Posted on Jun 10, 2023
MSG Lonnie Averkamp
So, this is from the Daily Beast, and it infers that military veterans must be monitored. It brings up "the present and historical ties between American hate groups and armed servicemen and women....".

My own belief is that, because Veterans, Evangelical Christians, conservative Catholics, and mothers disagreeing with school boards tend to not vote the way that the staff of the Daily Beast would like, then they should be rounded up like the Gypsies and Jews in Germany in 1939 (too much of a threat to the New Order).

It seems that this article would classify George Washington as a "Radicalized Military Vet".

So, how do you see it?

Here is the full article:
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Responses: 173
1SG Dean Mcbride (MPER) (CPHR)
The vast majority of military personnel are far to busy with their everyday duties to find the time to be "Radicalized"! I am in total agreement with SFC John D. -- Reading the Daily Beast is a waste of effort if you are looking for respectable journalism. As for the UMC study that almost 1 in 7 of the people from Jan 6th were veterans... According to the 2022 US Census, 13.4% of all males have Veteran Status. Using those stats, veteran participation was a normal distribution - they were not overrepresented!
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SFC Kevin Childers
So to be fair to both ends of the spectrum, bring back the draft, open it to all genders, religions, whatever. Then no one can complain that they don't have enough soldiers sharing their views.
SSG Norbert Johnson
SSG Norbert Johnson
15 d
I concur and to be fair and equitable, there should be separate categories of each of the 99 gender identities and Transitioned hominids so that an equal amount of each is selected for the DRAFT. That is equitable is it not? And it is fair as well because each category has the same numbers serving.. and that is equal is it not? And, since there is a shortage of recruits during this time of world calamity, the Draft should start yesterday.
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CPL LaForest Gray
1.) Ron DeSantis
State guard set up by DeSantis is being trained as personal militia, veterans say

Veterans resign from force established as civilian disaster relief, citing concerns over ‘militaristic’ training and ‘abuse’
Richard Luscombe in Miami
Sat 15 Jul 2023 13.54 EDT

A Florida state guard established by the rightwing governor, Ron DeSantis, under the guise of a civilian disaster relief force is instead being trained as an armed, combat-ready militia under his personal command, according to military veteran recruits who have quit the program.

Several veterans resigned after an encampment last month having become concerned at the “militaristic” training and “abuse” one disabled veteran suffered at the hands of instructors, according to an investigation by the Miami Herald and Tampa Bay Times.

Promoted by DeSantis as an “emergency focused, civilian defense force” when it was established in June 2022, the state guard has quickly morphed into something quite different, the report found.

Volunteers have been trained for military combat, including the use of weapons; khaki polo shirts and pants were replaced by camouflage uniforms; and recruits were “barked at” by boot camp instructors at the joint training base who woke them before dawn and imposed lights-out by 10pm.

Additionally, DeSantis’s compliant, Republican-led state legislature has contributed to the change of direction, this year approving a massive expansion in the force’s funding, size and equipment. Its budget increased from $10m to $107.5m, and its maximum size more than tripled from 400 recruits to 1,500.

On the governor’s shopping list were helicopters, boats, police powers and reportedly even cellphone-hacking technology for a force outside of federal jurisdiction, and accountable directly to him.

“The program got hijacked and turned into something that we were trying to stay away from: a militia,” Brian Newhouse, a retired navy veteran with 20 years’ experience, told the reporters.

Newhouse was originally chosen to lead one of the state guard’s three divisions, and said he was removed from the base near Jacksonville on the first day of training after raising his concerns with national guard staff who were acting as instructors.


1A.) Turmoil in Florida’s New State Guard, as Some Recruits Quit

Some who volunteered for the force commissioned by Gov. Ron DeSantis said the group, billed as a natural disaster relief organization, had become too militarized.

But the deployment this spring has been mired in internal turmoil, with some recruits complaining that what was supposed to be a civilian disaster response organization had become heavily militarized, requiring volunteers to participate in marching drills and military-style training sessions on weapons and hand-to-hand combat.

At least 20 percent of the 150 people initially accepted into the program dropped out or were dismissed, state officials acknowledged, including a retired Marine captain who filed a false imprisonment complaint against Guard sergeants with the local sheriff after he got into a dispute with instructors and was forcibly escorted off the site.

Several of those who left and spoke to The New York Times said they objected to the direction the organization was taking and either quit or were fired when they tried to voice their concerns.

Mr. DeSantis, to whom the new State Guard reports directly, has suggested that concerns over the organization’s future role are unwarranted.

“If you turned on NBC, it was ‘DeSantis is raising an army, and he’s going to raze the planet,’” Mr. DeSantis told reporters last year. “But, you know, the response from people was ‘Oh, hell, he’s raising an army? I want to join! Let’s do it.’”

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CPL LaForest Gray
V1 :

1.) Veterans fight back against extremist groups trying to recruit ex-military members
APRIL 27, 20237:19 AM ET

Some military veterans, known as Task Force Butler, are tracking and infiltrating domestic extremist groups, hoping to trigger prosecutions before the groups can cause more violence toward minorities.

Top law enforcement officials say that violent domestic extremist groups are on the rise in the U.S., and they often attempt to recruit military veterans who are prized for their training while in the service. But there are also veterans fighting back, as NPR's Quil Lawrence reports.


2.) Meet your local anti-government extremist groups

Three Percent

Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association

Border militias

Sovereign citizens

Hate groups


3.) CTEC Publications
Veterans and Extremism: From Militias to January 6th and Real Patriots

These veterans nearly always joined what are called constitutional militia groups, ones that are often quite similar to a “grown up Boy Scouts” image that all militias like to portray themselves as in public.  Constitutionalist militias are wary of the government, yet believe they have an onus to take a defensive, not offensive, position, relative to government actors.

“Though rare, these extreme views have a dangerous history. Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh, who remains the most notorious veteran-turned-terrorist, espoused similar beliefs about having been experimented on while deployed and came to believe that his involvement in the Gulf War was an honorless, shameful experience perpetrated by a corrupt government.”


* DHS Report Warns Of Right Wing Extremists

(U//FOUO) Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political
Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment


4.) Examining Extremism: The Militia Movement

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SSG Franklin Briant
News and various groups will label any and everything they hate, on both sides. If you stand up for what you believe you are radical. The left is all about the cause and the popular talking point. If they believe it will bring in votes they will jump in with both feet. The far right is the same way. There are some of our brothers and sisters who will and have joined the radical sides they believe in. Military due to our training are looked at as a threat and easy mark for those who wish to use that against all of us. Funny how veterans are the first to be marked and for the most part are the ones who for the most part stay to ourselves until poked. Where as the real radicals are the paid rioters and antagonists who are out looking to stir up trouble, many of which are in the government.
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PO1 Todd B.
I no longer give a shit what leftist and democrat based organizations say about me or others. What I DO care about is upholding the oath I have taken more times than I can count. And that oath does not change because someone else has an opinion that calls it "radical" or anything else.

My own creed is this. I will stand and I will do what is necessary to defend the rights therein of the US Constitution. And I will do so without regard to my life if need be. That means in plain English. You come and try to remove my rights from me without any due process based on some piece of paper, executive order, illegitimate agency rules and regulations, I will not go to my knees. I will stand and defend those rights.

IF the Constitution is amended and ratified by all states as amended, then I will abide by that. However, there is also a line there I will not cross. And that line is when someone in power tries to remove God given absolute rights to our lives and our choices on how WE choose to live them.
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SFC Preston Schleinkofer
The Marxist Left see us as a threat to their ability to gain and maintain ultimate power and control. They know that anyone who swore and oath to the US Constitution and MEANT IT, is a threat to their treasonous plans. This is also why they are demonizing Christians and traditional Catholics, who believe in their God. We are up against an evil that has invaded our nation from within. This election season may get frosty with all of these insurgents flooding our southern border. Stay vigilant!
MSG Lonnie Averkamp
MSG Lonnie Averkamp
1 mo
Very well-said. And they are getting away with it by hiding under the skirts of the Progressive Mainstream Media.
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SFC Preston Schleinkofer
I wouldn't believe the RAND Corp, the Daily Beast, or anyone attempting to smear the heart and soul of America. Veterans by and large are the best and most patriotic citizens in our nation. Anyone who calls into question the loyalty of these men and women is doing so for nefarious reasons, PERIOD! Full Stop!

It wasn't long ago when the an analyst from the new Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Intelligence and Analysis (I&A) published for the new Obama administration a very similar document. The political Left has been taken o er by Communists, Communist sympathizers, and ignorant lemmings who will follow their pied piper where ever they lead.

The "mostly peaceful" color revolution of 2020 has never brought this amount of suspicion and threat designation reporting from ANY of the same supposed experts and analysts, even at the RAND Corp. Why? If you have to ask that question then you aren't a critical thinker or very good at analyzing the current situation in America.

Veterans, moms at school board meetings, right for lifers, etc., are not the threat, but the solution. We have a nation to stand up for from an evil we have resisted and thought we had defeated. That threat is alive a thriving on our Universities and colleges today, but their leaders, the ones who preceded this current rope of Leftists are in politics and government service all across America and they must be named and called out. If not, we're finished as a Republic.
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SFC Instructor
Yes, as a matter the fact we can start with Timothy under Orange turd many racist right wingers came out of the shadows...
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CPT Edward Baker
I can personally see how and why Vets would be drawn to these groups. Taking an oath to protect and defend our country, and the constitution, is not something some of us take lightly. It is also something that doesn't end just because our service has. I personally have a hard time with it, considering the state of the USA today. I feel like we now have two political parties that cannot be trusted to do what is best for the country and the people. We are all now seeing huge breaches of security clearances that should end terms and disqualify individuals from running again. As soldiers we know what the consequences are for even small violations. However, this does not seem to be the case with our politicians. It makes one wonder if they even have or need security clearances for their positions. If they do not then that is an oversight that needs to be fixed. Also, having two parties that can never agree on anything, just because it wasn't their party, is getting old. I believe once elected the parties should end. Yes, you may run as republican or democrat but once elected then you're a senator or congressmen whose sole purpose is to better the USA and the People regardless of party.
As a person who grew up as Gen X, I remember a better, safer America. Wasn't perfect, but was a whole lot better than today. How do we get back to a better USA is hard to say, but I think it should be up to the people to decide instead of the few dictating the lives of the many.
SPC Kent Laughlin
SPC Kent Laughlin
4 mo
yes sir we should be careful not to take home classified documents, when we are below the rank of Prez and we should make sure to not leave them with our vette in a rental locker un guarded by 24/7 armed guards in an approved facility
PVT Skyler Brown
PVT Skyler Brown
2 mo
George Washington's Farewell Address comes to mind. If people focused on issues, rather than parties, we would do a lot better.
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