Posted on Oct 3, 2018
17c vs 25b. How are they different as far as what you actually do at your unit?
Thinking about reclassifying to 17c from 25b in the national guard. How much time would I spend actually doing my job as a 17c?
Also how much do they overlap as far as what you learn. If I had no problems in 25b school, how hard will 17c school be?
Also how much do they overlap as far as what you learn. If I had no problems in 25b school, how hard will 17c school be?
Posted 6 y ago
Responses: 2
Go 17C. The 25B field used to be the one to have years ago. It was "new" (74B,C,D's and others) all came together as 25B's. Promotions for a good while were easy as hell to SSG and in some cases SFC/MSG. Now everyone wants to think and believe that they are qualified Tier whatever computer experts, and the MOS is fat. That's my opinion of the MOS NOT the Soldiers in it. If you look at 25B positions if you were AD, it's pretty wide open especially if you have a clearance. When I went to the JAC, I had NEVER heard of that place. Didn't know there was an Army presence there in England. There was and is still a Joint Presence there. WHCA is another test of your skills, but WELL worth it from those I've met who made it through the process. You'll be busy, gone, busy, gone, rinse, lather, and repeat. Time will fly but the connections you make there will be priceless. I cannot speak for 25B's in the Reserves and NG. In my last unit 1st IO, we were a multi-compo unit so everyone was there. AD, R, NG. All the same mission, same duties, and for certain individuals they were untouchable due to their specialized skill sets. These folks were GOOD at what they did. Look into SOF support or going JSOC or another SMU type unit. You'll be busy, gone, busy, gone, rinse, lather, and repeat. They're AD and Guard units. As a 25B there is so much you can do that can broaden your horizons. If given the choice again, and younger, a 17C who is well versed in their skill set along and a 25B in the right unit and slot can wreak more havoc behind a keyboard than any conventional or unconventional force on earth, and do it before 1000. Workcalls at 0900. I'm rolling with 17C. I've done the 25B, and I'd like a change to see how the other side lives. It seems more narrow in mission scope, yet allows knowledge gained as a 25B to be applicable at the same time. You get the best of both worlds.
What certs do you have now? It used to be the IAT/M model but it's changed to a point. Where are you on it? What are your duties now in comparison to what you want them to be later on?.
What certs do you have now? It used to be the IAT/M model but it's changed to a point. Where are you on it? What are your duties now in comparison to what you want them to be later on?.
In 17 C you go to a school for 6 months called JCAC which is the second hardest technical school and 3rd hardest school in general in the military. But if you study like you are supposed to any go to study hall, which is called Mando Volo, even someone with no prior knowledge on computers can pass. The school is hard because you have to show work ethic in order to pass. The school takes place at Corry Station in Pensacola and the daily life is pretty good. Just make sure you study and you should be fine. Also for the rest of your 48 weeks of AIT you will be at phase 2 training in Fort Gordon but you should not have that much trouble there if you pass JCAC.
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