Posted on Aug 18, 2014
LTC Hillary Luton
Throughout my career I have found that there are two types of respect in the military. There is the respect we receive based on the rank we wear. Then there is the respect we earn based on our character and actions. What are your thoughts?
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Responses: 10
1SG Company First Sergeant
Great topic! The first respect (that towards a specific rank) is just that, respect. The second type of respect (based on character and actions) also encompasses trust and loyalty.

To be able to gain the trust, loyalty and respect of another human being based solely off your leadership is priceless. The bonds that you will build and form with those Soldiers is also one that neither of you will likely forget.
SSG Robert Webster
SSG Robert Webster
>1 y
SFC Gilley hit the nail squarely on the head. What he has said about trust, loyalty and respect, I have known for sometime, however, it really has its greatest impact when 20 or more years later, that a subordinate or student comes back to you and says thank you based on these traits.
LTC Hillary Luton
LTC Hillary Luton
>1 y
SSG Webster, I know what you mean. Nothing thrills me more than having the Soldiers I deployed with reach out to me sometimes just to say hi.
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SFC Mark Merino
Good question. I love the scene in Band of Brothers when MAJ Winters gets to run into his arch-nemesis and previous CPT Commander who tries walking by with contempt and no salute. It was proof that what comes around goes around. We have all been absolutely amazed by the mysterious inner workings of those above us that shouldn't be trusted with handing out the mail, let alone leading troops. There always seems to be that special "go to" person who is wise beyond their years, yet gets shoulder pains from being at parade rest to said wonder doofus. We just try to not bite our tongues off and hope to PCS without letting the truth come out.
1LT Nick Kidwell
1LT Nick Kidwell
>1 y
Considering Band of Brothers was semi-based on a true story, I wonder how much of that was true to life.
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MAJ Robert (Bob) Petrarca
Very true ma'am, the latter being the toughest to achieve. Rank is apparent and respecting what someone wears on their uniform, or the position they hold in the organization goes with the territory. But as you point out, its what we say and do that earns us respect as a person, regardless of the rank. Earning respect among peers, seniors and subordinates as a person is IMHO much more important than the rank respect because it also earns you the trust, confidence and camaraderie that bonds you to the members your organization and makes the organization as a whole that much stronger.
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