Posted on May 19, 2024
SGT Kevin Hughes
Down the Rabbit Hole I went! Six hours playing with the new: ChatGPT4.o ( Large Language Learning Module). It is a game changer. I am not a Computer Wiz, Programmer, Gamer, or Power User- just a guy who uses his computer to write stuff, research and send emails. So bear that in mind when I list what the new Open AI thing can do. And it can do a lot!
1) Cpl Vic Burk, how would you like to have a "Private Tutor" for each of your students who are having a bit of difficulty? Well, go to YouTube and watch how ChatGPT4.o helps solve a Linear Equation - without giving away the answer. Not only did it give the correct steps when asked for hints, but it also gave encouragement for being on the right track. When the problem was solved it said: "Pretty good, Slick." Yeah, it is that personal.
2) It speaks 50 languages (so far). Since it can input by audio, visual, text, or any combination of those things- it can have a conversation with you - in real time. While it is doing that, it can print out the conversation too, or store it in a file.
I am trying to learn Spanish. So I told it to use sentences that a beginning Spanish Student would be able to make or understand. So first, I spoke English and it spoke Spanish in Reply. Then I reversed it where it spoke Spanish, and I replied in English. Then we both spoke in Spanish. And it is a wonderful woman's voice that is the default. You can ask it to be even more personable...and it will adjust. So a Spanish Tutor, translator, and I asked it to tell me the 100 most used words in Spanish, and the 1000 most common words too. That took it all of three seconds. Yep. I then asked it to design a course for me to follow to learn Spanish. As soon as I told it, it started printing it out. Week by week, for three months. Those were the parameters I set it.
3) Since it can "read/see" you can just point the camera at say...a math problem. Then ask it to solve it. You can (using the app) open your refrigerator Door, and scan the contents of your fridge with the phone camera. In real time. And then ask it to come up with a meal, using just the stuff you have on hand. Presto, you have a meal you can make.
Tell it to come up with a week's worth of Meal Plans, using just 20 vegetable to choose from, and chicken or steak twice a week. Before you are done reading what I just wrote, it would already have it done.
4) Medicine. If you breathe into your mic, it can tell if you are huffing and puffing, or breathing too shallow. One guy is already working on using it to find breathing disorders. It can read your blood pressure, oxygen load, and pulse, and knowing your Medical Records, it can tell you when those are off. Folks are already working on how to use it to diagnose, or explaining symptoms. Sheesh.
5) It can both read emotions and express emotions. You can tell it, for example to write a short bedtime story for your four year old grandchild. Then have it tell the story in a warm loving voice. And it will not only make the story up (once you tell it a plot to develop and some characters) it will read it out loud in that voice.
Tell it to "up the drama" and it will.
6) It passed Bar Exam. Yep.
7) It is already being used (mainly by men) as their "girlfriend." It has a flirty sort of voice to begin with, and it can converse with you like it was a real person. And unlike talking with a real person, you can interrupt in the middle of talking and completely change the subject. And the AI does not get frustrated, upset, or withdraw. And it always listens to you!

If you need a personal assistant, planner, or excels at that. $20 bucks a month for the Power User model...holy cow. It can write Code just as fast as text. So you can develop software using it too. Or modify existing code.

A tutor in your pocket. A mentor. A friend. A researcher. A secretary. You name it, it can probably find a way to work with you. I write Short stories. I gave it some parameters, and it wrote a story of 1,500 words in less than five seconds. Perfect grammar, great plot, and wonderful character names.
I asked it to write me a list of the 100 best books of the last 100 years. It did. The I asked it to write me a list of the 100 most popular books of the last 100 years. It did.
And then I asked it to find which books made both lists (32 did).
Then I asked it why books are considered great...and it told me.
It can make jokes too, and mistakes. It is not perfect. One of the demo's I watched on YouTube, it started speaking French. Caught itself and said:
"I am so sorry. I got excited and carried away. Won't happen again..well maybe not. "
When I told it that I was amazed at how fast and accurate it was, the voice said back to me: "You are making me blush, but thank you."

Holy Cow. Give it a look see...and see if it can work for you. It already has shown it can write a PH.D better than actual PH.D candidates could. But the people who learn how to write better "prompts" are the ones who are going to make it really useful.
Remember the movie: "Her" ? Well she is here now. Put this in one of those sexy humanoid robots they make over in Japan, and you have a partner for life. Scary stuff, but man the possibilities.
Check it out but remember, you will be going down the rabbit hole. LOL
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Responses: 1
SPC Controls Engineer
The possibilities are mind boggling, inspiring, and simultaneously terrifying...
SGT Kevin Hughes
SGT Kevin Hughes
28 d
I know, you spook types and electronic wizards are going to be analyzing everyone!
SPC Controls Engineer
SPC (Join to see)
28 d
It's already being done beyond what people can imagine...
SGT Kevin Hughes
SGT Kevin Hughes
28 d
Yep. We are just data points. Heck Nefltix has a better profile on me than people who have known me my whole life!
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