Posted on Feb 11, 2022
SPC 11 C Indirect Fire A Infantryman
We just got this new corporal who re-classed to mortars and he’s super hooah and after a disagreement and how to perform large deflections he told me to drop now I know he is a corporal but I’ve been a mortar man longer and I am the gun 2 gunner and the fact is he was wrong after all he just became a mortar man 11c and for that reason I told him to eat a bag of dicks just want everyone’s opinion
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Responses: 329
MSG Intermediate Care Technician
You told an NCO to go eat a bag of dicks and you wanna know if you were wrong? I don't care if you've been doing the job longer and know more. You were more wrong than a hooker in church trying to pass a $3.00 bill in the collection plate. Personally, you should have been recommended for UCMJ. Disrespect to an NCO, Article 91. And yes he can drop your ass for corrective training. Remember, he's the NCO and you are not. Next time this happens, take it to your Squad Leader instead of planting your head in your ass.
1SG Dean Mcbride (MPER) (CPHR)
1SG Dean Mcbride (MPER) (CPHR)
3 mo
Forget the fact that he is a Corporal... If he were a Sergeant, Staff Sergeant or higher, would you have made the same statement (consider all things the same - time in position, etc)? If he were a recently graduated ROTC Second Lieutenant just learning about what a mortar is, would you have done the same thing? Unless you are a total idiot, you know you were wrong! Why bother letteing the rest of the world know how stupid your actions were and how idiotic your question is!
1SG Dean Mcbride (MPER) (CPHR)
1SG Dean Mcbride (MPER) (CPHR)
3 mo
SPC Zach Lockhart - If we had more Hookers in Church, the overall Church attendance would probably improve! LOL
1SG Dean Mcbride (MPER) (CPHR)
1SG Dean Mcbride (MPER) (CPHR)
3 mo
MSG (Join to see) - @PV2 Lonn Dugan PV2 Dugan was obviously a major screw-up in the service (if he served!). How long does it take to get promoted to E-3? 99.99% of enlisted soldiers could do so before discharge! I was on active service from 1960 to 1982 -- he was in service in 78 and he can't remember anything about the Army?! There is a reason he was discharged as an E-2 and it shows in all of his comments... I doubt that he is a Wanna-Be... Most of them profess to have a little bit of rank - not a PV2!
CPL Theodore Moore
CPL Theodore Moore
2 mo
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SFC Retention Operations Nco
You were both wrong, but you do what your rank can handle. He was wrong to try to flex because he was insecure about being wrong. You were wrong in your response. He's trying to establish himself as the recognized leader in a section that's new to him. You could have changed that entire encounter by pulling him aside and showing him the TM or whatever reference in a way that let's him save face in front of his Joe's.
TSgt Carl Johnson
TSgt Carl Johnson
11 mo
1stSgt Michael Shafer - This was over 30 years ago, in a combat zone, he was eavesdropping on a private conversation, then publicly berating me. I told him what I said in private. He was salty because he had been assigned to a patrol that I was in charge of because he had no training or experience for it. When he was in the subordinate position, I still respected his rank, but I was in charge. He handled it. I learned my lesson. There was no reason to overreact to the point that you suggest. That's the kind of toxic leadership that forces out troops that have enormous potential. It would also have been an enormous waste of time. I am proud of my service. I may not have made a lot of rank, but I accomplished more for my country and branch than he ever did. He had been assigned to me. Get my drift, 1stSgt?
SFC Howard Holmes
SFC Howard Holmes
11 mo
SFC Boyd, just reading that he told a Cpl. to "Eat a Bag of Dicks" gives me a funny feeling that the 'disagreement' wasn't as sweet and clean as he's making it out to be. If it was, there probably was a finishing touch to his comment to the Cpl like maybe, "dumb ass", "moron" or something else of that nature. I just have that feeling, that there's a little envy, or Spec Gomez wanted to knock the Cpl down a couple notches while lifting himself up a couple of notches. Maybe even Gomez wanted to test the Cpl., and didn't expect the Alpha Charlie, or the Smoking that he earned.
CSM Frank Supinski
CSM Frank Supinski
10 mo
Having been a young enlisted man and a young NCO I can remember these days as some of the most challenging of my career. The transformation to the NCO ranks is one that in my way of thinking requires a whole lot of training, mentorship, and learning by doing and yes even the mistakes one makes by doing the job. If their is a perceived lack of experience on your new TL than my recommendation is elevated this to your Platoon SGT and have a sit down with both him and TL together. I know it is difficult to check Ego's at the door but an honest dialog needs to happen between you both on this situation. Respect is a two way street as I have often learned. In order to get it you have to give it. As someone once taught me "people who look down upon other people don't end up being looked up to."
SSG Richard Bladl
SSG Richard Bladl
8 mo
1stSgt Michael Shafer - Sorry to disagree, your response shows you to be a hard nosed leader that needs some leadership training. You needed to pull both to the side and have a discussion about the problem and try to fix it, if that didn't work you could give less punishment than an Article 15. Sorry top, you don't have my support.
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SFC Ralph E Kelley
Under Art 92, UCMJ, it is a violation if the SPC does not obey the order.
SGT Indirect Fire Infantryman (Mortarman)
SGT (Join to see)
6 mo
That is complete bullshit.. he has the right to violate that order if the order can and will put him or anyone else life in Jeopardy
SFC Ralph E Kelley
SFC Ralph E Kelley
6 mo
SGT (Join to see) - How do you know if the Corporal telling him to drop to do push-ups and him responding, "eat a bag of dicks" would harm other soldiers?
1SG Dean Mcbride (MPER) (CPHR)
1SG Dean Mcbride (MPER) (CPHR)
3 mo
SGT (Join to see) - He may have a right to violate an unlawful order. But, this does not give him the right to verbalize obscenities... He demonstrated an extreme lack of class in his behavior.
SFC Ralph E Kelley
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