Posted on Jan 27, 2016
SFC Platoon Sergeant
Some people just shake their head when they see the news headlines, scroll past it, or lose their mind and share with the world. I would like to think deep down we all really do care about exposing phonies especially when they are wrongfully receiving benefits that the deserving need. There is a chain reaction that could be talked about forever on how the phonies hinder the process for veterans.
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Responses: 1304
LTC Psychological Operations Officer
Edited >1 y ago
I'm becoming more and more uncomfortable with this culture of SMs or Vets walking up to people and demanding proof of service. Lately there were two threads about 75 year old vets getting publicly humiliated by other vets. In one case the vet ( or maybe it was a soldier) wouldn't even believe the vets VA card, claiming anyone could print one out.

So that got me thinking how I would respond if someone saw me wearing either military related awards or badges on Veterans Day or say military badge related hats or Tshirts, and came up and started asking me questions. The truth is, in this day of identity theft and scams, I would probably politely tell that guy to f--k off. I sure as hell would never feel like I owe it to any stranger that walks up to me to produce my military ID card and DD214. Really, who the f--k do these people think they are?

This is the United States. I don't have to respond to "your papers please" from anybody, much less some soldier with a hair up his ass.

And as pissed as that would make me, I can't imagine how my dad would have responded when he was 75 if some twenty something "kid" walked up to him and basically demanded that he, a WWII and Korean War vet, prove to this stranger he is authorized to wear his CIB with star. Even at age 75, he would probably try and fight the guy.

So this whole blood sport of confronting and videoing and humiliating people just because they may be wearing a badge wrong has got to stop. It's unprofessional and unAmerican. As I said, I don't have to tell you where I went to basic, what Ranger School Class I was in, or anything else. It's none of your f--king business. You're a damn total stranger to me. Hell, I have no way of knowing if you are even a soldier yourself. So get out of my face and keep your vigilante bullshit away from me or my dad, or others like us. I'd rather a thousand clowns walk down the street in costume than one vet be humiliated by someone who probably hasn't served a fraction of the time the vet did.

There are laws about actually stealing goods or services by impersonating vets. Leave that to the stores. If they give military discounts to people without requiring appropriate ID cards or documentation, that's their mistake. IMO vets should stay in their lane and stop confronting people.
SSgt Eldwin Gajate
SSgt Eldwin Gajate
3 mo
I just realized how long ago this thread started.
SGT Beth Day
SGT Beth Day
3 mo
As a 60+ female, I can guarantee you I've had my service questioned more than once! There are STILL people who don't believe there are women veterans, especially older ones. I do love to tell of my WWII grandmother and mother!

The MOST moronic one I had was while I was in the National Guard -- about 30 years ago. It was so moronic, I tell it as humor now, although I was mortified at the time. I was traveling with a small unit (maybe 20?), I was the only female. We stopped at your typical truck stop restaurant for lunch. We're all in BDUs (see, I'm old!). I of course go into the women's restroom. It had the kind of doors with a fairly large gap at the bottom, so coming in you could see my boots. This women lets out a shriek and keeps screaming. At the time, I didn't realize her problem (a mouse?). When I come out, she starts yelling that there was a man in the bathroom. She can clearly see me! I had my blouse off, so you could CLEARLY see I was female. She yells at me to get out, when I didn't, she ran for the manager (a guy). The manager comes in. Can CLEARLY see I'm female, the woman (in her 60s?) still says she's right because she KNOWS there aren't women in the military. Sigh. Manager was SO embarrassed. He tried to comp the meal, but because of the vouchers, couldn't. So he loaded up one of our vehicles with all kinds of water and sodas. When we left, the woman, who we would now designate a "Karen", was following us out of the parking lot ... still screeching!

As far as questioning valor ... in my job, I cover a lot of Honor Flight trips. Some of the veterans are quite elderly. It would break my heart to see someone attacking them for "stolen valor" because they didn't remember enough details about basic training (or whatever). So, IMHO, leave it be ... or defend if needed. The few who slip by aren't worth the effect it has on the innocent who are attacked.
SFC Howard Holmes
SFC Howard Holmes
3 mo
I for the most part agree sir. The ONLY time I may go up to somebody is if is a complete sh!t Show like what SFC Galvan posted, wearing something that resembles a uniform, wearing things like rank from different branches, etc. I will also approach somebody who looks like a total Sh!t bag in their uniform, or obvious uniform violations, no cover, standing around with hands in pockets (unless it's Air Force - ha ha). If they want to portray themselves as something they're not, they need to at least do it respectfully. We did have a guy, after MP School, went home, had SGT Major stripes sewn on, he got busted and kicked out of the MP Corps. Now if they are trying to gain benefits of some kind for being a Veteran, those should get their butts kicked.
A1C Jj Birchard
A1C Jj Birchard
16 d
I read a good article on this a while ago. It stated there were two types of patriotism, the quiet and kind of love country, and the toxic hate filled kind. Be the first kind. It reflexes our service in the good way.
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LTC Yinon Weiss
Edited >1 y ago
I care, but I care more about the Constitution than my own feelings. We can't say "we're a free country, but you can't say or wear those things because it offends me." I'm just not a fan making laws that ban citizens from wearing certain symbols when there are groups of people offended by those symbols. It sounds contrary to everything we serve for.

Now if people want to expose phonies, I'm all for it. Let them be judged by the public.

When it comes to fraud, there are plenty of existing fraud laws to cover those cases. Those who commit fraud should be prosecuted under fraud laws.
Sgt Timothy Forkes
Sgt Timothy Forkes
8 mo
Great answer. I've seen plenty of people who never served wearing military gear. It's a fashion statement to them. I don't care, it doesn't offend me anymore. I still get all the medical care I need at the VAMC whether they wear camis with rank insignia or not.
SPC Jason Brown
SPC Jason Brown
5 mo
If there were as many "Taliban Hunters" in Afghanistan as there are according to their hats & t-shirts at the average gun show, Osama Bin Laden would have been overrun in 8 minutes flat.
CPT Earl George
CPT Earl George
4 mo
I have parked in the spot at LOWE's store designated for VET's on more than one occasion. I have thought about what I would do if questioned by someone for parking there.
CPL Mortuary Affairs Specialist
CPL (Join to see)
17 d
So what about the guy whose brother was a ranger and KIA . And he wears a Ranger cap in his honor. Does that make him a thief or a proud brother????????????????
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1SG David Niles
I was going to pass this up and not respond...but I changed my mind.. What other people wear either earned or not takes nothing from what I did and earned. I don't need nor seek approval or recognition from others in regards to my service. I don't need to justify or explain what I have or have not done. I only have an issue with someone getting a concrete benefit from their fraud, i.e... Va medical, va loan ect
CPT Earl George
CPT Earl George
4 mo
WE had an ind here in OHIO run for the US Senate who lied about his military service. The truth came out and he did not go far.
SPC Retired
SPC (Join to see)
4 mo
CPT Diana Davis
CPT Diana Davis
1 mo
Absolutely Top!
SMSgt Christopher Schroeder
SMSgt Christopher Schroeder
19 d
I agree, those who get some benefit, parking space, VA, politics should be called out.
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