250th Expeditionary Military Intelligence Battalion, 100th Troop Support Command
250th Expeditionary Military Intelligence Battalion
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250th Expeditionary Military Intelligence Battalion, 100th Troop Support Command
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250th Expeditionary Military Intelligence Battalion, 100th Troop Support Command
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COL (Join to see)
Undersecretary, Operations, California Department of Veterans Affairs at 250th EMIB, 100th TC, California ARNG, MILPAC Region VII

Army National Guard | All Source Intelligence
Undersecretary, Operations, California Department of Veterans Affairs at 250th EMIB, 100th TC, California ARNG, MILPAC Region VII

Army National Guard | All Source Intelligence
Vice Chief of Staff of Intelligence at 40th ID, California ARNG, MILPAC Region VII, USARNG

Army National Guard | Electronic Warfare Specialist
Electronic Warfare Capability Developer at SAIC (Information Technology)