Posted on May 12, 2016

Another reason to ban cannabis sativa possession and use for military personnel, civilian staff, contractors, and dependants?
Suspended Profile
The modern genetically engineered cannabis sativa derivatives - far more potent than 1960/70's "organic" cannabis - not only form a gateway to more serious substance abuse - but substantially contribute to more fatal driving accidents - and god knows how many more accidents in medical care, weapons, and other incidents. I wonder if widespread casual use should be totally banned?
I am not suggesting we ban legitimate prescription medical use (not just a script written by a drug doc on the beach) . . . only questioning wholesale legalization for public use . . . particularly given demonstrated adverse effects on brain development in those under 25 years of age . . . increasing emergency room admissions for overdose . . . increasing percentage of the population who are addicted . . . and increasing role in fatal accidents.
I am not suggesting we ban legitimate prescription medical use (not just a script written by a drug doc on the beach) . . . only questioning wholesale legalization for public use . . . particularly given demonstrated adverse effects on brain development in those under 25 years of age . . . increasing emergency room admissions for overdose . . . increasing percentage of the population who are addicted . . . and increasing role in fatal accidents.
Edited 9 y ago
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 5
Even here in TX highly conservative legislators and governor have legalized the limited use of some sort of marijuana for medical purposes so there must be something to claims of positive results when used in treating some or certain medical conditions. The jury is still out on the results of legalizing marijuana, synthetic or natural. If no hard data showing marijuana is somehow 'worse' than alcohol then marijuana should be legalized and controlled just like alcohol.
synthetic marijuana is something that needs to go away. im completely pro marijuana, as long as it is the naturally occurring stuff, nothing created synthetically.
It is already banned for the people you mentioned in the original question, except for dependents. Even in states where medical/recreational cannabis is legal, employers can still test for it and deny employment or terminate for using. The sources you cite present a biased view towards cannabis and its risks. I support medical cannabis, as I believe it is a patients right to explore all treatment options. As far a recreational goes, I am not sure about that but open minded. I think in the big picture, it is no worse than alcohol, and can be regulated in a similar fashion. I also believe the federal government presents an outdated and uniformed perception of Marijuana, with the negatives highly exaggerated or false. It should not be a schedule 1 in the same category as heroin, cocaine, and LSD. I will also state that both the pro and the anti sides are subjectively biased in their opinions. Until the federal government allows it, there won't be legitimate scientific research to present an objective opinion.
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