Posted on Mar 24, 2016
SPC Aviation Operations Specialist
I recently visited the Fallen Warriors Memorial on Cutten Road in Spring, TX. While I was there, I noticed a Veteran wearing a Vietnam hat and although I wanted to walk over to him and shake his hand, I decided to back off as he was paying his respects; however, prior to him leaving he stood in front of the memorial, came to attention and held a salute for a few seconds before bringing it down. So my question is actually coming from me as I've felt compelled to salute as well, but have refrained as I'm not sure what is correct.
Edited >1 y ago
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SSgt Investigative Analyst
Edited 2 y ago
Hi, PFC Pereira.

A provision of the 2009 Defense Authorization Act changes federal law to allow U.S. veterans and military personnel not in uniform to render the military hand salute when the national anthem is played. The new law took effect on October 14.

This change adds to a provision which was passed in the 2008 Defense Bill, which authorized veterans and military personnel in civilian clothes to render the military salute during the raising, lowering or passing of the flag.

For the vet saluting a Fallen Warrior Memorial. That gesture honors a code among our brothers and sisters that transcends any rule or regulation, in my opinion. Any officer or enlisted personnel I know would get it, and likely do the same. I wouldn't care if it's dead on accurate or ridiculously against the rules. He is honoring his fallen brethren. With respect, I see absolutely nothing wrong with it.
LCDR Alan Darr
LCDR Alan Darr
1 mo
thank you--been somewhat uncomfortable--listening to the National Anthem and not saluting without uniform clad.
SPC Jason Brown
SPC Jason Brown
25 d
SSgt: Great answer! There are still lots of people who don't know about 08/09 regs, & decades of military prior practice drilled in, so it's a legitimate question. Prior to 2008, military protocol stated "hand over heart" if you weren't in uniform when the flag passed or the national anthem played- active, Veteran or otherwise. Still get funny looks at parades and sporting events when I salute while out of uniform! As to funerals & memorials: That's up to the individual, but shame and woe to anyone telling those honoring a fallen comrade "you can't salute!"* (*Note: "Shame" requires some level of self-awareness and sense to admit when wrong, while level of "woe" is up to the individual responder. Tempered response recommended as first option...for a given value of "temper". User discretion is advised.)
SGT Wesley Bielinski
SGT Wesley Bielinski
23 d
Question: If you're going to Salute, do you still remove your hat?
SrA Cecelia Eareckson
SrA Cecelia Eareckson
16 d
SGT Wesley Bielinski - Nope. I attend college sports, and they usually make an announcement that states active duty military and veterans may keep their caps on while tendering the military salute.
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SGM Mikel Dawson
Just try and stop me!
MSgt Harry Campbell
MSgt Harry Campbell
8 mo
CPT Ian Stewart -
I am not being disrespectful but I am glad that you did what you did. Protocol never supersedes Brothers and Sisters in Arms...In my opinion, even Congress would agree
CPT Ian Stewart
CPT Ian Stewart
8 mo
MSgt Harry Campbell - From one Scot to another - Tango Yankee
Maj William Mitchell
Maj William Mitchell
4 mo
SGM Chief Executive Officer (Ceo)
SGM (Join to see)
4 mo
PO2 Jimmie Shelnutt - Not sure how you could have offended anyone by showing a genuine sign of respect!
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LTC Paul Labrador
Like anyone is going to stop you.....?
Brad Miller
Brad Miller
4 mo
Sadly, I have seen people who actually approached the vet, and began to berate them. A few (a VERY few) were even in uniform.
SGT James Hunsinger
SGT James Hunsinger
26 d
Brad Miller - I dare someone to berate me for saluting. I don't care who they are or what they are. I'll give them something to make them regret it. They will be embarrassed and think twice about doing it to someone else. I used to be a Patriot Guard Rider. I saluted at every funeral, every time taps was played, every time the National Anthem was played I still do though I can't stand anymore because of a motorcycle accident. But every time I went to one of the local high school football games to watch my daughter perform in the band I still salute the flag. No one has ever berated me for it and I think it would take a real ass clown to do such a thing to a veteran or active duty service member.
Brad Miller
Brad Miller
26 d
Sadly, some "people" would try.
SrA Cecelia Eareckson
SrA Cecelia Eareckson
16 d
I have been questioned one time for saluting during the anthem. It was another woman. Then she wanted to know my branch. I was in a mellow mood that evening, and just went with the flow.
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