Posted on Jan 29, 2018
MSgt Steven Holt, NRP, CCEMT-P
A teacher in California thinks so. According to Gregory Salcido, military members are "dumb s---ts". Now, to be fair, I met my fair share of lower intelligence individuals but I wouldn't call them "lowest of the low". You gotta give at least SOME credit to those who are willing to put themselves in harms way to protect your right to stand in front of a classroom and make a total jackass of yourself.
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Responses: 11
SFC Michael Hasbun
In fairness, we don't exactly recruit from MENSA, and certainly have our share of....special people, but me and my two college degrees and zero student debt take offense and respectfully disagree ;o)
CDR Dan Cunningham
CDR Dan Cunningham
>1 y
No, we don't exactly recruit from MENSA - however - we do our best to match who we get with the positions we need filled. My favorite movie is 'Away All Boats' - especially the scene with the young Sailor who's the garbage grinder. He's complaining to the Captain that his biggest problem is chicken guts, because they clog up his grinder. His job is important and he's proud to do it. I'd take a hundred of him before I'd take a MENSA member.
SFC Michael Hasbun
SFC Michael Hasbun
>1 y
CDR Dan Cunningham - Well said. Agreed.
Maj John Bell
Maj John Bell
>1 y
Have you spent much time around a large group of civilians? Spend some time at a community college. About 25% of the campus population could and should have the opportunity to go to "regular" college. About 50% are your average Joes. About 25% you wonder if their entire brain capacity is devoted to autonomic functions like breathing. My experience in the Marines (primarily infantry) is that we have a representative of the top 75% of what you'll find at a community college, with a rare (sasquatch rare) specimen of the bottom 25% that somehow made it to the fleet.
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SGM Mikel Dawson
Edited >1 y ago
It is apparent this teacher is a die hard leftist who has no idea of what the military is or the quality of people required. Stop and think, this the the quality of teachers(not all) who are shaping the future of our country. Pretty scary .
MSgt Steven Holt, NRP, CCEMT-P
MSgt Steven Holt, NRP, CCEMT-P
>1 y
SGM Mikel Dawson, unfortunately Sergeant Major, this is EXACTLY the type of teacher who is shaping our youth today. It's no wonder our Nation is going to hell in a hand basket.
SGM Mikel Dawson
SGM Mikel Dawson
>1 y
MSgt Steven Holt, NRP, CCEMT-P - I have been reading other places and learned the same. All I can do is just shake my head in disbelief. The worst thing is, these kids are so young and impressionable they know no difference. But this hasn't just come on. It has been years in the planning. Think how long it takes to get these teachers in place?
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CPO Glenn Moss
"They're not high-level bankers. They're not academic people. They're not intellectual people."

And I am, a retired Chief Petty Officer who was a Reactor Operator and Engineering Watch Supervisor aboard nuclear powered submarines.

And are all those officers with degrees all across the board, from teaching to engineering.

And are all the corpsmen and medics, highly trained, and still training yet more, in the medical field in order to care for fellow servicemembers.

And are all the servicemembers who are highly trained in communications technology, electronics technicians, mechanics, and yes...even "bankers", "academics", and "intellectuals", such as comptrollers and instructors.

I wonder what this guy would have said had I been in his class and said:

"Really? I was a highly trained Reactor Operator, Engineering Watch Supervisor, and instructor. How 'bout you show me how to derive the Start Up Rate Equation from the Reactor Kinetics Equations? How 'bout you explain to the class what integrated rod worth means? How 'bout you show the class here how to calculate peak reactor power and increase in reactor coolant temperature for a 3 second outward rod shim while answering All Ahead Standard bell? Be sure to state all assumptions and show all calculations. Go ahead...I'm waiting."
MSgt Steven Holt, NRP, CCEMT-P
MSgt Steven Holt, NRP, CCEMT-P
>1 y
My hat is off to you CPO Glenn Moss. I'll leave the reactor engineering stuff to the smart folks. I had enough trouble trying to calculate the boresight beam width of a pulse doppler circular scan radar. Dang. Was that early warning or target tracking....?

I wonder what Mr Salcido would say if he knew the vast majority of today's service members have at least an associates degree? He'd be stunned to know many even have Masters or Doctorate degrees.
Maj John Bell
Maj John Bell
>1 y
If you look at the biographies of the fortune 500 CEO's and CFO's; and of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math innovators, you will find far more veterans than education majors (no offense meant to good teachers.) This yahoo doesn't belong in front of a classroom based on the vulgar language he used and the ignorant content of his rant.
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Are military members "lowest of the low"? Are they "failed students who have no other choice"?
SSgt Tony Wilson Sr
Hmmm, I got out with 1 Masters, 2 Bachelor's and a Associates Degree. I wonder what this POS has for an Academic Pedigree? Did he get his from a box of Cracker Jack's or from no rate internet school?
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1stSgt Nelson Kerr
He is an idiot, they are not rare
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SGT Joseph Gunderson
I am not going to try to say that the military is full of geniuses because that would be a lie. However, this argument that continues to be made that the military is just a bunch of uneducated clods running around shooting guns because that is all they could possibly do with their lives is laughable.

First, I wonder if anyone who tries to make this claim realizes that, with the exception of a very small few, all officers are college graduates. I'm not saying that there are not a few of them who may have majored in underwater basket weaving, but for the most part they are educated. As you go up the ranks of the commissioned officer corps, one will find that the level of education that one has only becomes greater with the paygrade that they hold. Most field grade officers have a graduate degree of some kind by the time they hit LTC if not sooner. There goes the argument right off but, for the sake of making people feel stupid, I will continue.

We can now look at the Warrant Officers. Most people fail to understand that, although warrant officers require absolutely no degree in order to attend and graduate WOC, there is a condition that one begins school with the goal of completing, at least, an Associate's degree of some kind. Again, I cannot speak to what they are studying, but we can assume that not all of them go for underwater basket weaving.

As far as the enlisted side goes, I believe this is where this argument for the crowded masses of down syndrome candidates really comes from. Most of your enlisted members are younger, usually right out of high school, or at least that age. Many try to say that these people had nothing that they could have done; they were too stupid, untrainable, uneducated, brutes that were only suitable to carry weapons and die. Well, not so much. Many of them join for the experience. I knew a few that actually enlisted and had already graduated college and just didn't want to spend half their lives paying off the debt that they had incurred. Many enlisted men and women like the idea that their college will be paid for. For me, I left the army and, after working a few odd jobs for a while, decided to finally get back to school. By next spring, I will have completed my entire BA in English in only a two year span. I don't believe that a moron who was too stupid to do anything else could say that they will have completed such a feat.

As far as the people that make these statements, I am sure that they scream these horrible ideas because they are afraid of their own insecurities. I really believe that if you examine who it is spouting this trash that you will find they were unable to serve; they probably tried and couldn't hack it or they were too chickenshit to even try and this is what leads them to have such animosity towards those who have successfully been able to serve their nation. Frankly, I don't care about the opinions of these idiots anyway. It would be extremely fun to have a conversation with one of these dickbags and make them feel like the biggest idiot in the room.
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SFC J Fullerton
For anyone who has been on recruiting duty, you know that this perception is nothing new and is a pretty common occurrence.
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SSG Environmental Specialist
This guy just proves that sometimes a persons mouth can function without there being any brain activity. Not saying everyone in the military is a genius but, some of the smartest people I have encountered came from the military.
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SSG Jessica Bautista
He has a common stereotypical view. We all know it has no basis in reality, so why care what people think?
SSG Jessica Bautista
SSG Jessica Bautista
>1 y
MSgt Kurt S. It probably will, but it doesn't change my opinion on this individual. He has far less influence than say, a government official. If he has no hand in creating policy, I don't see reason to bother.
CPO Leading Chief Petty Officer (Lcpo)
CPO (Join to see)
>1 y
SSG Jessica Bautista - You are incorrect, While a Government Individual does hold some power there is nothing they can do that can not be undone. In this case though this degenerate is doing his best to warp impressionable minds and at 32 kids in an average CA classroom times 6 Class's that the Average Teacher has a day, comes to 192 kids whos minds he is screwing with over his unfounded perceptions. The left are indoctrination our children in the education system. From demanding they recite the shahada, to openly degeneration America, the American Flag and those who provide the protection for their lives. This guy needs a brutal education Via being dropped off in a Third world country with zero protection form the "lowest of the low" and see how long he survives.
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Cpl Jeff N.
He represents many on the far left, unfortunately. Some are even too stupid to understand and appreciate those that allow you to be a complete imbecile because the rights you have to do so are protected by those very people you hold in complete contempt.

Not everyone should or needs to go to college. College seems to be the be all and end all criteria for some of the worthiness of a human being. Many jobs, especially those in the military can be trained and taught without 4 years of study.

The military has higher standards for recruiting (from a character perspective) than just about any college. They also have tests that measure aptitude and fit for different rolls to help to make good fits.

If we snapped out fingers today and magically everyone had a college degree, what would change? Nothing. We would just have college educated people doing jobs that did not require a college degree. The problem with the educational establishment is that they have sold the notion that higher and higher education will solve our issues. It will not.
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