Posted on Jun 29, 2014
PO1 Master-at-Arms
To all who have been personally affected by this post, I extend my public and personal apology. Be assured that IN NO WAY was this post intended to impinge on anyone's personal beliefs. As previously stated, I still have the same stand on 'keep it to yourself' on whatever choices you make. That means gay AND straight.

That also means if I hear anyone talking about how many b**%&es they knocked up or junk in the trunk, I will still politely and firmly ask them to stop. I also realized that I'm a service member just like most of us here. Offending and causing strife amongst brothers and sisters in arms was my ABSOLUTELY LAST INTENTION.

If anything, this post served for me as a personal lesson on how to express myself on public media, especially in writing, and hope it served a lesson for you to choose your words carefully, especially when addressing most of us wearing uniform here on Rallypoint.

I also wanted to thank MAJ Yinon Weiss for encouraging me to deal with it, learn from people's reactions, and restating my view in less hostile manner. Once again, as a brother and sister in arms, I may not like your certain points of view and you may not like some of mine, but let's agree to disagree, express ourselves more tactfully, and stay focused on our mission to this beloved country of ours.
Hooyah, hooah, hoorah, and hip-hip hooray (USAF?)
Posted in these groups: Pride logo Pride1fd5e038 Celebration
Edited 10 y ago
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Responses: 57
MSG Floyd Williams
Edited 10 y ago
The U.S is divided with so many issues such as race, sexual orientation, social status, politics, sexism, and much more which is weakening our country and military more and more. We are loosing the war on terrorism and drugs because of the in-house battle among us, I hope this won't cause our downfall it is a big concern for me. The "Don't Ask, Don't Tell," is already out of the box, it is too late to reinstate it in my opinion. I won't vote up or down on this issue, I don't have the authority to control people lives. If we look at all the serious problems in American society which one is priority to find a solution to it? It would take a lifetime to solve all the problems, but it will never be solved at our limited power as long as there is life on this earth. God want us to be the peacemakers not to try to do His job.
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SGT Christopher Mackison
I feel that we shouldn't go back to don't ask don't tell, someone shouldn't have to hide who they are in or out of uniform. But I think the time for celebration is over.
1SG First Sergeant
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10 y
SGT Christopher Mackison we celebrate annually all types of events, so are you suggesting "the time for celebration is over" for Asian/Pacific Islander, Black History, Women's rights, Month of the Military Child, Hispanic Culture, etc...? Surely as an NCO in the US Army you support diversity and your unit's EEO? Surely you foster a culture that is free from SHARP incidents? Perhaps I'm just misinterpreting your statement...
SGT Christopher Mackison
SGT Christopher Mackison
10 y
I do believe you misunderstood my statement. What I was trying to say really is that it's time to move on from this, and onto other things that need to be done. I'm all for diversity, and strongly support it.
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SGT Ait Student
The idea of don't ask don't tell is not to bad, but it don't have to be a regulation just keep it simple. We don't ask and they don't tell cause it really don't matter, I'm not going to tell you
"Why yes, I like sleeping with woman far more then with men" cause well... why should I? its irreverent to the task at hand. My desire for a man or woman should not affect my ability to do my job and if it dose there are bigger problems then sexual orientation to worry about.

Regarding sharing a room\showers with a open gay person. They follow regulations like everyone else, no inappropriate actions, keep it professional.
CW3 Network Architect
CW3 (Join to see)
10 y
If my wife gets into a car accident, and the hospital or the cops call me, I can get off work in a flash, just by telling my supervisor. What does a male with a boyfriend do in that case? What does a female with a girlfriend do in that case?
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SSG Pod Load Technician
There should be a color guard at EVERY event. That way it is more equal
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1SG First Sergeant
1LT Shawn McCarthy you will have to break it down for me, because it sounds more like you and PO1 (Join to see) have an issue with DADT from a religious standpoint, rather than a practical one. I'm sorry if the repeal of DADT conflicts with your viewpoints, but that is not a reason advocate for subjugation of a sect of the population to appease your moral values.
PO1 Disaster Survivor Assistance Specialist
PO1 (Join to see)
10 y
PO1 Jacob Dronzin
I won't say I felt comfortable being in the same shower area with any of several individuals that I showered with. One in particular was the hairiest, nastiest smelling SOB that existed on the planet - bar none. Another individual I hated showering with - much less standing in the same chow line with was a hyper-religious proselytizing know-it-all that just flat out irritated the living daylights out of me just knowing I had to let the ass continue to live. Another one that really pissed me off was the guy who continually sang (waaaaayy off key) psalms and various religious hymns and couldn't start off on the correct key, much less sing with the right words - plus he was the worst darn maintenance tech onboard - I was continually forced to have him re-do even the simplest tasks. Then there was the JA who simply couldn't remember to make his bunk every day.....and I got chewed out daily for his "forgetfulness". Oh yeah...then there was the guy I wasn't sure, but probably was gay, but I never had any trouble from him. He was always on time, did his work properly, looked good in uniform, never bitched or complained (well maybe, but not as much as the others previously mentioned). Personally, I would have rather pitched the hyper-religious freak overboard - I would have called "man-overboard".....two days later.

Trust me - there were things you did or didn't do that just irritated somebody all the way to the far bulkhead.
1SG First Sergeant
1SG (Join to see)
10 y
Well stated PO1 (Join to see) and directly to the point. Someone's sexual preference should have no bearing, hence why DADT was repealed. DoD isn't condoning any type of sexual behavior, the repeal just stops them from being punished because of it.
PO1 Master-at-Arms
PO1 (Join to see)
10 y
Well, what can I say, great inputs. As I said before, I have my view. I'm sharing it. I agree with some and disagree with others. I pledge not to down vote anyone unless of course you become straight up abusive, and I haven't witnessed that yet.

Ultimately our creator judges us one day I believe. I created this post due to witnessing way too much questionable behavior in my opinion and hope the military and the country overall will not divide as a result as it did during Vietnam era for different reasons, of course. Again I have my views and appreciate your perspective on those views. You all been great!
1SG Mike Case
1SG Mike Case
10 y
Would you feel weird having to cuddle with a gay woman for heat? Would it be less awkward if you were showering with a gay woman? I get it, you don't like the openess of it all and apparently that they get the same benefits that a man and woman, whom are married get. I bet if you ask a gay man or woman serving, they wanted to be able to put up a picture of their loved one or to not have to wait till the car to get a hug and a kiss at a redeployment ceremony. They simply wanted the same thing you have had for the last ten years with your wife.
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1SG First Sergeant
The military has evolved, learn to adapt with change as the world has changed. Personal opinions do not govern what we do a society, it is the collective will of the people that has brought about this change. We can either choose to accept it or leave the military and rail against it. But know this, there are still people in the world that believe women should not serve and blacks are not equal to whites. And those people are entitled to their opinions. But we as a society do not agree and we as a military do not agree with those individuals who choose to continue to oppress others. We have always stood for freedom and that is what this is, the freedom to be who you feel you were born to be. Nothing more, nothing less.
MAJ Deputy Director, Combat Casualty Care Research Program
MAJ (Join to see)
10 y
1LT McCarthy - as I've been pointing out, there are both genetic and epigenetic data supporting heridibility of same sex preferences. As for your twin studies, this could easily be explained by minor variations in the x-chomosome among twins or due to post conception, epigenetic modifications in one zygote vs the other.
1SG First Sergeant
1SG (Join to see)
10 y
I appreciate your insight SrA William Diamond and thank you for educating the rest of us on some true history.
Cpl Brett Wagner
Cpl Brett Wagner
10 y
Back before DADT I was stationed at the Pentagon (before woman could ride ships) and privy to message traffic classified and unclassified. There was a time that a west coast based carrier group went out on a Westpac cruise. Before the battle group was out a week or so, someone began performing sex acts on sleeping sailors yes tight space but it was official message traffic. Sailors started sleeping with clubs and/or knives and started to look at each other wondering who it might be. Discipline quickly deteriorated to the point that the mission could not be accomplished so the entire battle group was ordered back to port. Without an air craft carrier there really is no point in the rest of the battle group going anywhere. The Navy had to reassign almost everyone on the ship. Granted this was during a much less accepting time for alternate life styles in the military but still cost the taxpayers millions of dollars.
SGT Psychological Operations Specialist
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>1 y
1LT Shawn McCarthy I’m sorry you feel the way you do, but I sleep soundly knowing that my wife is taken care of, I don’t have to lie to superiors when asked about my life at home (spouse, kids, hobbies, etc), and I can kiss my wife during a promotion ceremony. EVERY service member deserves equality, simple as that.

Also, I absolutely love being accompanied by my wife to Army/holiday balls. I’m a dedicated, outstanding, and law-abiding Soldier. Your personal feelings, driven by your beliefs, don’t have a place regarding this matter.
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SPC Randy Torgerson
Why would you down vote someone who has not only apologized but profoundly admitted detailed fault and set it straight and learned some valuable lessons?

I understand a down vote for the original comments, but on the apology? What am I missing?
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SMSgt Alan Saunders
DADT was the right policy for dealing with the homosexuality issue for the military. Why should I care what your sexual preference is? I never did. I don't talk about sex with my co-workers and simply ask the same courtesy from others. Now, we have made it an overt issue and created arguing points among the ranks. Why couldn't Congress just leave it alone?
CW3 Network Architect
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10 y
It isn't just about "talking about ones' sexual preference", Senior Master Sergeant. If I'm working for you, and my wife gets in a car accident, and my buddy, who happens to be gay, has a boyfriend who gets in a car accident, which of us gets to get off work to go to the emergency room? That's just one of a whole HOST of issues.
SMSgt Alan Saunders
SMSgt Alan Saunders
10 y
Hmm, good question. I notice you didn't ask about your girlfriend getting into a car accident but compared your wife to your buddy's friend. Technically speaking, it's an apples to oranges comparison.
SPC Healthcare Specialist (Combat Medic)
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10 y
SMSgt, Actually, No it isn't. during the time of DADT, it was illegal for gay unions to be recognized by the military. and for most of its tenure, it was illegal in the country. by its very existence it imposed a disparate world of inequality in the military. A service member could NOT state that his or her same sex partner was in a vehicular accident and needed to go to the ER.
CW3 Network Architect
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10 y
And you know what, before I married my wife she'd had an accident at work and busted some ribs, and I was allowed to get off work early to go see her in the hospital, so that blows your spurious argument right out of the water.

But that's okay, I see you avoided my question anyway.
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SGT Team Leader
PO1 (Join to see), thanks for your personal update. I don't believe you meant harm. It really is sometimes impossible to convey feelings when the medium we must use to convey them is black letters. I think that in many, many ways, the internet has linked the world together, but it has also caused us to lose a lot in how we perceive each other.
Let's be real, if we posted photos of our lives, every hour, onto our news-feeds, we'd realize that the folks posting all those selfies aren't living the perfect life-any more than we are.
So, don't beat yourself up. You posted something that you felt was worth mentioning. And I have zero doubt that you intended it to solicit feedback and not attack. I think we all tiptoe through that mind-field at some point or the other! Your clarification took a lot of maturity. And if someone is too offended to concede the point, that's their personal issue and they have the right (just like you) to debate it further here.
SGT Team Leader
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10 y
I prefer the phrase "gone down the rabbit hole." And that's what happened here. Actually, I had scrolled some other topics, just the other day, and was amazed at how brutal some of the commentary was!
PO1 Master-at-Arms
PO1 (Join to see)
10 y
Look at this way to, Lindsay: military is NOTORIOUS for herd mentality. When a member's trustworthy source says something, he or she goes into zombie surge without realizing, and free-thinking is out the door. And as we have witnessed, no different in this public, seemingly hands-down forum. But it's OK, hope we learned a thing or 2 here. I know I did. About people's personal vs. herd reactions. Nice pic by the way ;-)
SGT Team Leader
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10 y
Well, yes. And the irony of being a freethinker and enlisting as a member of the military "herd" has never escaped me. To put it bluntly, the military is the ultimate of uniformity in thought and action, or at least that is the perception. In theory, sounds about right, but...(and thanks)
SSG General Services Technician And State Vehicle Inspector
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548927 3529185624106 1106165697 33500866 624590154 n
SGT (Join to see), another great Einstein quote.
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TSgt Battlefield Weather Forecaster
While I agree that people should not be openly talking about their sexual lives (who really cares?), bringing DADT back is not the way to do. You had the right idea, but the wrong opening statement for it. Something completely different (other than "Bring back DADT") would be the better way to address the situation.
PO1 Master-at-Arms
PO1 (Join to see)
10 y
I admit, I underestimated the impact of the post and how I phrased it. I also admit that prior to repeal I had more respect for gay service members who truly kept it to themselves than straight trash talkers, and I knew there was something wrong with the stigma of getting separated just by opening one's mouth and confessing.

I was frowning at first when increasing number of public celebrations started to emerge to the point of near-outrage. DADT from what I saw had good intentions and it worked somewhat. It lasted over a decade for God's sake, so something about it had to be right.

And again, though I may not fully understand that side completely, I don't think it should be a reason for dismissal, but furthermore I still do not want to hear about your intimate encounters, gay or straight. Mission first!
TSgt Battlefield Weather Forecaster
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10 y
Sexual relationships shouldn't be discussed, agreed. But there should be nothing wrong with talking about relationships in general while at work; after all, one's leadership should know how you're getting along at home, so they understand how your work can/will be affected.

I'm with you on your intent, PO1 Dronzin. :-)
PO1 Master-at-Arms
PO1 (Join to see)
10 y
Great, I guess we'll wait and see how it will work out in a long run. And I'm sure our leadership is monitoring the situation closely. I don't particularly anticipate major repercussions after repeal, but I guess we'll just have to wait and see, and trust our leadership to make well thought-out decisions on this matter
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