Posted on Nov 27, 2018
Dom Gomez
I’m looking into the army it’s always been a dream I have alright civilian job but want better for my family I have two small kids what’s your opinion on the military?
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Responses: 21
LTC Multifunctional Logistician
You may want to ask your wife for her honest assessment first. Because if you do decide to join and gain acceptance into the military then your spouse takes second fiddle and the kids move to the back of the bus. Wanting better for your family is an honorable desire but the military can be a cold and calculating mistress that can and will demand all of your attention.
Dom Gomez
Dom Gomez
>1 y
But I guess what I’m trying to find out is that if it is worth it having a family will they get benefit as well or is that just a recruiting pitch
LTC Multifunctional Logistician
LTC (Join to see)
>1 y
Dom Gomez - No one can answer that question. How does one define worth in terms of moving every 2-3 years to a new environment, starting new schools, leaving old friends, learning new customs, learning how the world actually works rather then what the books tell you in school. Is their a price on that? My family has lived in eleven states. We have six combat deployments between us. We were apart for 3 years. Our children were born in three different military hospitals. I was present for one. We have several plaques on the wall from colleges that claim we earned various scholastic merits that were all paid for by the military. Worth and Benefit are civilian terms that mean little in a career that operates on relentless pursuit of the Profession of Arms. If you do decide to join and after you spend whatever amount of time you decide is right, there will be a day that you will discover if it was worth it. It may very well be the day that you are standing in the room by your grown son or daughter and they are being sworn in to continue in the line of serving their country. And then you will know that it may have been worth it.
Dom Gomez
Dom Gomez
>1 y
Wow honestly I have no words to that all I can say is that you are very true I come from a military family myself and that may be the main key for me wanting to join
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Lt Col Charlie Brown
Sit down and with your spouse, set out the pros and cons. Then decide as a couple what to do.
Dom Gomez
Dom Gomez
>1 y
We have and she said it’s good because I tell her what my recruiter told me
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
>1 y
Dom Gomez - "Recruiter?" Remember He is trying to Fill a Quota and May "Exagerate" a bit.
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SSG Training Room Nco
Are you married or a single parent? I know that’s a slightly invasive question but it’s important to know. The Army isn’t exactly single parent friendly. The Army and military is great in a lot of ways. It provides a lot of opportunities, individually and for your loved ones. Have you spoken to a recruiter? While, you may not be dead set, you can still get a lot of information as to what to expect. I can also give you a pretty good idea of what to expect, if you’d prefer?
Dom Gomez
Dom Gomez
>1 y
I am married and I have spoken to a recruiter just that’s my only set back is my family my wife is supportive that I want to join just like how I said my kids I don’t want to make a mistake and miss all that time away for nothing
SSG Training Room Nco
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
Like I previously stated, the Army is full of great opportunities. Yes, there will be time spent away from your family between basic training, advanced individual training, field time, potential deployments and ranges. I will be 100% honest with you. It’s not all sunshine and rainbows BUT at the end of the day, it is well worth it.
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