Posted on Jul 23, 2014
COL Strategic Plans Chief
In a recent discussion with the "Command," there is concern at the highest levels of the Army that we are misusing the idea of Mission Command. People are actually referring to things as "Mission Command Systems." The message being sent now, is that Mission Command is the why and the how. Command and control is NOT dead and is NOT replaced in the Army lexicon, and it is the WHAT. We have C2 systems which enable Commanders to lead using Mission Command principles. Does this jive with what you think Mission Command is? Has this cleared it up or muddied the waters?
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Responses: 6
CPT Assistant Brigade Intelligence Officer (S2)
So as I understand, sir: Command & Control is only used to describe systems, whereas Mission Command is that actual 'art of command and science of control'? Still murky.
COL Strategic Plans Chief
COL (Join to see)
7 y
I'm still not fond of the term. There was nothing wrong with "Command and Control" to describe the functions of a staff and their relationship to the commander. Mission Command is a principle and a war fighting function. Those principles which used to reside in the "Command" side of C2, now reside there in philosophy and Command execution. The control side of the house also resides philosophically in Mission Command, but is in the War Fighting Function wheelhouse now. It is murky. The description provided above was from somewhere else when someone was trying to lay it out. I think we have always conducted Mission Command using Command and Control.'s expanded beyond what it should have been to begin with...and it's misused.
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1LT Executive Officer
This does in fact help. I've been confused for a week or so now when this change was first mentioned in an OPD with my unit. This was my current understanding until that OPD. Now I'm being told that Mission Command has completely replaced the term of C2. Is there some reference or article on this topic that can clear it up?
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COL Strategic Plans Chief
I also know that SGM Quick initiated a Mission Command discussion, but with this recent messaging from DA, it's worth seeing if this is commonly understood or misunderstood.
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