Posted on Aug 5, 2014
SSG Robin Rushlo
Atheists want guard to stop bible handouts what is your opinion
If you do not believe in the BIBLE GOD JESUS etc do not take the BIBLE. Easy answer
Posted in these groups: Atheism symbol Atheism
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Responses: 186
SFC Intelligence Analyst
Why are they focused only on Bibles?
My Chaplin also had Jewish prayer books, the book of Mormon, and Koran's to had out if that was your bent. This is a no brainier folks leave religion to the Chaplin corps and allow a recruit who may need the comfort a new testament/bible, or other religious text to have it available if they want it.
It has been my experience in a LIFETIME (40 plus years as both a brat and a member) of military culture that the Chaplin corps is awesome at serving ALL those of faith.
SSG Practical/Vocational Nursing
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In this instance, because the article only mentions the distribution of the bible. No others were mentioned, leading one to think that no other options were available (potentially), creating a de facto endorsement of one particular religious viewpoint.
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SPC Thomas Lema
True if you dont beleive in God dont take the bible' But i sugjest you do because when and if you are unfortunate enough to come under fire you may rapidly change your mind'
SSG Practical/Vocational Nursing
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Perhaps you also need to take a copy of the satanic bible, the koran, the god delusion, and a few others. After all, YOU might change your mind when under fire also.
SPC Thomas Lema
SPC Thomas Lema
>1 y
you got me on that one' lol
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LCpl Steve Wininger
My opinion... this should not be an issue. The bibles are not required, they do not add one cent to the guard units budget, and they hurt no one, in fact, they will most likely help someone.

For someone that doesn't believe in God, (The recruit, and Organization representing him) they sure spend a lot of time fighting him. I am still trying to figure out their shadow boxing routine. If God does not exist, as they claim, then why are they fighting shadows? Whether he felt pressured or not, he had the free will to throw it in the trash, or simply say no. There was no UCMJ for not accepting it.

The underlying goal here isn't that one person got upset about feeling compelled to take the bible, the atheists want no one to have it. we teach diversity for everything, why not religion.

I guess tolerance is a good thing as long as it does not have the name Jesus anywhere. As for it being government property n(the building where the bibles are), that does not imply it is government sanctioned.

The day I entered boot camp in San Diego, part of the issue was a little green bible. Not once were we told we had to read it study it, look at it, or even keep it. It was offered, and those who wished to keep it did so. Of course, in the eighties there was not a holy war raging against Christianity either.

Just my two cents! I have rambled on enough... for now!!!
SSG Practical/Vocational Nursing
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The issue comes into play if the government agent, the NG in this instance, is only allowing one group to hand out its literature. That creates a default preference for one religious viewpoint, which is prohibited by various court rulings. That is what is being fought by these organizations - the separation of church & state. You still retain your ability to believe as you wish, pray when you wish, however the government must remain neutral in those areas, without showing a preference for any.

As for your statements, " As for it being government property n(the building where the bibles are), that does not imply it is government sanctioned," and "The day I entered boot camp in San Diego, part of the issue was a little green bible," these contradict each other. IF the bible WAS issued, and not just made available, then it does constitute endorsement and sanctioning of a particular belief.
SPC Thomas Lema
SPC Thomas Lema
>1 y
Well years ago it was not a big deal like it is today in our world of political feelings being put into every part of our life , they gave one to me and i just kept it in my locker , not a big deal in fact i gave it to my son who likes it because it was green and has it as keep sake along with my rank pins and the very few medals i got. if made into a regulation item then you have a beef then all books of faith should be passed out'
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SrA Mental Health Technician
it is purely voluntary to pick up the bible being handed out. it is not like they are shoving it to your face. i understand they're just trying to reach out.

with that being said, we can always declinie politely if we do not wish to be handed out a bible.
LTC Richard Wasserman
LTC Richard Wasserman
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Sometimes they do-------
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SSG(P) Instructor
Atheists need to stop worrying about any type of religion. If you truly don't believe in a god, then what other believe shouldn't bother you.
SP5 Michael Rathbun
SP5 Michael Rathbun
>1 y
...and "shouldn't bother you" is pretty much the entire intent of that clause of the First Amendment.
SGT Karen Scott
SGT Karen Scott
>1 y
Ok, you exercised your first Amendment it doesn't mean you can force others to believe your personal belief and force them to not be allowed to read the Bible. I do not believe anymore, but I do not force others to not be able to read and share their beliefs. If they are not using it to hurt, kill, or manipulate to hurt and kill I respect them. But that doesn't mean they can force their beliefs while someone is working and keeping me from work like what happened one incident. I had to report to my manager that a professing religion that I hadn't heard of before would not let me go to do my rounds he wanted to keep me their until I confessed his way of beliefs. That is not first Amendment right he was wrong. And if any belief speaks outwardly and admits that they are against my Country, against America and want to kill America then I have every right to complain and get someone's attention to protect, prevent and stop whatever harm they our outwardly speaking they are going or wanting to do. Use you first Amendment right say you don't believe, but you have no right at all to keep any Christian from being able to receive a Bible so they can have options to read what they believe and if you are seeing someone praying you better respect them and leave them alone. Unless of course it is an known religion that is out to kill, hurt America and commit terrorism against America and Americans that they have already professed they are doing to do they have done and want to continue doing!!!
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SFC Mark Merino
I'm with you SSG Robin Rushlo ....easy answer.
Capt Jeff S.
Capt Jeff S.
>1 y
But what if our next President writes an unpopular EO, and takes 1% of your income to pay for the Bibles because he considers them birth control... and it's no big deal because he's simply following a precedent that requires taxpayers to pay for birth control, which was already a precedent set by a previous (p)Resident? LOL.

And people wonder why so many take issue with the current (p)Resident... who just decided to not work with the GOP and go it alone on what he calls "Immigration Reform" and blamed Congress for not doing enough! It was HE that was not enforcing Federal Immigration Law, which he justified by saying he was exercising "Prosecutorial Discression" in setting his priorities [which didn't include securing our borders] and he didn't have enough resources which forced him to pick and choose which laws he had to give greater priority to enforcing... Do you believe it?

He creates problems, blames them on others, and then saves the day with his EO solutions... Now that's LEADERSHIP!!! (/sarcasm).
SPC(P) Jay Heenan
SPC(P) Jay Heenan
>1 y
Isn't your complaint about using tax dollars to pay for something you don't agree with the same as my complaint about using tax dollars to pay for abortions? Tax dollars are tax dollars, typically the only difference is who will be pissed off about how it is being used.
SCPO Carl Wayne Boss
SCPO Carl Wayne Boss
>1 y
Petty Officer Sackenheim,

If you really want to know on "which" Christian principles this Country was founded ... it may be painful for you... but I'm afraid you're going to have to read the Bible.

Oh and there's a small four volume work, you may want to look at also, It's called "Teaching and Learning America's Christian History' by Rosalie J. Slater.

There are other references , but I don't want to overwhelm your intellect. And regarding the Treaty of which you spoke earlier.... If memory serves I don't believe George Washington was a signatory to the agreement.

In fact the original version of the "The Treaty of Tripoli" containing the language you quoted was written in Arabic.

A version translated by then Consul-General Joel Barlow was ratified by the United States Congress on 10JULY1797. It's translation was in doubt for quite sometime and wasn't until some time later that it was finally signed by President John Adams who wanted to insure that clarity of our ecclesiastical proclivities were properly ensconced and sent to Congress for ratification.

After the original writing the 11th Amendment was dropped and other changes made and proper transliterations done in both English and Arabic before the document was finally sent to Congress in final version for ratification more than 8 years after the original writing. Of course you'll want to research and corroborate those findings...
LTC Chief Of Public Affairs And Protocol
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PO3 Sackenheim, Slander? Where is there a slander? Evolution is a scientific fact? Maybe so. Something was the catalyst for ALL we know (and much that we don't know). This, by its most simple definition, is CREATION. We are all here, something CREATED us all. We exist therefore CREATION happened. What more evidence do you need?

Is the position of atheism arrogance or intellectual insecurity? Lets presume you are correct, not that we will ever know, what difference does it make to you if Christians, Muslims, Buddists, ad infinitum; are wrong? Since in the view of the atheist, your position is clearly a superior level of understanding, why not just sit back, shut up and pity all the lesser understanding religious zealots.

Frankly I am fed up with the judgment and forced compliance of atheism. Regardless of my exhaustion of the position, you have a right to draw your own conclusions. Please stop trying to restrict my religious freedoms and expressions. I will shut up now.

Best wishes to all.
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