Posted on Sep 16, 2014
SFC A.M. Drake
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Responses: 12
1SG Company First Sergeant
SFC Drake I love ya brother, but you seem to find some of the worst news for the Army!!

I know it has nothing to do with you and you are just putting out what you are reading but man....... Will it ever stop?!?!?!?!?! Some times I am just embarrassed to be part of the same service these monsters are in.
SSG Pete Fleming
SSG Pete Fleming
>1 y
SFC (P) Richard Gilley, I found this for you... SFC A. M. Drake, this is an example of a feel good story if you needed some help (Joke)
Cpl Ehr Specialist
Cpl (Join to see)
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1SG (Join to see) think of this as a numbers game. Think of the total number of active soldiers and then factor in the number of cases you are hearing about. That has to be a pretty low percentage. You will never see 100% perfection in the ranks, but overall service members are doing their jobs.
SSG Pete Fleming
SSG Pete Fleming
>1 y
Cpl Ivan Hicks, besides bad news sells... we could post a feel good story and a negative one. At the end of a 24 hours period I bet the negative one has 5 or more the times likes than the feel good story...
Cpl Ehr Specialist
Cpl (Join to see)
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SSG Pete Fleming you are probably correct. I guess we just have to start posting pictures of kittens and puppies
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Lt Col Aerospace Planner
I remember my ROTC CO telling us something profound that I took to heart. Even though we are held to a high standard of conduct, human nature will over power good judgement. He said the military is a microcosm of our society. This means that if 5% of our society are rapists then we can expect 5% of our service members will be as well. It may not be exact but it will be somewhere in that ball park. It appears that as people gain more rank or authority they may compelled to abuse that authority or feel that there is a less chance they will get caught. This is why I believe we are seeing more and more of this type behavior from people in senior positions.

I believe its a top down problem and the leading by example. It seems every time you turn around you someone with authority, like a GO, senior enlisted and other high level unit commanders are being busted for some sexual issue. What does this say to the lower echelons? It sends a message that this is becoming the norm. It does not matter how many SAPR briefings you attend the problem will still exist.

At least this guy got caught. I hope he gets to have a long stay in Kansas. maybe if he is lucky the bed sheets will still be warm from his AF counterpart that just added a vacant cell in Leavenworth.
Capt Richard I P.
Capt Richard I P.
>1 y
Concur: you cant screen out all the bad eggs. And you can't train the bad out of them. But you can surely get rid of them when you learn they're bad.

I would, however draw a sharp line between personal misconduct regarding voluntary acts (adultery, fraternization etc.) and the use of force. It seems these distinctions sometimes reduce in the media coverage of sensational sexual stories of high ranking service members. Punishments should absolutely differ based on consent and force.
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MSG Wade Huffman
I'm sickened by these actions, but I have to admit, I'm torn. On one had I find myself wondering what the hell is happening to our Armed Forces, but on the other hand I want to believe that 1SG (Join to see) is absolutely correct in that all of the training is paying off and these incidents are being reported (as they should be) and thoroughly investigated (as they should be).
I sincerely hope it's the later.
1SG Company First Sergeant
1SG (Join to see)
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MSG, I do wholeheartedly believe that is the case. The fear factor that use to be in Soldiers is not as prevalent as it used to be. Some would argue that it is a bad thing but, in cases such as this, it clearly is for the better.
Capt Richard I P.
Capt Richard I P.
>1 y
I think we still have a while longer of increasing bad news ahead of us as reporting of incidents increases (closing to that ideal 100% of cases get reported and investigated). As counter-intuitive as it may seem it is a good thing that more of these cases are reported, provided that following a proper investigation and trial just punishment is imposed.
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