Posted on May 14, 2024
SGT Kevin Hughes
Hikes. Walks. Marches. All you need is yourself, and a place to walk. I guess that is why I love walking. I learned at about a year or so, how to walk- and never looked back. My walks can be broken down into two categories. The larger one is me, by myself, walking in cities, the countryside, or Forests. Never did like Jungle walks. Heat and Humidity while being nibbled on by bugs that not only did I not recognize but were bigger than any I knew back in Ohio, well I lost my taste for walking in Swamps or Jungles. And those walks were all in Peaceful Places. Unlike many of you fellow soldiers who had to do those same "walks" in Combat.

But the walks I remember the most come from the smaller category of walks. The walks where I was holding someone's hands. My Mother's, my sisters, my girlfriends, my wife, my children, and now my grandchildren.

Those are warm memories. I got lost walking in the inner-city, and ended up almost fifteen blocks away from where I lived on West 30th Street. My entire Family had been busting their butts trying to find me. My sister Kay told Mom and Dad she would go all the way up Clark Avenue to Forty fifth street or even Fiftieth . My Mom said there was no way I could walk that far: "Kevin is only five, and looks like he is three. His little legs wouldn't carry him that far."

"You don't know Kevin." Is what my sister said.

She found me at the corner of 48th and Clark. I was sitting in a bus stop trying to figure out where my street was. Kay called my name. Believe me I burst out of that little Bus stop like my pants were on fire. I was so glad to see her.

We walked home holding hands. I asked her if I was in trouble. She laughed.

"No. In fact, why don't we stop in Woolworth and get you a grilled cheese and a milkshake. "

And we did. My Dad taught me to read a map that week. And I carried one with me until I got old enough to not get lost. At least in the city.

I was sixteen, and in love. In fact, I would get engaged to that girl just two years later. That would last until I turned 22 and came home from my first Enlistment. But all that was in the future. That day was the first time I had held a girl's hands all the way home from School. We decided not to take the Bus home, and walk together. It was a good two miles - and there were no cellphones back then. But we told my best friend (who remained my best friend until he passed away two years ago) to tell her Mom (who was also his Mom) that we walked home.

I don't remember the walk other than it was one of those curious things that only young love can make happen. Where just that connection is enough to make the world okay. Except when we got home, very close to Supper time, her Mom was not okay with it. She worried the whole time about her daughter. She got grounded for two weeks after that walk. But we both were glad we did it.

Then I found my Kathy. Her hand and mine, well, they reach for each other anytime we start to move around. My kids thought it was so cute that Mom and Dad held hands to walk, or stroll down the beach. When I worked the Cruise Ships, Crew and Passengers alike would tease us about holding hands all the time. We didn't care.

I can't walk as far now. But on Kathy's days off, we walk, together. Holding hands. On her work days, I walk by myself around the lake, or in the Park. And just like when I was a kid, I love walking. I don't do hills anymore, unless you count my driveway. But I am never really alone, for my mind can provide a hand to hold from memory, or a place I loved to walk from the past.
All I have to do, is keep moving.
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Responses: 3
SSG Carlos Madden
Love this kevin
SGT Kevin Hughes
SGT Kevin Hughes
1 mo
Thank, Sarge!
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Lt Col Charlie Brown
I love walking. I've walked in cities, in pcturesque towns across Europe and historic towns in the US, Nature walks both by myself and with students when I was a guidance counselor... Volksmarching during my tours in Germany...somewhere in the neighborhood of 75 or so...
Now I walk daily, outdoors as much as possible and on the treadmill when it isn't/
SGT Kevin Hughes
SGT Kevin Hughes
1 mo
Hey Colonel, Volksmarching! I loved that. Sometimes I got a little medal walking from town to town. They always had beer, but I didn't I ate the sausages! Every time I had an Off Duty Sat- or Sun...I would find a nearby Volksmarch. Don't think I hit your numbers. Mine were probably closer to about thirty or so over my two years in Germany. But boy, you brought back some good memories!
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Cpl Vic Burk
SGT Kevin Hughes I love hiking. My favorite place to hike is in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. My son and I have had many days there up to twenty-seven miles a day. We track the mileage through a Garmin altimeter. Such a beautiful and peaceful place to hike in the fall. By the way, this is all against the recommendations of my primary care. If I am going to die, I want to be doing something I like when I do!
SGT Kevin Hughes
SGT Kevin Hughes
1 mo
My long walks nowadays are right at about three miles. My daily walks are a loop around a nearby lake- and that is exactly 1.5 miles. On bad days, I just walk the center hallway of our small house. And I don't do uphill anymore! You do some marvelous walks! When I walk the hills in the old days, I thought of it as Nature's Cathedral !
Cpl Vic Burk
Cpl Vic Burk
1 mo
SGT Kevin Hughes - I like that; Nature's Cathedral. Fall in the mountains is the most beautiful time of the year for hiking. Nature puts on a splendid show for us. So relaxing to the mind. I walk a daily three mile route (3.06 miles to be exact). I'll walk in the snow, heat, cold, ice but not in pouring down rain. I hate walking in the rain! I better get used to it though. I plan to hike the Appalachian Trail from Georgia to Maine one day after I'm eighty-five years old so I can set the record for the oldest person to do a through hike on the trail.
SGT Kevin Hughes
SGT Kevin Hughes
1 mo
Cpl Vic Burk - That is a worthy goal! My brother Mike (Vietnam Vet) walked about eight hundred miles of the trail, and my Niece actually did the whole thing. Now my brother is over in Europe walking the Camino de Santiago for the third time. That is a 500 mile trek from France to the Coast of Spain. It is an old Pilgrimage for Catholics, but all Faiths, and even Atheists do it nowadays. Mike has done it three times, once with my Niece, and once with a Cousin. And he is going it again in September but from the Portugal to Spain route.
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