Posted on Nov 11, 2015
SSgt Alex Robinson
Manchester, New Hampshire (CNN)As the U.S. Marine Corps turns 240 years old this week, Hillary Clinton dusted off an old story that has previously been met with skepticism: When the Yale-educated lawyer moved to Arkansas in 1975, she says she tried to join the Marines.

She laughed Tuesday, the day before Veterans Day, as she recalled being turned away by a recruiter.

"He looks at me and goes, 'Um, how old are you,'" Clinton said at an event in New Hampshire. "And I said, 'Well I am 26, I will be 27.' And he goes, 'Well, that is kind of old for us.' And then he says to me, and this is what gets me, 'Maybe the dogs will take you,' meaning the Army."

It's an open question whether the Marines would turn a woman away, especially someone who had an accomplished background like Clinton.

According to the Women Marines Association, The Marine Corps Women's Reserve was established in 1943 and female reservists were deployed to Korean in 1950. And by 1975, according to the association, the Marine Corps allowed women to serve in all occupational fields except infantry, artillery, armor and pilot/air crew.

Clinton made the comments a breakfast with voters at a forum called the "Candidate Café," sponsored by WMUR-TV. It was not open to other reporters, but a clip of the event was posted on the station's website.

A Clinton spokesman declined to comment to CNN about further details on the incident.

Clinton has repeated her Marine anecdote a few times over the years, dating back to at least 1994 when she was first lady. Each time, critics on the right have raised questions about why a fervently anti-war college student -- who worked on the anti-war presidential campaigns of Eugene McCarthy and George McGovern -- and just moved to Arkansas to marry Bill Clinton, would have tried to join the military.

Clinton's telling of the story comes as Right-leaning blogs are highlighting it in the wake of the scrutiny Republican candidate Ben Carson is facing for saying he was offered a full scholarship to West Point despite the school having no record of the encounter. Carson described the offer in his 1990 book, "Gifted Hands," but on Friday clarified that he was extended an informal offer or "nomination" to attend West Point.

That story followed a CNN report last week that nine friends, classmates and neighbors who grew up with Carson could not confirm accounts of a childhood of violence, including an attempted stabbing and punching a classmate in the face with his hand wrapped around a lock.

A New York Times report from 1994 recalls how Clinton told the story during a lunch on Capitol Hill honoring military veterans. The then-first lady told a similar story: A Marine recruiter rejected her for being too old and suggested she try and join the Army.

"You're too old, you can't see and you're a woman," Clinton reportedly said, a nod to the coke bottle glasses she used to wear.

"It was not a very encouraging conversation," Clinton added. "I decided maybe I'll look for another way to serve my country."

At the time, according to the Times report, Clinton's spokesman chalked the story up to the first lady "exploring all her options."

"I'm never surprised when Mrs. Clinton is doing something service oriented," Neal Lattimore told the paper. "She was just taking in all her options, saying 'This is where I am in my life, this is what fits into my life right now.'"

Bill Clinton, too, has used a similar story about his wife's desire to join the military.

The former president told an audience in Columbus, Indiana during the 2008 election that his then girlfriend "went down and tried to join the Army and they said 'Your eyes are so bad, nobody will take you.'"
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Responses: 60
MAJ Ken Landgren
Hillary smoking pot and eating Cheetos is more believable.
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Capt Walter Miller
Edited >1 y ago
I am calling bullsh!t on Madame Clinton. I am a graduate both of of the recruit depot at Parris Island and Brown Field OCS at Quantico.

After four years being enlisted I went to college and talked to an officer selection officer, or OSO. I recall him telling me that the rarest find for an OSO was a black female lawyer. This of course for the JAG corps. What would the next most rare be? -Any- female lawyer. If Ms. Clinton had told the recruiter she was an attorney -- I guarantee you she would have been accommodated.

Had she walked into a -recruiter's- office -, they specialize in signing up enlisted Marines -- she would have most assuredly been given a business card of the OSO, if the recruiter didn't call the OSO for her.
Her story is -completely- bogus.

Capt Walter Miller
Capt Walter Miller
>1 y
For some reason, it doesn't matter what comes out of a politician's mouth if they sound cool saying it.

When HRC called for a no-fly zone in Syria some weeks ago, she was called on it by both Sanders and O'Malley at the 10/13 debate. She said, "Oh, we'll do it with a coalition."

Had she said, "We'll do it with angel hair pasta," it would have made as much sense.

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SGT Francis Wright
As far as I'm concerned; she is an accomplished Liar, Traitor, and Thief. Really don't care what she has to say.
Sgt David G Duchesneau
Sgt David G Duchesneau
>1 y
I'm with you brother! Right on Sarge!
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CDR Terry Boles
In a word..NO!

To the point, politicians will say anything in the attempt to "connect" to a segment of the population. Its a BOHICA moment if you are a Clinton believer.
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Maj John Bell
It is my understanding that as she left her vehicle to step into the recruiting office, she came under intense sniper fire. Fortunately a little Bosnian girl ran up and offered her a bouquet of flowers as camouflage. She came back but would have graduated OCS one day after her 27th birthday.
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SSG Environmental Specialist
Another typical Hillary lie.
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LTC Executive Officer
In 1975, after Vietnam, during the transition to an all-volunteer force, when recruiters were desperate for anyone with a pulse and a GED, we're supposed to believe that the Marines blew off an inquiry by a college-graduate with an advanced law degree? If this story were true, the recruiter would have thrown her over his shoulder and carried her bodily to the nearest officer recruiter for a direct commission as a JAG.
Sgt Jerry Genesio
Sgt Jerry Genesio
>1 y
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COL Michael Birchfield
I am highly skeptical [ nice way of saying she's a perpetual liar] of anything she says, unless it involves making the USA weaker, me paying more taxes for moocher programs, or trying to eliminate my 2nd amendment.
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PO1 Brian Austin
I bet she did, just like she came under fire at the airport in Bosnia and the Benghazi attack was the result of an internet video.
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Capt Walter Miller
I am calling bullsh!t on Madame Clinton. I am a graduate both of of the recruit depot at Parris Island and Brown Field OCS at Quantico.

After four years being enlisted I went to college and talked to an officer selection officer, or OSO. I recall him telling me that the rarest find for an OSO was a black female lawyer. This of course for the JAG corps. What would the next most rare be? -Any- female lawyer. If Ms. Clinton had told the recruiter she was an attorney -- I guarantee you she would have been accommodated.
Had she walked into a -recruiter's- office -, they specialize in signing up enlisted Marines -- she would have most likely been given a business card of the OSO, if the recruiter didn't call the OSO for her.

Her story is -completely- bogus.

Capt Walter Miller
Capt Walter Miller
>1 y
COL Jean (John) F. B. - Anyone can see that HRC is a plague on this country.

Bush and Cheney still belong in prison, and President Obama has done the best job possible in a trying situation.

But I could be more tactful, I suppose. :)

Capt Walter Miller
Capt Walter Miller
>1 y
I posted my original answer on a WashPo article, and several other places too.

Capt Walter Miller
Capt Walter Miller
>1 y
I heard last night from one of the 8 senators who voted NOT to repeal Glass-Stegall in 1999 that HRC was all for repeal (yes as First Lady) and won't say now that it should be reinstated.

What is the mean position between that idea and wanting to play patty cake with the Russian Air Force in a no-fly zone over Syria?

COL Jean (John) F. B.
COL Jean (John) F. B.
>1 y
Capt Walter Miller - And I thought you were finally seeing the errors of your liberal brainwashing, when you have a set-back and continue to praise Obama. Keep fighting it and you will eventually join the ranks of people who see through the BS and recognize reality. I know you can do it... I'm here for you buddy... :-)
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