132nd Engineer Detachment Geospatial Planning Cell, US Army Central (Third Army)
132nd Engineer Detachment Geospatial Planning Cell (132nd EN Det (GPC)) members
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132nd Engineer Detachment Geospatial Planning Cell, US Army Central (Third Army)
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132nd Engineer Detachment Geospatial Planning Cell, US Army Central (Third Army)
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About: The Mission
Third Army/ARCENT
Conducts shaping operations in the USCENTCOM area of operations to deter adversaries in order to reassur...e and enable regional partners while sustaining ongoing U.S. operations in established Combined Joint Operating Areas. Concurrently, Third Army/ARCENT transitions forces and capabilities in the USCENTCOM area of responsibility for roles anticipated in the next decade of the 21st century.
132ND Engineer Detachment Mission
Provide (collect, generate, manage, analyze, and disseminate) accurate digital information from tactical to strategic level to support Theater Army operations. Conducts geospatial operational planning, anylysis, and advises the Commander and Staff on geospatial operation in support of theater. Coordinates with National Geospatial intelligence Agency, host allied nation geospatial support activities higher headquarters, and other geospatial elements within their area of operations.
Third Army/ U.S. Army Central
Ready Tonight… Sustain The Fight… Shape The Future
Ready Tonight means we are an expeditionary headquarters, mission-focused, CFLCC team combat ready to handle tasks across the full spectrum operation for limited duration mission.
• Lucky Warrior
• Lucky Strike
• Bright Star
Sustain the Fight refers to actions of Third Army/ USARCENT and subordinate organizations execute to provide logistics and personnel support for US and coalition operations in theater.
• Responsible Draw-down
• Retrograde
• Afghanistan Buildup
Shape the Future involves what we do for theater security cooperation and mil to mil activities, which include:
• Command Engagements
• Theater Security Cooperation
• Symposiums/ Seminars
Strategic relocation: in compliance with Base Realignment and Closure law, the move to Shaw Air Force base is critical for Third Army/ USARCENT.
Most recent contributors: SPC Cody Jandzinski