Posted on Jun 10, 2023
MSG Lonnie Averkamp
So, this is from the Daily Beast, and it infers that military veterans must be monitored. It brings up "the present and historical ties between American hate groups and armed servicemen and women....".

My own belief is that, because Veterans, Evangelical Christians, conservative Catholics, and mothers disagreeing with school boards tend to not vote the way that the staff of the Daily Beast would like, then they should be rounded up like the Gypsies and Jews in Germany in 1939 (too much of a threat to the New Order).

It seems that this article would classify George Washington as a "Radicalized Military Vet".

So, how do you see it?

Here is the full article:
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Responses: 167
PO3 Larry Clark
No sir. It is true there are radicals on the right but they are few and are far out numbered by the radicals on the left.
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PVT Agustin McLamb
Oh absolutely! Just look at those "Veterans, Evangelical Christians, conservative Catholics, and mothers disagreeing with school boards," denying Jews entry into universities, burning American flags, calling for the annihilation of Israel, replacing the American flag with Palestinian flags, shutting down traffic, etc.

And we all remember the summer 2020. The summer of "mostly peaceful" protests?
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SPC Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic
If they try to say I’m an extremist and send feds to talk to me I’ll sue them for slander. I will put a camera in the federal agents face as well berating them and will make the video go viral. At my job working security I would get the third degree and I would get fired. If they accuse me they better be right because I will bring the full wrath of the courts and public opinion.
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SGT Mark Hasch
I belonged to a volunteer fireman department in the county I lived in when I returned from my tour, at my very first meeting my chief pulled me to the side and asked me if I had heard what Obama had ordered homeland to do, I said no, what's up. My fire chief said that the powers to be had deemed every returning vet and vet was to be looked upon as a terrorist and kept a close eye on!!!
Honestly I couldn't feel the love after hearing that news!!! You cannot judge a book because of its cover and you should not judge the barrel because of a few bad apples!!!
SFC Preston Schleinkofer
SFC Preston Schleinkofer
27 d
The Marxist Left see us as a threat to their ability to gain and maintain ultimate power and control. They know that anyone who swore and oath to the US Constitution and MEANT IT, is a threat to their treasonous plans. This is also why they are demonizing Christians and traditional Catholics, who believe in their God. We are up against an evil that has invaded our nation from within. This election season may get frosty. Stay vigilant!
MSG Lonnie Averkamp
MSG Lonnie Averkamp
21 d
SFC Preston Schleinkofer - I regret that I can only vote your comment up ONCE. Very well-founded, and explains the situation in a concise package. You just-about provided a 5-Paragraph Operations Order into one short paragraph.
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SGT Mark Hasch
When I returned from overseas in 09 my fire chief pulled me to the side and informed me that H.L.S. had determined that all returning military personnel was to be deemed a threat!/:0(.
Now all of us know for a fact some are a little more ripe than others(crazy) but not everyone of us!!!
MSG Lonnie Averkamp
MSG Lonnie Averkamp
4 mo
There is so very much to be learned from this. The most obvious is Special Interest Bureaucrats (be them in Media or Government) look enough to find examples that support their prejudices and narratives, and then use that "evidence" excoriate everyone in that class of people that they fear or hate.

A second point is that Homeland Security was formed to keep Americans, in aircraft and vulnerable places, safe from mass-casualty events from foreign terrorists. It has turned into a tool that the Deep State now uses to track and harass anyone whom the bureaucrats select to target.

I supported the ideas of powers to Homeland Security, when they were proposed. As a law enforcement officer, I participated in surveillance, telephone wire-taps, and search warrants of criminals. I also knew the constitutional and case-law restrictions that were in-place to protect people, and I scrupulously operated within those restrictions; whether anyone was watching, or not.

Silly-Me, to assume that not-everyone else in the government would behave the same way.
SPC Kent Laughlin
SPC Kent Laughlin
2 mo
and now you know what those of us faced when we returned home from Nam.
MSG Lonnie Averkamp
MSG Lonnie Averkamp
21 d
SPC Kent Laughlin - Same Loony-Left; Different Day.
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CPT Special Forces Officer
I have read the article you posted and have a few responses to your concerns.
1) Who cares what those Left Wing Socialist's write for that P.O.S. column?
2) Calling soldiers and police officers Neo-Nazi's is preposterous. If everyone was a Nazi's, the armed forces and law enforcement would already be in control of the country.
3) The general outrage of American's to the Oct 7 massacre in Israel is proof positive that we are not Nazi's.
4) The Daily Beast is frightened that patriotic Americans will undo their efforts to remake the nation into their Venezuelan model.
5) The Left Wing Socialists/Communists should be afraid. We will not let that happen.
Capt Jeff S.
Capt Jeff S.
21 d
MSG Lonnie Averkamp - Indeed. We have replaced God's absolute morality with man's relative morality. Our nation began to spiral down when we took God out of our courts and schools, and began trying to appease political correctness, which is a tool that Progressive Socialists use to try to control us and maintain focus on their narrative. Just as God's ways are higher than man's, we are reaping the benefit of what we sowed as a nation that turned its back toward God.
MSG Lonnie Averkamp
MSG Lonnie Averkamp
21 d
Capt Jeff S. - Your point is SO correct. I am reading Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s “Gulag Archipelago”. In Soviet Russia, the truth was Whatever the Government said was the truth. Example: All returning Soviet Soldiers who were taken as Prisoners of War were immediately placed in the Siberian Gulags for a sentence of 10 years, and then their internal passports were revoked, so that they could never travel more than 25 miles from their camp, after release.

The “official” reason that they were imprisoned is that they were traitors to the Motherland, because they allowed themselves to be captured, rather than to die in battle (even those wounded & captured); AND “...because the German Prisoner of War Camps were so brutal, then they MUST have collaborated with the Nazis in order to survive (Catch 22).

The REAL reason that they were imprisoned and isolated is that Stalin feared that they saw how people in the west were treated by their governments (even the Nazis), and that he didn’t want those soldiers to return to the General Population with stories of how good things could be under a different regime.

My point is that the Left is doing the same thing in the Western World, today. “Men can have babies. Men can breast-feed. It is not unfair for biological men to compete against women.....”. These are all things that were common sense, 20 years ago (and even TODAY, in Russia). But the Progressives will reshape the truth to fit whatever twisted narrative is necessary for their ultimate outcome.
Capt Jeff S.
Capt Jeff S.
20 d
MSG Lonnie Averkamp - Interesting story about Stalin. Governments that act tyranically don't like anyone questioning what they do... which is where this current Administration is, weaponizing federal agencies against its own citizens.

I'm a J6'er and most of those who went into the Capitol thought they were doing a good thing to remind Congress who that building belongs to, and who they work for. Unwittingly, they played into Pelosi's plan to blame Trump supporters for riots the FBI briefed would happen at the Capitol on J6 [because they were the ones behind it!!!] I didn't take the bait. Based on the lax security and given the threat of violence, everything smelled like a trap to me. I stayed outside and didn't get caught up in any of the violence. Much of it was initiated by actors, and then some stupid Trump supporters got caught up in it. Mission accomplished. The FBI infiltrated the Proud Boys and other groups that they consider extreme and Ray Epps was on video telling people on the night of Jan 5th, that they needed to go inside the Capitol. Trump supporters booed him and called him out as a Fed. There are videos of Trump supporters begging the cops to stop people from breaking windows and damaging property and the police stood by and did nothing. The Democrats withheld this video evidence from the public, and that pretty much tells you they were behind it. That and the fact that the FBI refuses to say what their involvement was. The FBI can't answer simple questions like, "Who is Ray Epps?"; "How many FBI Agents were present in the crowd on J6?"; "Did any FBI Agents damage public property, assault the police, or encourage others to do so?"; "How many FBI Agents went inside the Capitol with the crowd?". Sometimes what you don't say says more than what you do say... An analysis of the video evidence later released reveals about 200 FBI Agents were mixed in with the crowd dressed as Trump supporters. We had no idea that the FBI was that directly involved; we suspected BLM and ANTIFA would be there and indeed they were. I saw them with my own eyes. They were pretty easy to pick out. Your average Trump supporter doesn't show up to a rally carrying a back pack with bear spray, gas mask, and a change of clothes... and they generally aren't covered in tattoos and multiple piercings, yelling profanities, and trying to get people stirred up to damage public property. These folks looked like they stepped out of CHAZ in Portland and put Trump hats on.

I didn't go to DC on J6 to destroy Democracy. I went there to petition our government to hear the evidence of election fraud before confirming an Electoral College vote tainted by manipulated vote counts and mail-in ballot fraud. The events that day ran as if according to script. Trump wanted a lot of people there because he wanted us to get the attention of Congress... to get them to hear the evidence and examine it. I'm sure he also suspected that Pelosi and the FBI were involved but he couldn't say it. He chose to speak at the Ellipse, which is 1.8 miles from the Capitol. He delayed and started an hour late, and while he was speaking, reports of violence hit the news and the crowd was aware. Trump addressed it and the people began yelling, "That's not us!" "We're peaceful!" "It's a false flag!" We had no idea the FBI was behind it but hindsight being 20/20 it's pretty apparent now what went on. The Democrats plan was executed well. They managed to suck some Trump supporters into the Capitol and most just walked around taking selfies. Hardly, what I would call an insurrection. The Democrats used the violence to call for a curfew at 1800. As soon as evidence began being presented in Congress, the Democrats (as if on cue) started yelling and created such a ruckus that Congress was called into recess until 2000. Very convenient. Nobody in DC was around to protest when Congress got back together to confirm the stolen election without hearing evidence of election fraud.

Biden IS. NOT. LEGIT! I think the proof is in the pudding. What the O'Biden Administration has accomplished?
* Economy. Despite all the sunshine they're trying to pump up our butts, talking about how well the stock market is doing, for the average American life has gotten very tough. The cost of building materials is high. Rents are absurdly high. Food prices are high. Gas prices have doubled. More people are out of work and homeless. The economy is NOT doing well and we have double digit inflation...
* LGBTQIA+ Agenda. The gays are very happy with Biden, because they're getting help from the government to foist their mental illness on the rest of society. We are being manipulated by the media and distracted by arguments about gender fluidity, transgenderism, marriage equality, drag queen story hour, transgender sports, men breastfeeding as you mentioned... you name it. The people who believe this nonsense are confused. Pretty soon they'll be pushing for pedophilia arguing that they were born that way too. Give an inch and they take a mile. It's just a distraction to take our focus off all the other crap that's going on with this illegitimate Biden Admin. I don't think those pushing all this nonsense actually believe in it. It just suits their agenda. That's why they promote abortion all the way up to late term. The real underlying issue is population reduction.
* Division. People are very polarized; there is no middle ground anymore.... The Democrats fully embraced Socialism which is STUPID! They have shifted so far Left that they've left most of their base behind. From their frame of reference everything is Far Right. What the Democrats are doing to destroy this country is Saul Alinsky to a " T " Gone is civil discourse. People can't debate. They just point fingers and yell at each other. Nobody is interested in dialogue. The Democrats are blind to their own hypocrisy. They can't come up with effective solutions so they create chaos in order to distract attention away from their failure to deliver on their promises. They address their shortcomings by making excuses, blaming Conservatives for everything they fail to accomplish, and by saying it's about the journey. Shouldn't people at least give them credit for trying?!! As long as they can keep people arguing, the Democratic leaders can continue to give our money away and peddle influence, laundering aid money and lining their pockets with our hard-earned tax dollars and nobody seems to notice... or care. Very sad. It's so blatantly obvious; I don't understand why more people aren't fuming about it. We're over $34.7T in debt and it just keeps growing at an exponential rate. Nobody has been held to account and as voters, it's our fault for being apathetic and putting up with it. That problem should have been nipped in the bud a looong time ago!
* Government Tyranny and Corruption: Our corrupt DOJ exercises judicial double standards and completely overlooks the Democrats scandalous and criminal behavior. They go after Trump with a sieve trying to strain out gnats while completely ignoring the jackass in the room that brought all the gnats in with it. The FBI got busted planting evidence in the Mar-A-Lago raid, which they had no business doing. The mugshot they took of Trump backfired and made him even more popular with the people because the people are figuring out that the government is not hearing us or representing us. WE decide who we want to represent us... not the UniParty in Washington!!! Biden's polling so low, he's on track to displace Obama as the worst President in American history. History is not going to be kind to him -- especially when news that the election was stolen is no longer conspiracy theory but proven fact!
* Open Borders. We are being invaded and taxpayers are funding this invasion. Those illegally entering are being given debit cards, free transportation to sanctuary cities, drivers licenses, etc. They are engaging in human trafficking, they are bringing fentanyl into this country, and terrorist sleeper cells have been infiltrating as well.
* War. Under Trump we got out of wars, not in them. Our enemies were put on notice and our allies were told to pull their fair share of paying for NATO. They didn't like Trump because he called them out but they grudgingly went along. Now they're doing it because Biden is so weak and with Russia invading Ukraine, they have no choice but to up their military spending and support of NATO! One of the first things Biden did in getting out of Afghanistan was arm the Taliban. Gen Milley is a "Yes man" that should have had the balls to warn that the O'Biden Administration's plans for getting out of Afghanistan were a disaster in the making. The botched withdrawal had Obama's fingerprints all over it. Under Trump, we had Putin's respect. Putin overestimated the capabilities of his Army and underestimated NATO's resolve to stop him. The Ukrainian forces (which lack a Navy) have managed to destroy Russia's naval capabilities in that region.
MSG Lonnie Averkamp
MSG Lonnie Averkamp
20 d
Capt Jeff S. - "Much of it was initiated by actors, and then some stupid Trump supporters got caught up in it. Mission accomplished........" Kind-of like the old "Burn the Reichstag and Blame Your Enemies" Trick. An Oldie, but a Goodie. Still Plays Well.
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COL Carl Jensen
We as active military and veteran personnel are the defenders of a Nation not a Party and the politicians know that. There are renegades on both sides of the aisle. Its the military's job to secure the domestic tranquility. You are not a radical unless your goal is to take total control, i.e. as a one party government. I am sure there are people in our Government who would love "Total" control, but our system makes that difficult. They are the same people who are against a real organized militias, and believe civilians should not possess of weapons. If you are for the country, the multiple party system and the constitution you are still a patriot, and you can go and kick the asses of those too far right or left. You won't destroy America, you will be cleaning it up. Besides, if the shit hits the fan from either direction, your veteran expertise will be required. We as vets, only want a fair and balanced America. We kept it safe until now and we can still keep it safe for all of us. I am sure the only thing everyone wants is: "Leave us alone and stay out of our lives." IMO, That is also the answer to world peace. Sorry folks, I have to deal with a 84 yr old mind now.
SPC Kent Laughlin
SPC Kent Laughlin
4 mo
Thank you sir.. there is noting wrong with your 84 year old mind.. we do, however, have many who do not have history as even a minor area of study.. Civics went south sometime around the end of the Korean Conflict and the woke are afraid of their own shadow... the easily offended are just that.. offended by anything that they know nothing about ... which is most everything ..
Capt Jeff S.
Capt Jeff S.
26 d
I was hopeful that the military would step in when Congress and the Supreme Court failed to do their jobs and honor their sworn oaths to protect and defend our Constitution from attack by the enemy within.

America's greatest threat is not China, Russia, Iran, or North Korea; it is our own corrupt government that is selling our country out to the highest bidders and giving up America's sovereignty to international control.

Our government has been compromised in all three branches and it is rotting from the inside out due to the greed, corruption, and incompetence of politicians on both sides of the aisle. They have been taking bribes from domestic special interest groups and foreign governments and special interests whose agenda is hostile to our national interests.

If not Congress, then WHO is standing up to honor their oaths to protect and defend our Constitution from all enemies, foreign AND DOMESTIC? Shame on our woke military leaders for catering to political correctness. They stood by and watched from the sidelines as the 2020 election was stolen and an illegitimate puppet leader (who the people DID NOT elect!) was installed.
COL Carl Jensen
COL Carl Jensen
26 d
It seems to be more about getting rich than serving the public. It has always been there, but more prevalent than before. Corruption and graft is the name of the game in DC and we accept it as is. We don't have the amount of Veterans we had in the 50's with the leadership pool to draw from. Our leaders today are not leaders, nor are the ones they appoint. Too many inane programs presented trying to appease everyone only to retain power. We lost the Greatest Generation and we have no one to replace them. We no longer have thinking voters, all we have are dumbed down political pawns lead by irresponsible leaders. (And what we use to call Madison Ave..)
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SPC Michael Johnson
This depends upon your definition of radicalized!! If a veteran still holds to the oath they took to defend the constitution of this country against all enemies foreign or domestic and to follow lawful order that align with the constitution it is my opinion that this is not a radicalized individual
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SSG Scott Novak
If being labeled a “radicalized veteran” because I believe in the constitution of the United States of America, I am a God fearing man, I KNOW that there are only 2 genders, I don’t trust the government nor the media, I believe the borders should be secured, and being a patriot makes me the “enemy” of the establishment, then I will wear that label proudly.
MSG Lonnie Averkamp
MSG Lonnie Averkamp
4 mo
Knowing the above is EXACTLY why they consider you to be a Threat.
PVT Skyler Brown
PVT Skyler Brown
1 mo
If Not allowing Insanity, and the takeover of our country makes us Radicalized, I suppose Most of us would be considered so. MSG Lonnie Averkamp
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PO1 Sanford Snyder
As in all cases, consider the source, and follow the money. This trope has been around for a long time. Napolitano said it during Obamas administration. Yet when push comes to shove, we all know who will stand, and who will fold. They fear us because they can not control us.
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