Posted on Oct 3, 2014
SPC David S.
10690150 733613510049505 7134282040260628496 n
A 19-year-old medic from Texas is the first woman in Afghanistan and only the second woman since World War II to receive the Silver Star, the nation's third-highest medal for valor. Army SPC Monica Lin Brown, after an explosion, which wounded five soldiers in her unit, ran through insurgent gunfire and used her body to shield wounded comrades as mortars fell less than 100 yards away, the military said. Medical aid rendered under fire saved all five of her comrades. I think we found our first female Ranger. How come this wasn't in the main stream news?
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Edited >1 y ago
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Responses: 9
MAJ Robert (Bob) Petrarca
Thank you SPC David S., I did know about SPC Monica Lin Brown. Good question as to why this didn't make it big in the media.
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LCpl Steve Wininger
I would venture to guess that it has a lot to do with the medias involvement in the politics of women in combat. It is truly sad the media will not run a story about a true American hero but will flood the news with the latest NFL or Hollywood scandal.

And people wonder why this country is falling apart.
Cpl Glynis Sakowicz
Cpl Glynis Sakowicz
>1 y
Sad comentary is that EVERYONE in our nation's colleges can identify and name everyone of the Kardashians, who have done nothing to be famous, except to be famous, yet 67% STILL don't know what or who ISIS is.... and we're going to hand this country over to them in a few years... terrifying, isn't it?
LCpl Steve Wininger
LCpl Steve Wininger
>1 y
Cpl Glynis Sakowicz It is sad and terrifying. In my media writing class we have to take a current events quiz every week. Not only is it sad that many in our class didn't know who ISIS was, but many could not name one serving supreme court justice and thought the presidential election was this year.
Cpl Michael Strickler
Cpl Michael Strickler
10 y
I bet they new how much the next Kohls discount sale was going for though...
LCpl Steve Wininger
LCpl Steve Wininger
10 y
I am sure they did Cpl Michael Strickler
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MSG Brad Sand
SPC David S.

Last question first, why wasn't this in the main stream news, because it did not further any of their agendas.

With this said, excellent job SPC Brown. From reading the post, it seems the Specialist was doing her job in an excellent fashion...but this is what we expect from all of our soldiers, especially our medics. Not sure where this factors in to Ranger School, or if she would even want to attend, but that is another post for another day. On reflection, I am surprised we have not had a story like this much earlier in all the time we have had troops in Afghanistan and Iraq?
SPC David S.
SPC David S.
>1 y
MSG Brad Sand I feel the main stream media rarely reports on the positives. The Ranger comment was in reference to another thread about female Rangers. Even though she was just doing her job I just thought I owed her a bit of gratitude.
MSG Brad Sand
MSG Brad Sand
10 y
SPC David S.

While we all owe her some respect and all our troops, it is not as much as the five souls she saved owe her.

I do agree the main stream media rarely reports on the positives and from what I can see they rarely report the truth, which is an epic problem in a free society. When the feces does finally hit the fan, I hope they reap what THEY have sown. Normally, when it does hit the fan, the politicians and media escape the carnage they created.
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