Posted on Aug 19, 2014
CPT Flight Student
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Does anyone have any examples/stories of what not to do for us newly commissioned officers? Which 2LTs have left you with a bad taste in your mouth?

Any information would be very helpful!
Edited 10 y ago
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Responses: 126
SGT James Vidito
I remember our Bn Cdr had his driver (a PFC friend of mine) bringing in equipment and supplies from his vehicle. While in the midst of this, a new 2LT to our unit walked by (the LTC was not out there at this time) and was perturbed when the PFC didn’t salute him. The Lieutenant took his cap off and placed it on the vehicle and ordered my friend to salute it 100 times as remedial training on how to salute. During the ‘salutes’ the LTC wandered out to his vehicle and asked what was happening. The 2LT describe what happened and how he’s providing training for the young PFC. The Bn Cdr nodded and said, “Good idea.” Once my friend had finished his salutes, the 2LT was about to be on his way, after retrieving his cap. The LTC said, “Wait a second there, Lieutenant.” He took my friend’s cap and placed it on the vehicle and said, “Now you have to return every one of those salutes.” I cried, I was laughing so hard.
1SG Michael Blount
1SG Michael Blount
10 y
LTC Bink Romanick
LTC Bink Romanick
>1 y
Love it!
CPT DAve Mercer
CPT DAve Mercer
9 y
OMG!!! Awesome
SGT Jonathan Leonard
SGT Jonathan Leonard
6 y
Your LTC was Chesty Puller ?
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MAJ Laurie H.
Edited >1 y ago
In the 2 years since commissioning, these are some of the reasons I've seen 2LT's failing, whether they're aware of it or not:
- Failing to listen to their senior NCOs - no brainer
- Not spending time with their Soldiers or taking the time to develop an understanding of their Soldiers' tasks - the most common complaint I hear from Soldiers is that they don't see their officers. There's being busy with real work, then there's sitting in the office when you could be out there getting to know your platoon.
- Seeing themselves as part of a separate team from their Soldiers - everyone needs to work together in order to accomplish the mission
- Being terrified of making a mistake - you won't always have enough guidance, and you will often find yourself in situations you're unprepared for. Don't fail to take action. Use your training and NCOs, get the mission accomplished, and correct a mistake next time if need be. Everyone expects you to make mistakes, so make them and learn from them while you can
- Not seeking out mentorship - good mentorship will not be handed to you. If you don't have great leaders in your unit to emulate, find some elsewhere. This can be difficult, but don't be afraid to seek out other officers you look up to for advice
1LT William Clardy
1LT William Clardy
>1 y
Capt (Join to see), how did you get a copy of my OER?
Capt Retired
Capt (Join to see)
>1 y
1LT William Clardy - Must be 2 of you. I saw that OER in the early 70s. I don't think you were getting any OERs then.
CPT DAve Mercer
CPT DAve Mercer
9 y
The biggest mistake I made, many years ago, was not spending enough time with my soldiers. Had I done so I would have understood them better and they would have had more faith in me, well, providing I listened to my Sr. NCOs.
SSG Roger Ayscue
SSG Roger Ayscue
2 y
Amen Captain, truly said to the point that I think I love you this is the recipe for success.
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SSG Aircraft Mechanic
So there I was, at FOB Delta, Al Kut, Iraq....again... My Driver, my Team Leader and I were on our way to the chow hall. We were engaged in conversation about things that had happened over the course of the day and what laid ahead in the coming days. We passed a group of people and we hear a female voice yell out behind us "HEY!". We stopped and looked back and this little baby faced 2LT was charging toward us. She looked like she had just graduated the 4th grade. As she approached us she said "What's the matter? We don't salute officers anymore?" and proceeded to grill us about it. We apologized and explained that we didn't see her because we had been engaged in conversation. Her grilling continued and the 3 of us looked at each other. We snapped to attention and my team leader said "Sniper bait, Ma'am!" and we turned and walked away leaving her with her chin on the ground. The SFC and other 2LT that were with here almost fell over laughing.
CSM David Heidke
CSM David Heidke
10 y
There was a policy in Afghanistan that if you didn't have a star you didn't get a salute.
CDR Michael Goldschmidt
CDR Michael Goldschmidt
10 y
I wish I had seen THAT policy, CSM David Heidke . At Bagram, they were saluting even in the traditional no-salute zone around HQ. I had to tell my multiservice team not to wear their ranks on their covers and to tuck in their collar points. This was back in 2003.
MAJ Rene De La Rosa
MAJ Rene De La Rosa
9 y
She so deserved that. Folks forget where they are when they demand military customs and honors. That was certainly good bull!
SGT Ron Egan
SGT Ron Egan
>1 y
There were a few 2Lts that were saluted quite often in Vietnam. Lesson to be learned newbie Lt's.
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