Posted on Aug 5, 2014
SSG Robin Rushlo
Atheists want guard to stop bible handouts what is your opinion
If you do not believe in the BIBLE GOD JESUS etc do not take the BIBLE. Easy answer
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Responses: 187
1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
I want Atheists to stop handing out nothing.
CPO William Hughes
CPO William Hughes
9 y
1st SGT, That's absurd to say because I'm an atheist, that I believe in nothing. I believe in reason, truth, honor, dignity, science and the scientific method. There's plenty that I believe in. I just believe in one less god than you do.
1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
1SG (Join to see)
9 y
CPO William Hughes, I believe in reason, truth, science, et al as welll. I also believe in the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States. What I do not believe in is militant atheist organizations trying to stamp out expressions of faith in the public sector. No one is harmed. The religious materials available on a table through the Chaplain has been tested time and again and has passed legal muster every time. What was laid out was Christian, because the preponderance of Soldiers who practice a faith are Christian. Personnel who practice other faiths need to inform the Chaplain of their ministry needs and to the extent possible, the Chaplain provides religious support. To sue as though your deeply held non-religious philosophy is spomehow threatened by materials being available is laughable.
You are entitled to practice whatever faith (or non-faith) you wish, and it "SHALL NOT BE ABRIDGED".
CPO William Hughes
CPO William Hughes
9 y
No one questions you, or anyone else's right to practice whatever religion you please. That's not the point. And no one denies anyone the right to pick up religious materials from a chaplains table. I'm not aware of "militant atheist organizations" that you speak of but I am aware of religious organizations screeching about society infringing on their "religious freedoms" while they continue to try and influence legislators at both state and federal level to accede to their demands. I don't believe anyone should be physically handing religious material out. If it's on a table to take, fine. I can also tell you that I have had people in my face screaming at me that I'm going to hell because I don't believe in god. When everyone gets treated fairly, then I'll see no reason to object to religion. Until then, I'll raise my voice anytime someone tries to call me out. Religion poisons everything!
1SG Civil Affairs Specialist
1SG (Join to see)
9 y
@cpo William hughes, almost every religion on Earth advocates peace and goodwill. Most people of faith are not obnoxious about it, but they do exist. I think there is room for every faith. After all, one universal tenet of religion is that we will all find out whether we were worthy in the end. Whether your life leads you to hell or heaven or oblivion is not for me to judge. I am sure you are a good man who follows a moral compass. I think any time we turn to a courtroom to decide the unknowable we are on shaky ground. In the meantime, I will practice my faith in this great and free land of ours and take solace in the Constitution.
Good talk, Chief. I wish you fair winds and following seas.
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CPO Command Chief
Edited 10 y ago
Not to answer your question with a question, but don't you think it's funny that the only religion atheists are trying to stop is Christianity? If Muslims -- or is it Moslems? I never get that right -- were handing out the Qu'ran (Koran?) they probably wouldn't bat an eye. Ditto Buddists handing out copies of the Buddhavacana, Hindus promoting the taking of the Vedas, or Tom Cruise on a USO tour peddling paperbacks of Dianetics.

To a great extent, the people of our country have gone blind in the face of the glaring contradiction they seem to feel defines "religious freedom." Maybe they're just the un-silent minority, but they get the most press. In short, I don't think anyone should stop anyone from handing out any information on things they believe in. Our nation was founded on the belief that everyone is entitled to their own and I fail to see the justice in silencing one group to placate another. Because let's face it: Just because you're "offended" doesn't mean you're right.
SSG Practical/Vocational Nursing
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
No, LTC, it is one and the same. You cannot have freedom OF religion without freedom FROM religion. Without freedom FROM religion, a person has no right to refuse participation in a religious ceremony/prayer/etc. Freedom FROM religion allows the person to opt out of that participation. Freedom OF religion ensures that the person has the right to choose for themselves, same as Freedom FROM religion. Also, importantly, Freedom FROM religion inhibits the gov't from establishing a preference for any belief, ensuring neutrality.
SFC Brian Vasquez
SFC Brian Vasquez
>1 y
you are so right..
MSG Daniel Talley
MSG Daniel Talley
>1 y
If a book assists moral without creating discourse or strife why should it's distribution be limited?

Conversly I thought acts which could damage cohesian or moral were fround upon? Therefore limiting opportunities for religous expression which does not interfere with mission could be damaging to moral.

Athiesm is not the ditractor of cohesion. Limitations on many by opinions of few is.
CPO William Hughes
CPO William Hughes
9 y
Chief, I think you're missing the big picture. What percentage of people practicing religion in this country are christians? Probably over 95%. Atheists are NOT trying to STOP christianity, they just want it to stay in it's place. Out of the government of the country, the states and cities and in the pews and pupits of the religious institutions.
And I can guarantee you that if ANY religion was trying to hand out materials in a setting such as what was done here, we atheists would be just as vociferous about that. Why aren't christians, et al, satisfied with praying, preaching and participating in their own church, in their own manner? Why do they insist on bringing their superstitions into the public sphere? All the religions can't be right and each of them thinks the others are wrong. Since the atheists that are living in this predominately christian country are involved in maintaining the separation of church and state, we have to deal with mainly christian incursions into that separation. That's why you see us primarily protesting those actions.
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MSG Usarec Liason At Nrpc/Nara
If the bible (or any other religious document) is in a place where anyone who wants on can take it great. If anyone doesn't want it that's great too. I frequently saw stacks of bibles at the MEPS so recruits from all services could have one if they wanted to grab one and never had an issue with it. The only caveat I see to the practice is if you are going to offer one religious document then other documents should be permitted to be "passed" out as well. Put them all in one central location and call it a day
MAJ Deputy Director, Combat Casualty Care Research Program
MAJ (Join to see)
10 y
MSG (Join to see) When you leave/return from deployment, besides toothbrushes/paste and body wipes, I think the # thing I was handed by the folks who greeted us was religious material. I'm pretty close to atheist, but I still carried (and still have) a religious medallion given to my by a nun before I deployed last year.
MSG Usarec Liason At Nrpc/Nara
MSG (Join to see)
10 y
My whole thing is you should have the choice to leave or accept any religious material. I remember when I was in college the Guideons (Spelling?) would come to campus twice a year and pass out bibles to everyone. They were on every corner, side street, sidewalk and road and it seemed that the only way to stop them from approaching you was to take a bible and show it to the next 30 Guideons you encountered. I'm not suggesting that a item out side of ones personal beliefs cannot become meaningful...I just feel like acceptance of an item shouldn't be forced.
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COL Roxanne Arndt
What ever happened to freedom of religion? Why is it that Christians are being persecuted by atheists, agnostics, Muslims? They are free to practice their faith but Christians can't practice theirs because it offends someone. We are in serious trouble.....
SSG Program Control Manager
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
Is there a diplomatic opportunity to work with Muslim countries to advance space exploration and science in general? Since there is no money to take on a grand project like building of space elevators, a lunar base or some other major advance in mans exploration of space.... trying to advance peace on earth doesn't seem like such a bad idea.

A Christian trying to promote understanding between our worlds through science, a Christian using the military to save lives in Africa, if it wasn't for him using drones on a massive scale to assassinate people thought to be associated with terrorism I'd think he was actually trying to be like your Christ.
SFC Brian Vasquez
SFC Brian Vasquez
>1 y
you are so right..radical athiest only seem to chave an issue when christians are involved.
CPO William Hughes
CPO William Hughes
9 y
COL Roxanne Arndt, Please tell me the specifics of when christians were not allowed to practice their faith? And just how are atheists, agnostics and their ilk persecuting christians? Muslims, now that's a different story. They may be trying to get back at you christians for the persecution they suffered in the Crusades, I don't know, but their religion is hokum anyway, just like judaism, hinduism, christianity, they're all built on the older religions and those were built on even older ones. Belief in the supernatural is my definition of insanity.



COL Roxanne Arndt
COL Roxanne Arndt
COL Roxanne Arndt
9 y
I'm tired of the finger pointing. If someone wants to give me a bible why does it offend others. If someone wants to send me a bible and I'm in a Muslim country why does it offend someone. I believe in Christ I'm a Christian and this debate is ridiculous.
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SFC Michael Hasbun
I suspect that if the Guard were handing out religious material that related to Satanism, the tenor of comments would be different...
PO1 Disaster Survivor Assistance Specialist
PO1 (Join to see)
>1 y
Good point! Me myself, I'm hoping the DOD will approve the Porn Goddess Religious application we submitted in 1977 soon! Can't wait to see the latest porn handed out for religious material!
SFC Paralegal Specialist
SFC (Join to see)
>1 y
I can agree with that SFC Michael Hasbun
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MSG Wade Huffman
I agree with you Robin, just because someone is handing something out doesn't mean you have to accept it. If you don't agree with the bible, just walk away. Why take the opportunity from someone who does.
SP5 Tom Carlson
SP5 Tom Carlson
>1 y
As eobin also said. just ask no one should be denied religous materials fo their Choosing..
CPT Jason Torpy
CPT Jason Torpy
>1 y
How much would Pepsi or Chevy Truck pay for the opportunity to reach out and put their advertising materials in the hands of every recruit coming in the military?
SSG John Jensen
SSG John Jensen
9 y
End all logos on everything - it's a burning man thing
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1LT David Moeglein
I would be happy to not hand a bible to an atheist. However, I think they need to get thicker skin. We have freedom of religion in our country, and not freedom from religion. Why would we want to make atheism our state religion?

On a humorous note, I did a mental health assessment with an atheist the other day. When it came to the social history part of the assessment, he admitted that he was an atheist, and that he didn't believe in God, but that he blames God when things go wrong. I liked his authenticity.
SGT James Hastings
SGT James Hastings
>1 y
I wonder what the atheist are passing out? Since they believe in nothing that is their right and we fought to allow them to have that right. Why do they care what we believe in? What gives them a right to deny us our Bible when they have nothing to put in its place?
1LT David Moeglein
1LT David Moeglein
>1 y
SGT James Hastings, That is a good question. I believe that there are plenty of secular disciplines that support the atheist's cause, such as professional counselors, marriage and family therapists, clinical social workers, and psychologists. They all embrace a humanist perspective to some degree. In the substance recovery world, there is also Rational Recovery. There is also plenty of common ground that we can find with logic and observations about nature. We can know about God, the prime mover, animating principle, or whatever you call it by what we observe in nature. It is the form of revelation that we humans all have in common. It is also known as common sense. I don't believe that atheists have a right to limit our respectful speech in America.
LT Clint Davis
LT Clint Davis
>1 y
SGT James Hastings I have to take issue with the "we and them" statements! "We" fight right alongside you and do not feel compelled to hand something out in the absence of a higher power. I do agree with you about denying anything. I would also like to stipulate that not all atheists are extremist zealots; we don't claim them and they certainly do not speak on behalf of all of us. In fact, I would prefer to send them, along with a majority of the PC commando's to an island somewhere to watch them march around looking for someone or something to change because it offends there sensibilities!
1LT David Moeglein
1LT David Moeglein
>1 y
Good point LT Clint Davis. Even among "believers" there are times when they don't believe in certain things. Sometimes it is good to not have to believe in something, because knowing could be considered better. I like that you value common decency, respect and good will among human kind irregardless of the -ism.
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SPC(P) Jay Heenan
The comment is exactly how I feel...if you don't want a bible then do not take one. I am about finished with anyone that wants EVERYBODY to modify their actions to appease a few. I want the atheists to stop messing with my faith, but I am not making any demands. I just chose to ignore them.
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LTC Deputy Branch Chief
Edited >1 y ago
I agree. The National Guard, or any other government organization, should not be advocating one religion above others. The First Amendment to the Constitution (you remember, that document you are sworn to defend) reads in part: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof ..." The language contains two parts; the "establishment" clause and the "free exercise" clause. The "establishment" clause is the crux of the principle of separation of Church ans State. The fact that you are ONLY offering Christian literature is an implicit avocation of one religion above all others and a violation of the Constitution.

Now, as for the inflammatory language of the title of the article. It is irrelevant that an "atheist" group is fighting this. Any American Citizen has the right to fight this and every American citizen should be against it.
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PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
While I had no problem with the Gideon's Bible they gave you in the care package before you deployed or in Boot Camp I am totally against the Proselytizing that some Fundamentalist do. In my 21 years in the Navy there was hardly any discussion of Religion and or Faith. It was considered Personal and Private and on a ship that is as it should be.
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