Posted on Jun 25, 2015
SGT Kevin Gardner
What has become of our nation? Every time I turn on the news, open facebook, speak to people in public I find myself asking this question. Do you think it’s a valid question? Take a moment and think about it. Do you find yourself confused? Does the Nation you love feel the same to you? are you Okay with your children growing up in a nation that targets its own citizens for speaking out? Do you feel okay with a Nation that wages a war on its own citizens by calling them Domestic terrorist?

Let’s face it this is not the nation I stood up and swore to defend. It’s starting to look like one of the countries I was sent to fight for. The country I took up arms to defend didn’t accuse its fighting men of being potential terrorists when we came home. But that’s just what happened in 2009 when Janet Napolitano issued a top secret memo to every branch of law enforcement stating that we were. For me I was fresh off a deployment January of 2009 a few months later in April the director of homeland defense made me feel like I had come back through a wormhole in a whole new dimension.

I would like to say it ended there, but it didn’t, hell it didn’t even begin there. The economy was seriously tanking and the federal government was out trying to prop up the auto industry with Tax payers money. Then came the housing bubble, and more bailouts. Can you imagine that you live in a country where bankers had made bad decisions and the government stepped in to help prop them back up? Think about like this banks make bad decisions rake in massive profits then the housing market crashes banks bleeding cash like a boat with a hole in the hull and no way to fix it. Insteps super government takes money from you and I and gives it back to the same banks that just threw our economy in the toilet. Now flush with cash those same banks step in and reposes those same homes they over charged for.

Then we see a massive Government takeover of health care, a health care law built on a foundation of lies much like the bail outs were supposed to help you and me.

Now we see a movement in this nation the Tea Party, its small at first and you have politicians on the left and right laughing at them. The media attacks them calling the right wingers, tea baggers and domestic terrorists. Then came another election and the tea party takes a massive number of the seats in congress. Now republicans are scared even the democrats are worried so somehow the IRS has been given authorization to target them.

Scandal after scandal gets tossed aside as being a fake, the left say don’t watch fox! Lies all Lies! Reminds me of the scene in Wizard of OZ “Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!” Hell look at Hillary Clintons campaign. What Difference does it make? I will tell you it makes one hell of a difference especially to each and every man and woman that spilled their blood on the battle field! For my Brothers and sisters that came home in flag draped coffins! Those of us who had to hold our brothers and sisters in our arms praying with them as they died! For those of us who came home to nothing, our spouses gone! For those of us who can’t get rid of the war, the war we carry with us every day and every night as we fight to find piece inside ourselves! And you hide what belongs to the people on a privet server, and the moment you are told to turn it all over you delete it! Oh yea I believe she is out to help make America great, and I have a slightly used unicorn for sale!

Now we see racial division cutting us as a people as a nation. The day Roof shot 9 people my heart sank, I felt that pain and I cried gone were 9 Americans 9 of our fellow citizens gunned down in the house of our lord! Not nine African Americans; but nine Americans! This whole thing of lumping us into divided groups of people based on race makes me sick to my stomach! There is only one dominant race on this planet and that’s the Human race! Black, white, yellow; we are all human and for those of us who were born here and those that immigrated here legally we are all Americans! The color of our skin makes us no less so!

The Left calls people who hold conservative values terrorists. They say we are seditious! They call us fascists, but fascism is more closely aligned to the left in belief. They lump us in with Nazis story after story on every network save one calls us right wing extremists! I am sick of it, I am sick of having to explain to my daughters that I am not a Nazi, because of the garbage their teachers are teaching them. Or other parents who hate genuinely hate me because I am a conservative. I am sick of sitting here watching the country that me and so many others sacrifice for, get torn apart because it fits some leftist liberal agenda.

It makes me sick to think that this is the country my daughters have to grow up in, and I am sick to think that we have gone so far that we can’t save it.

The first Amendment is under attack today, they call it hate speech people speaking out on issues of race or guns or a damn flag! They let this garbage spew from their mouths attacking every value we hold true as Americans. Gone are the days of being able to take care of your family’s needs, Gone are the days your children can walk home from the park without being snatched up by the state! Gone are the Days of freedom and I fear that because we are a divided people we will fall.
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Responses: 26
MAJ Robert (Bob) Petrarca
Edited 9 y ago
Everything we know and believe is under attack from some group of incite spreaders. I can't agree with or understand half of the stuff that these splinter groups/individuals are wanting and demanding but our elected officials seem to be bowing and caving to them more and more. We've become a nation of 300 million entitled individualists who care more about themselves then their neighbors, communities or country. It's a damn shame.
LCDR Judge Advocate General's Corps Officer
LCDR (Join to see)
9 y
With all of the random and/or targeted shootings, I almost feel safer while deployed. There, you are trained on what to watch for.

But how do you train your family on preparing for this? Shouldn't we feel safe going to a movie? Going to religious worship? It's a balancing act between being careful and living your life.
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SFC Recruiter
The current state of our nation causes me to want to ex-pat when I retire if we keep heading down the road we're on. It also causes me to question whether I should continue to serve a nation of people I'm finding myself more and more separated from in beliefs and values. Why should I continue to serve a country that increasingly does not stand for honorable things worth fighting for in my own opinion?
MSG Brad Sand
MSG Brad Sand
9 y
SFC (Join to see)

What a noble question? I think you may find your answer if you think standing for honorable things is worth fighting for? I think you can be a light to others. Fight the good fight brother and remember that other are actually drawn to the the light and right is still right.
Cpl Chris Cargile
Cpl Chris Cargile
9 y
The only problem with that is, ex-pat to where? I do wonder whether the things I hear everyday are majority opinions or just the voices of those with the bullhorns.
SFC Senior Civil Engineer/Annuitant
SFC (Join to see)
>1 y
Don’t surrender to the identity politics of the Left. The Progressive Socialist Democrat Party attempts to separate everyone from the humanity of our population, and then attempts to isolate and control the population because it is easier to control small groups rather than a whole population standing together. You are not alone, the Lefties try to make you feel alone, and they do a pretty good job. Vote them out of office! MHO
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SSG Leonard Johnson
You are completely right....especially after todays ruling by the SCOTUS....I wonder if there is any hope for the USA anymore....The liberals in both the Republican party (in my opinion there is no republican party anymore) and mostly in the socialistic democratic party...I think we are on a path of no return. I think people need to study the news and history more.....there is a lot of parallels with Germany in 1920's and 30's before Hitler took place.
Please people.....don't ask for all have google and bing like I do....please do the homework.
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