Posted on Jun 10, 2023
MSG Lonnie Averkamp
So, this is from the Daily Beast, and it infers that military veterans must be monitored. It brings up "the present and historical ties between American hate groups and armed servicemen and women....".

My own belief is that, because Veterans, Evangelical Christians, conservative Catholics, and mothers disagreeing with school boards tend to not vote the way that the staff of the Daily Beast would like, then they should be rounded up like the Gypsies and Jews in Germany in 1939 (too much of a threat to the New Order).

It seems that this article would classify George Washington as a "Radicalized Military Vet".

So, how do you see it?

Here is the full article:
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Definitely wrong left wing BS
A1C Jj Birchard
A hit piece, yes. But with guys like Mad Dog Flynn and other Mad dogs who believe that the oath we all took has a shelf life. That is a fact that can't be wished away. Peaceful protest yes, storming our capital NO! And when crimes go unpunished, see Flynn's pardon, it encourages more crime.
SGT Chuck Freiman
SGT Chuck Freiman
10 mo
A1C Birchard. The shelf life of our oath ends when we die. Until then we have an obligation to express our opinions, whatever they might be, in a peaceful and lawful manner.
A1C Jj Birchard
A1C Jj Birchard
9 mo
Not what I said Sir. Big difference between an attack on Privat property and an assault on our very system of governess. A planed and coordinated assault the very heart of our democracy. The Capital is not a 7/11 store.
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SPC Vonnie Jones
I fond it hard to read the daily beast without raising an eyebrow, with that being said it hard to read articles and comments on this page that are clearly one-sided. Yes there are extremists in all groups, someone is always not happy with the Country that so many have giving their lives defending. I am an African American who worked in the city when black lives matters marched and when Jan 6th happened. I will say I have participated in hundreds of marches over the year, but January 6th turned out to be are tried to be a hostile take over .braking into the Capital was not the act of respect! It was act of extremists. Trying to change a vote that they did not Agee was was over the top, chanting hang Pence has alarming. No black lives MLM did not bring a confederate flag in the Capital.
SPC Vonnie Jones
SPC Vonnie Jones
8 mo
MSG Joseph Cristofaro hmmm, sounds like you were there? I do remember people dying the ones that Kyle Rittenhouse killed and got away with! Smh a child that should have stayed home. Yes a lot of damage to building in protest to several black and brown peoples lives that are taken. You did watch 3 black men on TV via video die at the hands of renegade police didn't you. My thought is maybe they weren't innocent of the crimes that they were accused of and maybe they were, but police should leave the trial up to the jury. So yes property was destroyed in protest of lives being taken. Jan 6, hostile take over of our government, what is the proper word coupe? Now I was around for both. Chanting hang Pence the Vice President! Erecting a gallow (really primal) threatening our law makers weather you like and agree with them or not is atrocious matter of fact it is treasonous, in time past you know what they did to those that came against the government as the people that aided John Wilkes Booth oh you can't because they were hung by the same gallows that were erected for Vice President Pence. This is not China we value life more than property. Btw what does the flag have to do with it? You say, I say everything by bringing that flag in, one that show blatant disregard for democracy, you show disrespect for those that have given their lives for what the stars and stipes stand for! If you agree with noithing else I am sure you agee with this. During each war the stars and stripes was carried on the battle field, we even stand at attention when the stars and stripes are raised and when the are lowered not the confederate flag. When soldiers make their most valuable sacrifice their bodies/caskets are draped in the American flag not the confederate one. When I see the confederate flag at any rally I am not only offended as an African American I am offended as an American and as a Veteran that has served. I am offended for my cousin who was blown up 3 times Afghanistan but still went back to fight. I am offended for my Navy brother who served in Byrain twice and for my other brother who served in the Airforce for 30 years and served in 3 war zones. I am also offended for my sister who has injured mind after serving. I am even offended for my dead grandfather that never received a thank you for your service after WW II because of his color. So the treasonous January 6 rioters did an injustice to your and my service by bringing a treasonous flag into the people's house. You should be offended. Best regards
SPC Vonnie Jones
SPC Vonnie Jones
8 mo
MSG Joseph Cristofaro I believe I wrote that I was offended as a soldier as well. Keep watching television to make your assumptions, see how well that works. Oh yeah Rittenhouse the minor should not have been out. He was a boy playing a grown up game and cried a boys tears because he was wrong. Thank you for your 25 + , maybe being on the inside so long has closed your view. Since you put so much emphasis on TV, I am sure you saw two black men killed at the hand of law enforcement or didn't that get shown on the channel you watch? Again involved in crime or not everyone deserves their day in court, hmmm maybe you didn't see the innocent school teacher shot in his car, oh Again maybe you don't watch that channel. Again the conferate flag being in the Capital on Jan 6th draped around the sedionist that broke in unlawfully I might add. You mean in all your watching of the news you didn't see that? Btw black on black crime hurts me to the core! I raise to young black sons that have been stopped while driving black! I won't quote numbers as you have however I am sure you know the numbers of how often it happens. Just because black on black crime exists doesn't mean that we in the community aren't trying to bring it to a stop. I seems the only time our voices are heard is when a police is involved! That's the only time a black life matters out side of the community that's when people listen I dare say when there community livelihood is at risk. Funny you spoke of black lives matters, but didn't say a thing about the police that the Jan 6th mob killed. Did you forget the damage that was done on Jan 6th or does it not matter because it wasn't BLM? I guess we all choose what we deem as important and what true patriotism is. What I stood for and still stand for is democracy, justice for all, equal treatment under the law, those things that I despise are injustices committed by those that are sworn to protect and serve. Take a look at your video of Jan 6th the confederate flag was in our house and it matter.
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A1C Medrick "Rick" DeVaney
As In Any Other Situation, If They Break The Law,
Follow Through With Appropriate Action;
Otherwise, Mind Your Own Damned Business.
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SGT Nelson Stahl
One should remember this story is political propaganda. A veteran is no greater threat than anyone else. No mater how great you consider your skills without weapons and support you are just another citizen. The real threat is the division being driven by both parties. Yes veterans will go to both extremes but most of us will stay in the middle ground.
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MAJ Assistant Professor Of Military Science
I mean…how much evidence do you need? I suspect no amount will convince you against your preconceived notions.
MSG Lonnie Averkamp
MSG Lonnie Averkamp
4 mo
Well, SIR, considering that: #1. The Pentagon released a report in December of 2023 stating that the reports of dangers of right-wing radicals in the military were false, and #2. (as of February 5, 2024) The top poster on this topic has 89 Votes Up, and #3. My topic has 102 Votes Up, and #4. Your answer has ZERO votes up, as a retired police detective with 22 years in law enforcement, I would call that EVIDENCE.
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SPC Jay Peltier
Historically speaking vets have been known to be active in "political movements" both above board and below. Like everyone i suppose. They however are recruited with much more vigor due to their former jobs. Those is all common sense so far.

The hard part today is the absolute fanaticism or cult like devotion some have to their new found "truth". There is no reasoning with most in this group, they have "drank the koolaide" as they say.

So it's only reasonable to assume they will follow those they believe in to perform "unlawful/seditious" acts in the name of their beliefs (misguided or not).

How many vets(some current) took place at the Jan 6th insurrection?

Is it a problem, yes, but there is no easy answer. Again, this is a cult like mentality some of them have. I doubt there are enough deprogrammers to handle this.

Recently the "groups" have definitely become more "cult like".
SPC Jay Peltier
SPC Jay Peltier
10 mo
SGM (Join to see)

The courts have deemed the Jan 6th "insurrection" as such. There have been guilty verdicts for seditious conspiracy etc

The riots you speak of were definitely riots (so was jan 6th), the difference was intent. Those that planned, broke in and executed their criminal acts to subvert the will of the people by ATTEMPTING to overturn the election (via stopping the certification).

That's an insurrection and therefore it's NOT hyperbole, ITS FACT.
SGM Operations Sergeant Major
SGM (Join to see)
10 mo
SPC Jay Peltier The riots in Portland were organized, planned in advance, and executed with predetermined tactics. The conspirators had the intent of stopping the federal government from conducting its slate of immigration cases. These are also facts.

And yes, there were Jan 6th conspirators convicted of seditious conspiracy. But suggesting that any of their intentions had a serious chance of transpiring is nonsense. People screaming “Hang Mike Pence”…laughable. There was a zero percent chance of that ever happening even if the rioters had taken operational control over the Congress. (I was in the House of Reps that day—they didn’t).

Using inflammatory and hyperbolic terminology reduces its meaning. Numerous previously serious English words and phrases now mean absolutely zero, receiving immediate dismissal from the majority upon their usage:

White supremacist

These words no longer reach the majority of the population. Only the accuser/user and his/her side cares, Independents and Moderates included.
SPC Jay Peltier
SPC Jay Peltier
10 mo
SGM (Join to see)

The good thing about not being in a cult, I can freely and honestly say that ANYONE who commits a crime should be arrested, tried, and punisbed if convicted.

That goes for Portland rioters, hunter biden, the Jan 6th insurrectionists, or their leader the traitor in chief.

Commit a crime go to jail. It doesn't matter what party u belong to.

I'm not sure why some people feel that's a gard concept to swallow. Like only one side are criminals.... no, there are good/bad in any group.
SGM Operations Sergeant Major
SGM (Join to see)
10 mo
SPC Jay Peltier agree. I don’t understand the calls for the rioters to receive leniency. My point is that the language needs to be turned down to have sensible debate. Most people want solutions that fall in the middle, but we can’t have that if the discussion isn’t productive.
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