, 2021
CW4 Automations Officer
Read day 1 here:
Read day 2 here:
Read day 3 here:

I just ask for help. So simple right? I realize now that asking for help does not make me less brave, less of a soldier, less of a man. On the contrary, it makes me better in every aspect of my life. It makes me a better soldier because I can help other soldiers battling the same enemy. It makes me a better husband because I can be there for my wife. It makes me a better father because I get to watch my boys grow up and teach them life lessons I learned late. Asking for help makes me a better person and asking for help is what helps keep me going
That is why we are here today, this is why I am writing this series. To not be silenced by our struggles. We stand together today, at this moment, to tell the world it is “Okay to not be okay.” To tell our Military family that if you are struggling, there are resources in place to help you. Asking for help shows true, raw strength. Staying silent and battling your PTSD alone is a very dangerous game that you will not always win.
You don’t need to pull yourself up by the bootstraps alone. Healing is more than possible and you deserve to heal. It’s no soldier left behind, remember?
If you or someone you know is struggling, please get help now. Tell a loved one. Tell a friend. Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: [login to see] . If you prefer to talk online, visit the veteran crisis line here:
No one needs to suffer in silence. Thank you, God bless you, and God Bless America.
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Responses: 2
SSG Samuel Kermon
Keep it up.
CW4 Automations Officer
CW4 (Join to see)
3 y
I will keep fighting for those who think they don't have a voice when in fact they do this is my goal with this series. Thanks for responding.
SSG Samuel Kermon
SSG Samuel Kermon
3 y
CW4 (Join to see) one voice can be multiplied many times over. By speaking up, and out, others will be more likely to speak out. Pretty soon the trickle becomes the Mississippi River of voices. Thank you for, what you are doing.
CW4 Automations Officer
CW4 (Join to see)
3 y
SSG Samuel Kermon - You are so correct in saying this no one should suffer in silence. Thank you.
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CW4 Automations Officer
Accepting and healing go hand in hand, I hope if anyone who read my posted story and if you are not in a good spot please reach out either to the resources listed above or to a family member or friend. They all want to help please give them a chance. You are worth it and even if you don't feel you are important trust me you are important to someone and love you and want you here.
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