Posted on Nov 1, 2014
SGM Senior Adviser, National Communications
Oval office
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Responses: 24
CW5 Desk Officer
SGM (Join to see), I'd get serious about addressing the undocumented immigrant problem in our country and sealing the borders. I'd sit down with Congressional leaders and work out a deal on immigration and border security. Then I'd see to it that we - as a country - got this particular job done.
SGM Senior Adviser, National Communications
SGM (Join to see)
10 y
CW5 Montgomery--go for it!
SGT Steven Montgomery
SGT Steven Montgomery
10 y
I think I would go on vacation and act like there are no problems I have to deal with. You know, act like the 'REAL' Commander-in-Chief.
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PV2 Senior Web Designer, Web Team Lead
1. I'd secure our borders and clamp down on the illegal immigrants trying to sneak in. In other words, they are undocumented and entered our country illegally, they would be immediately deported.

2. I'd fire all of the upper echelon of the VA administration and order that all of the outstanding claims be processed within 90 days.

3. I'd freeze congressional pay raises until a balance budget was passed by the house and senate.

4. I'd stop giving aid to other countries for disaster until we eliminated homelessness in CONUS.
PO1 John Y.
PO1 John Y.
10 y
I like #3. I would flip military pay & benefits with congress' pay & benefits, since they both have been unfairly paid...
SSgt Senior It Security Analyst
SSgt (Join to see)
>1 y
PV2 (Join to see) When are you running? You've got my vote!
PV2 Senior Web Designer, Web Team Lead
PV2 (Join to see)
>1 y
Never SSgt (Join to see) too many skeletons! lol
SGT Retired
SGT (Join to see)
8 mo
Members of Congress haven’t had a raise since 2009.
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SPC James Mcneil
A very good question. Upon reading it, my mind started swirling with all kinds of things. Most of them would be considered unconstitutional if I were to actually make them happen with an executive order, and unfortunately with only one day all I could do is make an executive order to actually see resolution on many things.

So I would do what I've seen done lately. I would take the time to present my case to America as her president for two main objectives.

1. I would ask for an amendment to the Constitution that states that each bill passed by congress is to have ONE item on it and not be clogged with pork or other garbage, and that it be appropriately named. My reason for this would be watching campaign ads that say something like this. "Senator Snodgrass voted against the puppy safety bill so he must hate puppies!" They don't mention that the bill had other attachments that had nothing to do with the original bill just to get it passed, and maybe one of those had to do with something that could harm the country. All they say is that because he voted against a bill they called "the puppy safety bill" he must hate puppies. My apologies to anyone actually named "Snodgrass." That was the name my dad used for random people when I was growing up, so it seemed to fit.
2. I would ask for a referendum on the ballot which would eliminate the posh retirement plan that federally elected officials receive completely if passed. It would level the playing field, and I can guarantee they'd stop dipping into social security if they had to depend on it.
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