Machinist's Mate

Machinist's Mate

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1stSgt Jim Senn

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According to the Bureau of Naval Personnel (BUPERS), the job of a Machinist's Mate is to "operate, maintain, and repair (organizational and intermediate level) ship propulsion machinery, auxiliary equipment, and outside machinery, such as: steering engine, hoisting machinery, food preparation equipment, refrigeration and air conditioning equipment, windlasses, elevators, and laundry equipment. Operate and maintain (organizational and Intermediate level) marine boilers, pumps, forced draft blowers, and heat exchangers; perform tests, transfers, and inventory of lubricating oils, fuels, and water. Maintain records and reports, and may perform duties in the generation and stowage of industrial gases." Enlistees are taught the fundamentals of this rating through on-the-job training or formal Navy schooling. Advanced technical and operational training is available in this rating during later stages of career development.

Machinist's Mates (submarine) and Machinist's Mate (surface) generally fall into one of three roles:
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Most recent contributors: LCDR Gordon Brown

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