Posted on Jun 10, 2023
MSG Lonnie Averkamp
So, this is from the Daily Beast, and it infers that military veterans must be monitored. It brings up "the present and historical ties between American hate groups and armed servicemen and women....".

My own belief is that, because Veterans, Evangelical Christians, conservative Catholics, and mothers disagreeing with school boards tend to not vote the way that the staff of the Daily Beast would like, then they should be rounded up like the Gypsies and Jews in Germany in 1939 (too much of a threat to the New Order).

It seems that this article would classify George Washington as a "Radicalized Military Vet".

So, how do you see it?

Here is the full article:
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Responses: 167
SSgt Mary Dungan
There is a problem in our military and veteran population with radicalism. Just look at January 6th. I am ashamed at how many vets and active duty persons involved themselves in an insurrection. It's not the left that is the problem. It's those who so easily fall prey to propaganda and don't think for themselves who spit on the oath they took.
PO3 Barney Baty
PO3 Barney Baty
8 mo
You obviously only read the main stream media and the DEMOS, trumped up charges. Try getting a complete take on the world. Blessings.
SSgt Mary Dungan
SSgt Mary Dungan
8 mo
PO3 Barney Baty - , I do not consume mainstream media. I did however watch as many military members and vets attacked our Capitol, in an attempt to overturn an election. They broke their oaths and tried to bring down our democracy, and return a despot to the White House, where he should have never been in the first place. God willing, the Trump and Q cult members come to their senses. Many of them who have been sentenced for their roles in the insurrection, now see how foolish they were to believe the lies and see how they were used. I am very involved in politics and even serve as an unpaid veterans' lobbyist for the Nevada State Legislature and volunteer as a poll watcher. I am 67 years old and seen a lot. I know what the truth is. Those people who participated in the insurrection and were active-duty military, should be court-martialed, jailed, and given a dishonorable discharge.
PO3 Barney Baty
PO3 Barney Baty
8 mo
The truth will come out, Blessings to you. Nevada is one of my favorite states, I was married in Reno on 02/02/67; my sister-in -law still lives there. I did spend two years in Fallon, NAAS. Yep when I was there it was and auxiliary.
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SGT Damaso V Santana
I see it quite clearly, it is called fear which those who destroy from within suffer from. They know Veterans uphold the Oath, Veterans are not the "Useful Fools" or the brigades of indoctrinated bots.
These progressives will attack and vilify anyone who does not share their hateful ideology.
SGT Damaso V Santana
SGT Damaso V Santana
8 mo
PV2 Larry Sellnow - Barking up the wrong tree, not a MAGA devotee, however you seem well versed, if so you must admit the hateful narrative seems to be a leftist/communist wanna be domain, I come from a country destroyed from within by same narrative our present day bastards seem to be using, as stated before, no Useful Fools here.
Trying to grow hate and divisiveness does not fly here.
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SGT Victor Negrete
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SGT Walt Pozgay
I think veterans represent a cross-section of the American population and therefore, are just as likely as the population to provide members of hate groups. Many of the vets I know are quite liberal and find these hate groups to be abhorrent and against the core beliefs of the military, regardless of branch. The Wannabees make the veteran community look bad.
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SP5 Keith Phillips
I don't believe everything printed or online, common Sense goes a long way
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SP5 Edward Klee
People fear what they dont understand.. not understanding creates anger and more fear.. Our lack of Confidence and lazyness is destroying everything ( do you grow perennias and biennial...trees, shrubs and plants that are medicinal or edible, in your hardiness zone? Are you studing anatomy, emotionalIntelligence,
philosophy, MindfulnessMeditation, Herbalismand Kung-fu or self defense, oror basic survival? ). And thats why were easily mislead by the liars..Evil Prospers, when good people do nothing...seems everyone is either too passive or too aggressive..We need accountability at our local representatives... And Vote out everyone who lies , steals manipulates or murder... or just cant say No...What people fail to see is that were searching to make adjustments to improve, not try and control and micro manage..or make it worse..
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SMSgt Lawrence McCarter
I fee that most Military people are very tolerant and fully understand the concepts of Freedom which they serve to protect. To find extreme right positions isn't very common at all and there may well be other issues perhaps even mental health. Most Military members not only work well as part of a team but also understand how important a proper bearing and public image is the service as a whole. Public displays that get out of control not only reflect on that remember the service they represent and most of us know better than to engage in those sort of activities. It's not that You can't have Your own opinion by extremism Left or Right is dangerous and contrary to proper military conduct. I don't buy the concept at all that very many military members have been involved in that sort of conduct and are very carful abut what they express outside the service.
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SGT Mary G.
I think all "radicalized" extremist people are a potential threat to themselves and everyone else.
However, precisely what "radicalized" is intended to mean in reference to veterans would certainly needs to be clearly explained. Simply because someone labels someone in that way, does not make it so. Active duty, Reserve, Guard, IRR - radicalized extremists? The unit would know about that and be handling it. Right?
"Radicalized" suggests it is something that was done to someone (e.g. persuaded/manipulated/"brain washed"/propagandized . . .) So exactly what was done and who is responsible for the radicalizing would be as much or more of a threat.
The article speaks of social media "fueling soldiers’ attraction to these groups". I am not convinced veterans are attracted to extremist groups BECAUSE they were soldiers who were influenced by social media. Few people are actually naive enough, or ignorant enough to NOT realize most social media is full of miscreants, foreign and domestic, with a divide and conquer mentality, who are trying to stir up trouble.
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SSG Omar Ruiz-Canales
Yes because they express their support for an individual or an ideology far above their support for the Constitution which holds this country together. The Constitution was not created for one group only but for all. When that one group tries to dictate the narrative to benefit them, that's how autocracies are created. No one is going to round up all vets. We are all here to support them in their mental health the best way we can. And Washington fought to break away from the monarchy, it seems many nowadays want to emplace a 1 family rule again.
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SSG Omar Ruiz-Canales
Yes, because they express their support above all to an individual or personal ideology first and not to the Constitution which holds this country together.
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