Posted on Jun 26, 2018
SGT Squad Leader
If sexual assault is such a problem in the Army, and military as a whole, why would you stop soldiers from being able to get out their urges as easily as possible when they already can't have sex for 9 months? I understand local laws, but we've invaded these countries... We're breaking plenty of local laws.
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Responses: 58
1SG Vet Technician
I have to admit that I am bothered and disappointed that you are equating sexual assault with a lack of ability to find sexual relief in situations such as deployments.

Perhaps you need to revisit SHARP training. Sexual assault is about folks who use sex in a manner that gives them a sense of power and control.
SFC Intelligence Analyst
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6 y
SGT Shane Serna - Yes they still use SHARP and it has improved slightly. There is a new training video that is the best one I've ever seen and I used it in my annual training. SHARP Spoken Word I believe it's called.
SSG Healthcare Specialist (Combat Medic)
SSG (Join to see)
6 y
I really think the issue here is this guys a predator he knows he is a predator and has an unhealthy addiction to porn. Man turn off the computer and quit watching porn. Your urges can be controlled by being an adult and a professional.
SSG Healthcare Specialist (Combat Medic)
SSG (Join to see)
>1 y
You mean someone like you. Please go get help. What do you think pedophiles do they watch child porn until they get worked up then they go take a child. Rape and domination porn should be banned. I'm assuming you don't have a normal relationship. Please please get help before you harm someone. SGT (Join to see)
LTC Stephan Porter
LTC Stephan Porter
>1 y
It was 1SG (Join to see), but not, I think, “elegant” and that’s ok...needed to be said.
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SGM Erik Marquez
Edited 6 y ago
BLUF: Cultural laws and norms of the locations US service members are at..

Sometimes it is part of the status of forces agreements (if we have one) and sometimes it is a internal CofS, DA, or service chief decision due to Cultural laws and norms they want to adhere to as a give and take of what we need, vice what they want. More so when we work in a combined (US and other country forces) environment including the host nation..

That it is unpopular or denying an entertainment want of a service member is not part of the equation.
That you think watching porn will stop sexual attacks or harassment is very telling of your not understanding sexual assault.
MSG Dan Castaneda
MSG Dan Castaneda
6 y
SFC (Join to see) - Its not about being unethical or immoral. Soldiers are encouraged to question all orders these days. That's why we are losing discipline in the military.
SFC Intelligence Analyst
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SSgt Joseph Baptist - Again when did I attack him? I did not. You have shown no time that I did. But you continue to attack me for some odd reason.

I never said I'm an expert. Not once. I have demonstrated no ignorance on this topic but you have an extreme amount of it. I am not resistant to new ideas - when they have a basis in reality and fact. Way to blow off the edit job.
SFC Intelligence Analyst
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I didn't brag I stated a fact.

I have done research on it outside the SHARP arena.

I can say someone is wrong when they are wrong.

Have a LOVELY day.
CWO3 Us Marine
CWO3 (Join to see)
>1 y
All posts show why we should not go there. I believe many have been effectively trolled with this topic, unless the issue runs rampant with those deployed. Not porn, but sexual assault.
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SFC Intelligence Analyst
I think someone has not paid attention in any SHARP briefings ever. I can't believe you are stating that sexual assault happens because some people can't quell their sexual urges. So explain to me why sexual assault happens stateside where people can watch porn if that's all it takes to stop sexual assault...

You need to go have a serious talk with your SARC or a civilian victim advocate or talk to some sexual assault survivors. Sexual assault and rape are NOT about sex. Ever. It's about power and control.
SFC Intelligence Analyst
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6 y
SGT (Join to see) - Yes I can say it's never about sex because it never is about sex. Perhaps you need to research sexual assault and rape as well. A lot of experts on the subject disagree with you. Rape is always about power and control and never about sex.
SFC Intelligence Analyst
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SGT Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic
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Well I believe what your opinion is. But either way I don't care, I'm not an expert. I don't care what the reason behind rape, sexual assault. There is no place for it in my squad platoon or company. not in the military or in the world.
Other than that I feel regardless of what I say or voice. Unless I agree with you I'll be wrong. I'm not a subject matter expert on this topic.
Thank you for your insight.
LTC Stephan Porter
LTC Stephan Porter
>1 y
SFC (Join to see), his point is that it is not absolute. There are cases that show and “experts” who acknowledge that it is at least possible to be a factor, even though we know it is nit the norm.
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Can someone explain why soldiers are banned from watching porn down range?
SSG Aircraft Mechanic
In my trips to Iraq and Afghanistan, I haven't had access to pornography and yet I never committed any acts of sexual assault and I never committed adultery. Also, the only places outside of the US that I've consumed alcohol are Ireland and Kyrgyzstan. I've never understood how people couldn't go a few months without booze or getting their noodle wet and how their apparent need for those things outweighed their careers and families. To me that seems to be signs of big problems.
1SG Team Chief
1SG (Join to see)
6 y
I absolutely agree
SPC Jon Carpenter
SPC Jon Carpenter
>1 y
Well said brother!
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SGT Tony Clifford
Obviously the reason you can't watch porn is that you could go blind.
SFC Intelligence Analyst
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SGT Tony Clifford - I never said it should be banned. I know everyone watched it during both deployments. I know guys that had damn photos of female soldiers (nude, half nude or not) and had I been a bit smarter when I first came in I would have damn well reported those female soldier photos.

I just thought it was a serious post and that's why I said seriously because watching porn doesn't make someone blind...
SFC Intelligence Analyst
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SSgt Joseph Baptist - I said he must have a porn addiction because he thinks that he or others can't function without sex and that porn is the answer for sexual deviancy when it's the opposite.

Okay not everyone - but a large number of people do watch it while deployed. People also drank alcohol during deployments on the COPs and PBs. They probably still do. Is it wrong? Yes. If they get caught with either they'll get punished like anything else.

It's just like adultery- illegal under UCMJ but not very widely enforced because you pretty much have to be caught in the act of sex to get charged with it. It even states in the article I believe that even if you're just in bed with someone who isn't your spouse or with a married person that's not adultery. It also has to cause a degradation in good order and discipline. Or someone admits to it. So adultery happens but no one gets punished unless they get caught.

If someone gets caught with porn they get punished downrange. If you have an issue with the rule talk to those who make the policies and general orders downrange. Not me. I don't make those rules.
SFC Intelligence Analyst
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6 y
SSgt Joseph Baptist - Not many. I was a SPC at the time when I deployed. I had no idea of reporting procedures and SHARP didn't exist then. Sexual assault and such was often ignored topic when I came in.

Again have a lovely day with your hostility and negativity toward me and me alone.
CPT Special Forces Officer
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Hairy palms are a dead giveaway.
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SSG Psyop Instructor
What does sexual assault have to do with watching porn? You should probably attend more Sharp training and actually take notes.

That’s like saying if Obesity is such a problem in the military, why would you stop soldiers from drinking alcohol?

If you’re actively engaged on deployment and doing your job, you wouldn’t even think about porn. Get your priorities in order.
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1SG Team Chief
Maybe your not asking the question correctly, or maybe you need to live in a SHARP class. As a Senior NCO, and the husband of a soldier who was sexually assulted while I was deployed, I don’t understand how you could use watching porn as medicine for sexually assaulting a fellow soldier. Then your knowledge of a deployment is absolutely off. There’s a big difference in advising and assistance to a country and then breaking the Sovereignty of a country. Specialist you have a lot to learn.
LTC Stephen C.
LTC Stephen C.
6 y
Very articulate and sincere response, 1SG (Join to see). I’m most sorry that your wife was sexually assaulted and I hope that all is well now for you both.
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MAJ Ken Landgren
We don't want ether bunnies downrange.
SGT Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic
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6 y
Impairment by ANY drug.
Is known or reasonably known.
Meaning that yeah. One shot won't count. But if they sit there and consume a fifth of whiskey during a movie. Then proceed. Reasonably they should know they're both intoxicated.
SFC Intelligence Analyst
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SFC Intelligence Analyst
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SFC Intelligence Analyst
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State Law Database
How to find out how a state defines consent. Because "Everyday Feminism" isn't a very accurate source.
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PV2 Robert H.
Because even though we invaded and now occupy, that doesn't mean the US Military doesn't have to play politics with the government that owns the place.

Not to mention that if they allow it, and then a service member ends up getting cought with it when it's still illegal then they have to negotiate with the police to release the service member. Trouble that can be avoided by disallowing it in the first place.

Do I agree they should be allowed to "entertain" themselves. However I, as many boys learned, that task is possible WITHOUT the help of video/photographic aid.
SFC Intelligence Analyst
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6 y
SGT (Join to see) - You seem to have a serious porn addiction that I suggest you seek help for.
1SG Vet Technician
1SG (Join to see)
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SGT (Join to see)

About your need for porn: This verse from the song Kodachrome by Simon and Garfunkel (probably older then you are) comes to mind

if you took all the girls I knew
When I was single
And brought them all together for one night
I know they'd never match
My sweet imagination
SFC Intelligence Analyst
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6 y
SSgt Joseph Baptist - No I don't. I have a problem with people spreading myths and falsehoods about rape and sexual assault. I think you have a trolling problem. Perhaps you should just stop replying to my comments when I'm not even talking to you.
SFC Intelligence Analyst
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6 y
" You clearly have no problem spreading your own myths about rape and sexual assault."
What myths have I spread? None. Show me what myths I have spread.

"Are you really that dishonest AND that stupid? How can you claim that you are not talking to me when you are responding directly to me?"
You have been going on threads that you weren't even on until I went and commented. Are you that dishonest? Oh and "stupid?" Who is attacking whom now?

"I'm one of only a few people in this thread that have attempted to actually answer the SPC's question, rather than just trying to dismiss it (and, in your case, accuse him of porn addiction), yet you want to accuse me of being a "troll"? "
LMAO!! That's a good one. Yes you are trolling in fact.

"I chose to stay in the discussion so that a young soldier can see that some NCOs lead with empathy and understanding." Even MORE hilarious! You are not leading with any empathy or understanding.
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CW2 Counterintelligence Technician
I really hope this is a troll post. Surely we have a better SHARP education system than this in the Army.
SFC Intelligence Analyst
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6 y
I think this is the case of someone who doesn't pay attention or ignores everything since basic. Or has a serious porn addiction.
CW2 Counterintelligence Technician
CW2 (Join to see)
6 y
Probably serious porn addiction. I provided TARP training to a group once, and warned of fake social media profiles. A guy came up at the end and confirmed that they are out there because he recognizes some of the pictures as porn actresses. I didn't know whether to laugh or get him help.
MAJ Corporate Buyer
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6 y
Unfortunately I don't think the SHARP program does much to deter this type of stuff. The best thing the SHARP program does is let everyone know how and when to report it when they see it. It's no different than the Army not condoning racism. That's a good policy, but it doesn't keep racist people from being racist.
SFC Intelligence Analyst
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6 y
MAJ (Join to see) - It doesn't deter it's just there to educate. But the predators doing the attacking don't care. It's getting better though. Not very fast but it is.
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