Posted on Mar 29, 2019
Am I entitled to compensation time for being on gate guard?
Trying to figure out whether I’m entitled to compensation time for being on gate guard. the 3 corps general has a Policy letter out called “family first” saying the commanders will grant appropriate time for soldiers spent on duty during weekends and holidays which I was on gate guard for 4 months, noted in paragraph 4C but my NCOs are saying that I don’t fall under 4c and that I fall under 3B so they are telling me I’m not entitled to any comp time
Edited 6 y ago
Posted 6 y ago
Responses: 16
Since I’ve been in the Army (over 19yrs) no where have I’ve seen any Soldier given compensation time off for gate guard. When you have gate guard, that’s a duty that becomes your work schedule for a 90-120 days depending on where you are stationed, so you’re not “entitled” to compensated time off, if that was the case MPs and hospital personnel would constantly have compensated off because they have to work weekends and holidays. Now if your unit decides they want to grant you a 3 day or 4 day pass then that’s at their discretion but they are not obligated or required to “give” you compensated time off.
SFC Christopher Taggart
MAJ Byron Oyler - Sir, not to sound crazy...but you'll probably get the time Enlisted soldier will not...rank has its privileges.
Maj John Bell
SFC Christopher Taggart - I don't buy that for a minute.
I can't remember:
_a single day I secured for the day before my unit secured
_a single 72 or 96 I didn't come in to work on one or more days
_a day I wasn't in garrison before reveille
_a day where I was not in the Battalion area if any Marine assigned to my command was completing extra military instruction.
I can't remember:
_a single day I secured for the day before my unit secured
_a single 72 or 96 I didn't come in to work on one or more days
_a day I wasn't in garrison before reveille
_a day where I was not in the Battalion area if any Marine assigned to my command was completing extra military instruction.
CPT (Join to see)
MAJ Byron Oyler - The Army (and her sister services) are not democracies. We don't get to vote on policy however much as we might like to.
1SG Cj Grisham
My response would be that the policy letter states they ARE required to give comp time and he's entitled to it, but he said himself he's working six on two off. He's getting comp time, though it may not always be on a weekend.
How many days out of seven did you work? Remember, you are 'entitled to' three hots and a cot, medical, dental, and a few other things. Time off is not one of them, that is what leave is for.
SFC Christopher Taggart
SPC (Join to see) - I wouldn't's all in preparation in working in the civilian world...try working 7 days a week, 8-10 a day for six months. That was my first civilian job out...of course I didn't last.
1SG Cj Grisham
SPC (Join to see) if you're getting two days off, you're getting your comp time. It may not he a saturday or sunday, but you're getting your "weekends." 3B only says that they don't need an exception to policy to make you work weekends for OPORDs, but 4C does say they have to comp you - which they are by giving you two days off at the end of your "week."
Maj John Bell
SPC (Join to see) - Try the Marine Rifle Company Conus routine, go to the field Monday morning come out Thursday afternoon, 0630-1630 on Friday. Saturday and Sunday off, if you don't have duty. Your not going to get much sympathy here.
SPC Kevin Ford
SPC (Join to see) - That is a similar schedule to when I did late night SCIF watch. You are getting two days of comp time, but more importantly your being on gate guard duty likely got you our of a whole bunch of normal in garrison unit busy work you would have had to do if you were not on special duty.
BTW, I always volunteered for SCIF watch. Sure it pulls you out of the normal weekend schedule but the getting away from normal duty was a type of break that I enjoyed from time to time, just to do something new.
BTW, I always volunteered for SCIF watch. Sure it pulls you out of the normal weekend schedule but the getting away from normal duty was a type of break that I enjoyed from time to time, just to do something new.
Looks to me like both 3B and 4C apply to you. 3B says that you should expect occasionally having weekend duty. 4C tells commanders that whenever soldiers are given weekend duty, they should give those soldiers appropriate comp time. Those two paragraphs appear to work together, and should not be interpreted as stand-alone paragraphs.
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