Posted on Jan 24, 2024
LTC Self Employed
These screenshots from my TV are about 2 weeks old.
Trump has now won 2 State Primaries even with 8 Dozen Political Indictments!
Democrats are scared. Their Social Justice thinking that
Illegal Aliens are more American than real Americans has now
united Republicans, Moderate Democrats, and Independents to Vote for Trump.

Another Self-inflicted injury to Democrats.
Also, KJP and President Brokeback Biden lie. The border is not a 'Challenge' if less than 5% of the illegals by Biden who are apprehended get sent back.

He is stacking the deck on purpose. Chuck Schumer wants them all legal. My hunch he wants them for votes in 2028. Biden should be impeached and removed from being POTUS just for telling his Homeland Security personnel to ignore the immigration laws on the books, let them in, give them travel arrangements, let them on planes without ID or background checks and see these illegals NOT show up at a hearing in 8 years. That is ILLEGAL!!

I like to point out that the Mainstream media is not protecting the Biden Brand as much and CBS and others are starting not to be blindly obedient to this corrupt administration's talking points.
Edited 6 mo ago
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Responses: 4
Lt Col John (Jack) Christensen
Why are Democrats scared? Was there ever any doubt Trump would be the nominee, think they would be more scared if Hailey had done better in NH. Once the BS Republican primary is over and we move on to a general election do you honestly think Democrats won't be pointing out that it's been Republicans who have blocked every attempt to change immigration policy, and the evonomy is booming under Biden?
LTC Self Employed
LTC (Join to see)
6 mo
The issue of immigration didn't think would back- fire on them. I recall a story in 2020 that showed that Democrat counties bordering the Mexican border voted for Trump. They need something back then that took America 3 years to figure out. Now every state is a border state and President Biden is a liar and it's coming back to haunt him.

The only thing President Biden is talking about. Today isn't about the economy, isn't about his failures, but scaring people about abortion. that's why Babylon Bee made this parody.

Yesterday and today, President Biden and Camilla Harris are on their baby murder AKA Woman's Health ( Abortion) world tour.
PO3 Shayne Seibert
PO3 Shayne Seibert
6 mo
The only reason Republicans are blocking immigration policy brought by the left, is that the Democrats don't want border security or the wall. They also won't pass it as a clean bill. Democrats can't seem to be able to pass a bill that focuses solely on the problem at hand. They have to tie it to other projects that have nothing to do with Border Security.
SFC John D.
SFC John D.
6 mo
PO3 Shayne Seibert - Agree. I just posted this as a response to his "Republicans are the ones blocking immigration reform" on another post.

Yes, the right has been a stickler for secure the border first before you give amnesty or improve the processing of the illegals. Since you mentioned it, you really expect them to listen to the left when they say "Trust me, I won't stab you in the back like I did last time". If the right are the ones standing in the way of immigration reform, why has the left tanked all the bills for reforming it that have been brought up by the Republicans?

Oh, that's right. The right are the roadblocks to the leftists ideal of what immigration reform is. You sound like those that are proponents of illegal immigration who always lump LEGAL immigration in with ILLEGAL immigration and refer to how those opposed to ILLEGAL immigration are racist xenophobes because they must hate all migrants.

Republicans are the ones that don't want a secure border? The economy is booming under Biden? Next he'll try to get people to believe that it actually is Republicans who defunded law enforcement.
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CPL LaForest Gray
FACT SHEET: The Biden Administration Blueprint for a Fair, Orderly and Humane Immigration System
JULY 27, 2021


Because of omicron, “the Biden administration has decided to leave the U.S. southern border completely open.”


Says Joe Biden “is restricting travel for Americans into Mexico, but is keeping the border wide open for illegal aliens to walk right into our country.”

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LTC Trent Klug
Those are the major issues for republican voters. Abortion would be on there for progressives.
CPL LaForest Gray
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