Posted on Mar 16, 2015
CSM Michael Lynch
It is a shame that someone took this hero's medals form him and his family. I wasn't aware they worth money to anyone, but apparently they are, as discussed in this article.

The family can get them reissued through the VA, but it just appalls me that someone would steal them out of greed. I hope the family gets the originals back and they have their grandfathers history for the newborn grandson
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Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 8
SGM Steve Wettstein
CSM Michael Lynch Mike, we all know some people will do anything to get a buck. Acts like this are deplorable. If you would go into a Military Surplus Store, where there is not a military base, you wouldn't believe the prices they put on a medal set. The asking prices for them are crazy. It is disgusting that someone would do this to a combat vet. I have my Purple Heart and first BSM displayed in my house. They remind me of what I have done for our great country. I will pass them down to my son who is a 12B when the time comes. As for the getting a replacement set, it wouldn't be the same, after all it is not the medal that was pinned on the person. If you ever get a chance to look at the quality of how the older medal sets are made, to include the box they come in, there is no comparison. The old ones are made better and the box is very nice. I wish the ones that I received were as nice as the old ones.
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
3 y
The hanging medals I have which are all issued I still have in the original presentation or issue boxes. I'll pas them down to My oldest son when I pass. My Dad who is 95 still has his medals from His WWII and Korea service period. I intend to keep those in the family also and pass them down. Other than family Members I fail to understand why anyone else would even want them let alone steal those items. The are part of our Military and family History and worth a lot more than any cash value to all of us.
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TSgt Joshua Copeland
You would be surprised what people will actual pay for vintage medals. Especially ones that are engraved/dated.
CSM Michael Lynch
CSM Michael Lynch
>1 y
I would have never guessed
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9 y
In addition, even if not authorized, some get medals cast in gold...
SSG Darrell Peters
SSG Darrell Peters
5 y
World War II medals and especially World War I Medals that are Vintage command a high price. I read an article about the Soldier in the British Army awarded the Victoria Cross his medal was sold to a collector by a greedy family member. The other family members were outraged. I don't know if the British Government made any changes concerning the sale of vintage medals? Needless to say the other family members were highly upset and wanted the original back. The collector refused to sell it back to the family.
One Vintage Victoria Cross from World War One was sold at auction for L840,000 (Pounds) That is roughly One Million One hundred thousand dollars.
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CPT Jacob Swartout
I sure hope this doesn't continue or happen to any other veterans that earned them. Not only are they a show piece and talking point when family and friends visit, they are reminders of what each of us accomplished as honorable service members.
SSG Darrell Peters
SSG Darrell Peters
5 y
With people detached from military service unfortunately they don't see them as awards of accomplishment or honorable service. All they see is Dollar Signs from the nearest Pawn Shop.
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